Sunday Smatterings

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Happy Sunday, friends! So how did you do on last week’s homework? Any dreams found or realized? I hope so! I took my own advice and did some thinking about the changes I’ve made recently to my routine. One of the biggest is adding in more water. I drink a LOT of tea, which is water-based, natch, but I haven’t been drinking enough actual water. And as I was making this change, the hysterical and talented Sally Hepworth did a long series on her Instagram stories about her experiment with drinking three liters of water a day. I don’t know that I need to go quite that far, but adding in several glasses throughout the day is a must.

I also downloaded a new app I came across called Fabulous. It takes a loving, scientific, and holistic based approach to productivity and new habits. I took it as a good sign that the very first habit it started for me was—you guessed it—drinking a glass of water as soon as I wake up in the morning. 

I also challenged myself to write 2,000 fiction words a day this week. I was hoping to add 10k to the story I was working on. I'm at 7,300 so far before today’s writing session, so that's not bad.

Why am I working on this? Because the tour for HER DARK LIES is starting soon, and there are a LOT of events lined up. Which is a great thing. But an hour here and an hour there will definitely start taking its toll, so it’s a good time to start buttressing myself for the weeks ahead. I’ve also added an extra 15 minutes of exercise to my routine as well, which isn’t such a bad thing, I’m getting through more podcasts I’ve been saving! 

With that, onward!


10 New Mystery Books You Might've Missed in 2020. Adding a few of these to my ever-growing TBR…though I started EIGHT PERFECT MURDERS and I have feelings….

The 40 Best-Selling Books of 2020, According to The New York Times Best Seller List. Have you read any of these?

J.T. Ellison Is a Bright Star on the Rise in the Suspense Genre. Such a nice highlight of my work - I’m quite humbled to think I have a home run streak! I feel like so long as I’m batting 300, I’m doing it right.

Ursula K. Le Guin Is Getting the Greatest of Tributes: A Stamp. Very, very cool!

43 Books By Women of Color to Read in 2021. Great list!

The 15-Minute Rule. Some good advice here, which plays into my new water habit perfectly.

Warner Brothers sent me a really cool box in the mail to celebrate their movie The Little Things and I shared this video of what all was in there. The movie is supposed to be along the lines of Silence of the Lambs and Seven so it’s totally up our alleys. I can’t wait to see it!

Beautiful Bookshelf Decor Ideas For 2021. So many great ideas!

After a conversation w/ a friend about how the distractions of the world affect our work, I reshared an old favorite for anyone else needing a booster shot: How Social Media Kills the Creative Spirit (aka mom says get offline and go write.)

Another oldie but goodie: Getting the Most Out Of Your Creativity and Social Media.

Ex Libris: A History of Bookplates. The more you know.

That’s it from me. I was asked to provide some kitten pictures — if you check out my Instagram feed, every Saturday there’s a new candid from one of the minions. And if you don’t have Instagram, just scroll down to the bottom of my Bio page. Don’t forget tomorrow is bunny rabbits! See you next Sunday!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

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Happy Sunday, friends! Buckle up, I’m getting deep today.

“How often do you say no to the things that would interfere with your goals?”

After this fascinating prompt popped up in my journaling app, I’ve been thinking a lot this week about life dreams. How to create them, how to make them come true. And even more, how they change over time. It’s a very intimate thought process, obviously. It takes great introspection to discover what you really want from this life, and great will and character to put in motion the steps to achieve it. Trust me, it’s much, much easier to have a dream that you want to achieve “someday” and then feel dissatisfied and disenfranchised that you haven’t met that goal. But let’s be honest, why haven’t you met the goal, however big or small? Is it because you don’t want it that badly? Or you don’t want to do the work to get there? Do you sabotage yourself? Or has your resistance become a physical, tangible thing?

Or are you saying yes to all the wrong things?

I did a keynote last week and one of the questions I fielded was one I get almost any time I speak. 

I have a novel in me, but how do I make the time to write it?

I answered as I always do. If you want it badly enough, you will make the time. I know too many great authors who get up an hour before their family to throw down words before getting the kids to school and themselves off to work, or stay up late in order to make progress on their books, to indulge someone saying they don’t have time. If you want to fulfill your dreams, you will make the time. Full stop. 

I’m afraid that after all these years of making time to be a writer, I grow weary of this question. It seems so logical to me that if you want something, you go get it. I’m very spoiled that way, I know.  I was not overtly dissuaded from my passions and dreams (outside of my professor, but that’s irrelevant). My family didn’t subvert me. My husband supports me. I have an iron will—or perhaps we should be gentler and call it sheer stubbornness—that I will eventually achieve what I dream. (I also do a LOT of wishing upon stars, which I highly recommend. The universe wants to give you what you seek, after all.)

But here’s the rub. Just because YOU have a goal in mind doesn’t mean you alone can make it happen. You have to get other people on the bandwagon, too. I think that might be where many dreams are derailed. Nasty comments, snide remarks, implied and outright rejections, that person who always pops up to distract you from your goals at just the wrong time, perfectly curated social media feeds, all parade through our worlds every day. It’s finding a way to turn these annoyances off, finding a way to make your own interior voice stronger and more loving than any critic, that gives you the tools necessary to achieve your dreams.

I’m not one for giving homework, but today, I’d like to challenge you. Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Be honest. Be open. No one’s going to see this but you.

Write down your biggest dream. Then write down five concrete steps that will get you there. When you’re finished with that, write the five impediments to your goals. 

Once you have them in front of you, in print, not floating around in your pretty brain, it will help you see exactly what you need to do to take that next step toward your goals. 

I sign off my emails to writer friends—Write hard! So today, along with ever onward, allow me to say—Dream big. You’ve got this.


Books That Predict Your 2021 According to Your Zodiac Sign. This is fun!

Calling all audiobook lovers! Enter to win A THOUSAND DOORS, plus 45 other Mystery & Thriller Audiobooks from BookSweeps.

21 Books We Can’t Wait To Read In 2021. Adding a whole bunch of these to my TBR…

Blue Monday: Here's how to put a positive spin on 'the most depressing day of the year'. Such a wonderful idea!

11 Goal-Setting Apps That Will Help Keep You On Track. How are you doing with your new year’s resolutions?

For Sale: A Former Library To Call Your Own. So tempting…

15 Fascinating Books About Family Secrets. Great list.

If Famous Literary Characters Were Given Very Good Doggos. Hilarious.

Times New Roman, Arial, and Helvetica: The Font Favorites, But Why? So many font opinions. What’s your favorite font?

10 of the Best Books for Dry January Participants. Stay strong, Dry January folks! And for the rest of us - go hard into February!

21 Excellent Fantasy Books Coming Out This Winter. It’s hard to keep up!

11 Words That Don't Mean What They Sound Like. Any of these surprise you?

Don’t forget: Goodreads is giving away 10 copies of HER DARK LIES! (US only.)

That’s it from me. Dream big, start small, and love hard. I’ll see you next Sunday!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

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Happy Sunday, friends! I hope you had a good week. It’s a nice, quiet day at Chez Ellison. Jordan is having a snack on my desk, Jameson is sound asleep in my reading chair. The sun streams boldly in my window—the new house is filled with sunlight, so much more than the old one.

It is deceptively calm at the moment. This week was wild, mostly anxiety driven, I think. I had a big lunch event that took a lot of prep, and have been on regular repeat/refresh of the websites looking for vaccination appointments for our parents. The cats had to go to the vet for their annual checkup, I got my first haircut in 6 months, and there are these crazy looming deadlines... on top of the chaos that is the last two weeks, it was a bit much. It’s amazing how stressful worrying can be. How just leaving the house becomes a study in epidemiological risks. How many layers of masks will make it safe to spend two hours indoors among people... 

I was talking with a friend about the correlation between lower vitamin D and higher anxiety levels, and looking back, I think we’re onto something.  I upped my Vitamin D and the second half of the week went much smoother. Something for you to think about if you, like many of us, get a little over-anxious in the winter months.  

Scheduling is underway for the HER DARK LIES virtual tour, lots of podcasts and bookclub visits ahead. The January newsletter is out, so if you didn’t receive it, check your promotions/junk folders. Lent is a month away, and while I have a book launching in the middle of it, I am going to try and take some time off the socials. Weekly check-ins, most likely. I have a lot of creative work ahead, so I’m gearing up!

And with that, grab your cuppa. Onward!


42 Books Everyone Will Be Talking About in 2021. Are any of these on your TBR?

The Bomb That Struck the Heart of Nashville. A heartfelt and important piece from Margaret Renkl. Waking up Christmas morning to the bombing was shattering for us all. After the year we had in Nashville, it was a surreal capper.

CBTB's Most-Anticipated Early 2021 Crime Books. So honored Abby from Crime By The Book included HER DARK LIES on this awesome list!

Literary Characters Who Would Make Great Librarians. This is fun to consider. Who would you like recommending books?

These Precious Days, By Ann Patchett. Lovely, and long, essay.

In honor of the start of A Discovery of Witches season 2, I thought I’d remind you I got to interview the divine Deb Harkness for A WORD ON WORDS four years ago. Such a blast! I'm already in love with Season 2 and Elizabethan England!

27 Debuts to Look Forward To in the First Half of 2021. Fresh crop of new authors to support!

This Little Free Library at the South Pole is the First in Antarctica. Very cool!

Don't Sleep On The Best Romance Novels Of 2020. Because sometimes you need a happily ever after.

Don’t forget: Goodreads is giving away 10 copies of HER DARK LIES! (US only.)

The Best Crime Shows of the Decade. See any of your favorites?

That’s it from me. Take your vitamins, don’t forget to floss, and for heavens sake, wear your masks, and I’ll see you next Sunday!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

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Happy Sunday, friends!

Welcome to 2021. We certainly got off to a rocky start. I’ve gotten very little work done since Wednesday. Like many of you, I watched the events unfolding this week with absolute horror. I think when you’ve worked in DC and walked the hallowed halls of the Capitol and the chambers, seeing them desecrated is especially hurtful. I don’t know what the next ten days will bring, but as I said on Facebook, I truly hope this was the climax of our collective dystopian novel. 

On to better things. The Annual Review is in the books. I debated long and hard about bothering with one this year, as I spent half the year deleting the plans I had in place and replacing them with the word COVID. 2020 was such an anomaly, and I took so much time away from writing, but in the end, since I do these for my own records, I pulled one together. I hadn’t even decided on a word until nearly midnight New Year’s Eve. But that was par for the course last year, everything got delayed and pushed off.

There’s a lot to come in the next few months as we gear up for the release of HER DARK LIES, so I’ll leave you with this thought, and onward we go.

“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.”
—Dalai Lama


36 of the Most Anticipated Mysteries and Thrillers of 2021. So excited Goodreads included HER DARK LIES!

Goodreads is giving away 10 copies of HER DARK LIES! (US only.)

28 Books To Read Based On The Shows You Binge-Watched This Year. Great suggestions. What was your favorite binge of 2020?

The Ultimate Cozy Books for Cold Winter Days. We all need cozy right now, and man, is it chilly here in Nashvegas today!

The 2021 Word Trackers are in!!! Let's get writing! Thanks to Svenja’s art and illustration for helping me stay accountable year after year.

How (and Why) to Spring Clean Your Digital Book Clutter. Great idea. Might as well clean up your desktop and declutter all your unused phone apps, too.

Their Publishing Imprint Closed. Now They’re Bringing It Back. Pay attention to this. Major shifts afoot...

6 Famous Libraries That Were Tragically Destroyed. Such a loss.

It's Okay If You Didn't Read This Year. If you had a hard time reading in 2020, you’re not alone.

New Year's Poems to Bring Hope to the Beginning of the Year. Lovely.

That’s it from me. Let’s all take a nice, deep, collective breath, and I’ll see you next Sunday!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

2020 Annual Review

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Oh, 2020. What a long, strange trip you’ve been. The space-time continuum has been out of whack. It feels like I just sat down to write my 2019 year-end review, and also feels like a year since Christmas last week. Fridays are Mondays, weeks are minutes, days are years. But through it all, through pandemic and isolation and quarantines and fear, there has been routine and ritual, habits created and broken. It was a weird, long, difficult year, but a good one, for all that. My heart breaks for those of you who’ve been hurting, who’ve been alone, who’ve been isolated, who’ve been ill, who’ve lost people. I’ve been with you in spirit, and I hope you’ve felt that small presence beside you.


This year, I’m working a mindful theme as well, using the word Enough. I’m a terrible perfectionist, and I can lose time trying to fix things that don’t necessarily need to be fixed. I battle with myself over little details that most people would never notice. Granted, I do have OCD, so its hard for me to shut off these little buggy things like an extra space between an emoji and the next letter. I mean, that’s ridiculous, and NO ONE CARES! I’m going to work on desensitizing myself so I can focus on the things that matter, instead of the things that don’t.

But it’s more than that. So much more. Enough is a tree with a hundred branches for me. It’s getting enough sleep. It’s getting enough exercise, eating whole, fresh foods. Making sure I have enough water throughout the day. It’s breathing enough. It’s recognizing when I have enough consumer goods, enough books to read, enough in my closet and pantry. It’s recognizing when I’ve been online too long, It’s being at peace with the little things. It’s standing up for what I believe in. It’s pushing back when I feel threatened or used. Enough is all about intentionality for me. Mindfulness. Boundaries.

And it’s about finding beauty and peace, doing away with not having enough time to do some of the little things that make me happy. It’s recognizing when my creativity has run out for the day and going for a walk then reading a book. It’s putting down my laptop and snuggling the cats, or putting down my iPad and chatting with my husband instead. It’s about forging a new path.

Enough. Enough.

It should be an interesting year. It’s probably my hardest challenge to date.


Irony, thy name is annual word themes. Aren’t we all feeling like enough is enough after 2020? 

I went into the year with a bit of a chip on my shoulder. I knew I needed to make some major life changes, and I was determined to conquer these issues. Reader, I did. A few decisions were gut-wrenchingly awful, a few were easy. The first quarter of the year was a stressful mess, magnified by professional changes and the looming pandemic and a book that didn’t want to cooperate. By the second quarter, though, the world was locked down, the issues resolved, and the book...well, it STILL wasn’t working, but one thing at a time. 

Being locked down gave me a new perspective on what mattered most to me. It definitely affected the consumer purchases and little indulgences that previously permeated my life. Not having to worry about things like getting my nails done or having regular haircuts helped me accept all the weird idiosyncratic things about my natural state that I sought to enhance for so many years. So big win there. 


A lot went right this year. I wrote 1.5 pandemic books, and 2.5 short stories. I toured GOOD GIRLS LIE in a whirlwind week of travel that was one of the most rewarding tours of my career. I moved to the wonderful Curtis Brown literary agency after signing with the delightful Laura Blake Peterson, and revamped my physical being by hitting my move goal 215 days in a row (so far). We moved house, put in a gym, learned how best to isolate without going mad, and found the best masks. I did not gain the COVID-19. All go into the positive column.

Finishing any kind of creative work during a pandemic deserves gold stars, and I award one to myself for rewriting and finishing HER DARK LIES and getting a third of the way into a new story. A WORD ON WORDS has continued into its sixth season, and we’re now shooting from home until we’re cleared for on-location work again. We added full-length interview transcripts, which truly enhances the experience. The GOOD GIRLS LIE tour was incredible, and I was able to take a long weekend in DC with Randy just before the shut down happened. And of course, let’s not discount the fact that we’re both healthy and blessed to be able to work from home. Lockdowns were made for introverts. The universality of this one has restored my faith in humanity. We’re getting through this together. It’s not easy. It’s not fun. But we’re doing it. 

I have to be honest — I had some *spectacular* fails, too. Reading has, sadly, been a misery. Very few books held my attention for long. I have a list of DNFs that I know in another moment in time would have brought me great joy. I stuck with audiobooks, and some great podcasts, and streamed a LOT of great TV. That led me to discover the very cool audio subtitle feature on Netflix. I watched two seasons of The Crown with the audio subtitles on which became its own masterclass in storytelling.

I struggled mightily with my work in the first half of the year. I don’t think I’m unique in this. The last vestiges of surgery brain coupled with COVID destroyed my focus. I abandoned two short stories that just weren’t coming together and ended up having to drop the majority of the manuscript in favor of a totally new storyline, which necessitated several rewrites. These issues weren’t fun, and I’ve been very relieved to feel like I’ve gotten my mojo back in the past few months.

Ironically, once we locked down in late March, things did get better. I spent almost all of January and February watching the looming crisis and trying to get people to take it seriously. The knowledge that we were all onboard social distancing let me relax and settle. 

We spent much of the summer housesitting, just for a change of scenery, and discovered how loud our home in Nashville was. We decided to remedy this in the Fall by looking for a new place, but were surprised when a house came on the market in the neighborhood we wanted to move into only a few days later. It stayed on the market long enough for us to return to Nashville and put in an offer, which miracle of miracles, was accepted. (Nothing stays on the market for more than a few hours in Nashville right now, we’re that hot.) It needed a lot of work, some structural, some design preferences, and the moment I finished the book, I took two months off so we could tackle the renovation, sell our house, and move. Now that the work is behind us, we love it. It is quiet and calm, the cats have lots of places to run and snuggle, and Randy and I have our own offices that are on separate floors. Such blessings, I know. I am beyond grateful.

Let me circle back for a moment. Yes, you read that right. I took two months off.

Friends, I needed the break. I’d needed one for a while. I was hoping to recharge during my annual Lenten sabbatical, but because of COVID, I wasn’t able to unplug at all. Taking time off social media is one thing; taking time off writing is another. But I didn’t have a choice. I’d completely blown through my deadline, my psyche was bruised, my well drought-empty. It was either step away or flame out, and I used the move as the perfect excuse to do a massive reset.

It was weird, not writing every day. Instead, I did mental work on the next book, let characters come to me as they pleased, introducing themselves and letting bits of their lives slip into conversations like new friends at a fun, extended cocktail party. I painted and thought. I directed and planned. I packed and plotted. But I didn’t worry about sitting down and pushing out the words that would bring this story to life. Instead, I jotted down scenes as I went, and when I was ready to work again, there was almost of full book’s worth of scenes to tackle. I’m seeing how this method (40 Scenes) might become part of my practice instead of a one-off situation. It has made the writing go very smoothly.

2020 has been difficult, no doubt. Nashville in particular has suffered greatly, from tornadoes and bombings and Derechos and curfews and lockdowns. I am filled with gratitude and wonder that I’ve been able to accomplish as much as I have, considering.

All in all, Enough was the perfect theme for the year. I feel like I’ve made real, actionable changes to my person, my work life, my home life, my career. I may not have reached or exceeded my normal goals, but I found myself again, and that’s worth more than any manuscript. 


2020 Word Total: 637,500

Fiction Total: 182,788
Non-Fiction Total: 84,712
Email: 370,000
Fiction Percentage: 46%
Books Read: 65

2019 Fiction Total: 233,555 (Fiction 31%)
2018 Fiction Total: 200,430 (Fiction 24%)
2017 Fiction Total: 274,410 (Fiction 30%)
2016 Fiction Total: 217,228 (Fiction 25%)
2015 Fiction Total: 203,749 (Fiction 28%)
2014 Fiction Total: 291,114 (Fiction 36%)
2013 Fiction Total: 270,000 (Fiction 34%)
2012 Fiction Total: 265,000 (Fiction 34%)
2011 Fiction Total: 252,300 (Fiction 35%)
2010 Fiction Total: 198,383 (Fiction 32%)
2009 Fiction Total: 135,738 (Fiction 27%)

Original Books Published:

Technically none, though GOOD GIRLS LIE released December 30, 2019, so all touring was done in 2020




Virtual Craftfest
Thrillerfest Virtual Winter Thrills
Innumerable Zooms, Podcasts, and Online Get-Togethers

Major Projects Worked On:

HER DARK LIES; Novel #25; LOUCHE 49; SECRET PROJECT #1; SECRET PROJECT #2; ALL FALL DOWN (Sam #5); untitled short stories.


Renewed for a sixth season
Shows Taped: 8

Projects Optioned: 1

Books read: 65

More Awesome Stuff:

PW Starred Review for HER DARK LIES
Moved to Curtis Brown
Incredible cover and early reception for HER DARK LIES


It’s been a long time coming, but the level of contentment I feel in both my life and my career is off the charts. The work I’ve done over the past several years to revamp my world has paid off. Now it’s time to focus on new work, letting the words flow instead of trying to force them, walking away when the work is done. My approach to the Year of Content is four-fold: Reading for enjoyment, exercising for wellness, living with humility, and creating with intention, as the world slowly returns to its normal axis. 

Welcome to my homonymous year! I held off on deciding my word for 2021, decided I’d see what struck me on New Year’s Eve. I’d been playing around with Peace, but it didn’t fit, not in these still uncertain times. And in truth, I’m far from peaceful. Waiting for the ball to drop with my husband and Champagne and the kittens stretched out by a cozy fire in my new house, a word came to me unbidden—CONTENT. I am content. Settled. Happy. Clear-headed, and clear-eyed. 

I’d planned to predominantly use “content” as an adjective, but it’s also going to be the year of content. Generating content is not only my job, but my prime objective, and my 2021 plans include a lot of writing. The authors I admire the most are the ones who are crushing it with original, innovative content. Without a lot of the distractions that have dominated my thoughts and soaked up my creative time the past few years, I feel like I will be able to create more and do it more easily. Fingers crossed!

2021 Book Releases (as of now):

HER DARK LIES (March 9, 2021)

2021 Plans:

I have several projects in the works that I can’t talk about yet, including the topic and title of my new standalone. I have to finish a short story by the end of January, and want to get a (rough) draft of the novel done before HER DARK LIES releases March 9. I’ve been having major issues with Facebook, so I want to explore ways to maintain the connections with my readers there while converting people to my newsletter. The Literati is growing, as is Instagram, and I’ve reworked my Twitter to be a (mostly) enjoyable experience instead of a frustrating one. I have some Two Tales Press work to do, and I want to get The Wine Vixen up and running again, with a recipe section of my archives. I’ll need to explore a new book idea mid-year, and of course, the elusive finale to the Sam and Taylor series looms. 

But all of this takes a backseat to the primary content generation of standalone suspense novels. New words, new ideas, new stories and worlds. Being content will allow me to generate content. In that aspect, I predict it’s going to be a great year.

Thanks for joining me on this journey, as always!


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For the past several years, I’ve been doing annual reviews of my life and work, based on the format from Chris Guillebeau’s wonderful Annual Review on his blog, The Art of Non-Conformity. Chris’s system is exceptionally detailed, more so than I really need, but the gist is there. It’s a great system for those of us who are self-employed and want to do an assessment of our work for the year. Here’s the link to the actual post. Go on over there and take a read. I’ll wait. 

And if you're interested, here are the links to my previous annual reviews for 2009 (Too Damn Much), 2010 (Evolution), 2011 (Depth), 2012 (Simplicity), 2013 (Pencil), 2014 (Making Do), 2015 (No), 2016, (Lent), 2017 (Flow), 2018 (Joy) and 2019 (Enough).

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.