Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - November 24.png

Happy Sunday to you all! First, some big, exciting news: GOOD GIRLS LIE is a December LibraryReads pick! As you can imagine, I was so chuffed to see Good Girls on the list of awesome books the librarians say are the best of the month. Many thanks to Douglas Beatty of the Baltimore County Public Library in Baltimore, MD for the incredible review, too.

“Sinister and atmospheric, this page-turner elevates the thriller genre with descriptive writing and well-drawn characters.”

And even more good news, The Strand Magazine named GOOD GIRLS LIE one of their top 12 books of 2019! So, so honored by this recognition. Thanks, Strand!

This week’s missive will be brief, as I’m locked away on a writing retreat. But I wanted to mention how very important community is to writing. We primarily work in a vacuum, locked inside our own heads for hours, days, weeks at a time. It’s so important to find and cultivate relationships with like-minded creatives. When you emerge from your writing cave and get started in the publishing part of the journey, there’s a lot to learn, a lot of misinformation to debunk, and a lot of opportunities to set yourself on a steady course to success.

And that means finding friends you can trust.

So go to the signings at your local indie or BN. Conferences, too, even if it seems insurmountable. Almost all of us are shy, almost all of us have issues with big groups. Don’t be afraid to approach authors and booksellers and librarians and influencers you admire and strike up a conversation. Get to know people online, for sure, but also try to meet them in person. You would be amazed how the personal interaction changes the complexities of the writing life.

Be brave. Find your tribe. Talk less. Listen more. And write hard.

With that, on to the links…


Incredible footage captures a sleeping octopus changing colour while dreaming. This is simply the coolest thing I saw this week. Just amazing!

Experience more fun and less fuss this holiday season. Less is most definitely more, and when we’re all so stressed, sometimes we can take comfort and pride in making our holidays simpler for ourselves, and more enjoyable, to boot.

The Food That Helps Battle Depression. Excellent advice—and don't forget your Vitamin D supplements, especially now that the dark months have arrived!

Tony Wrighton: Finding Life Beyond the Monitor. Yes, please.

WSIRN Ep 208: The underappreciated art of literary forgery. Anne Bogel interviews Charlie Lovett, making for a fantastic conversation!

Raccoons Have Taken Over a Library & No, It's Not in Pawnee. This made me laugh!

Winter Houseplant Tips: Do's & Don'ts As The Weather Gets Colder. This is a great list of tips that I am (now) following...I do not have a green thumb when it comes to indoor plants except my 21-year-old african violets, who’ve been with me since I moved to Tennessee in 1998.

CBS 2019 Holiday TV Specials: Here's when to watch. Ready, Santa!

‘Lord of the Rings’ author J.R.R. Tolkien’s home is for sale — and it's magical! It really is!

Since it’s Thanksgiving week here in the USA, I thought I’d share my favorite cornbread sausage stuffing recipe! Delish!!!


SAVE ME THE PLUMS by Ruth Reichl

What a lovely, fascinating book. I'm late to come to memoir, but each one I read builds on the last like layers in a cake. This slice of Reichl's life chronicles being named editor-in-chief of Gourmet Magazine to the magazine's eventual close a decade later made me laugh, and made me think. "Brand Ruth" is an excellent cautionary tale to us all, I think. What are your favorite memoirs?

That’s it from me. Stop and admire some of the wildlife around you, reach out to a friend you think might need a little love, make your bed, and I’ll see you next week! Happy Thanksgiving, all!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.