9.20.15 - Sunday Smatterings

Truly, Jackson Pollock was the father of Smatterings, was he not?

Truly, Jackson Pollock was the father of Smatterings, was he not?

My beloved chickens, HELLO! I have missed you guys. It's so good to be back. 

How have you been? Outside of a bomb scare at the airport in Rome that left my adrenaline sky-high, everything in France and Italy was about as lovely as you could've imagined. So much breathtaking scenery, visiting the very land my great-grandparents lived on, and eating and drinking and being as merry as the day is long. If you wanna see some pictures, check out my Instagram feed.

Oh yeah--and I got some good research in on Nicholas Drummond #4!

I've been catching up with the world this week, here's what I've been captivated by:

For those of you interested in improving your workflow, let's try an experiment together. My friend, author Jeff Abbott, told me about the SelfControl app, which I'm testing out this week. Basically, SelfControl doesn't allow you to visit any  applications or websites you deem to be a distraction within a time limit that you set--even if you restart your computer. Will I be able to handle this? Who knows. Abbott may owe me a new computer by the time this is all said and done.

Writers: the incomparable Jane Friedman brought us more valuable insight in "How Outlining Can Bring Out Voice."

Debut author Carmiel Banasky expounds on the importance of self-care on you and your craft. Wish I had known all of this as a debut.

These 7 wise, creative career women gave some really great management advice. As a newly minted boss, this was great insight to have!

Raise your hand if you watched the GOP debate this week. *raises hand* 
Raise your hand if you saw Twitter blow up about the #HotDebateGuy behind Jake Tapper. *raises two hands*  
Guess what, people? #HotDebateGuy's identity has been revealed!
You're welcome - I only bring you the most important information.

Some important stuff from base camp Tao this week:

Sometimes it feels like ten years between me typing "the end" and you holding the book in your hands. But that's all the more reason that my friend Catherine Coulter and I are so excited to (finally) present to you A Brit in the FBI #3, THE END GAME, which went on-sale this week! You've got to get this book -- I promise you'll love it.

Oh, and if you get a minute, go check out my newest venture, The Wine Vixen. I'm resurrecting my Wine of the Week segment I did for years on Murderati, but with a fun twist! This go-around, I'm teaming up with Assistant Amy to bring you wine recommendations (I'm red, she's white), travelogues, and sillies each week. We're going to have lots of fun there together, chickens, and we want to hear from you. Got a good vineyard or label we should check out? Let us know! And follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with the goodness we've got to share.

Last but not least, my friend Chris Goff has come out with a deliciously good book, which you can read all about (and find out a little more about Chris!) in another round of 7 Minutes.

I leave you with the quote below. Good words to live by.


Mary Oliver

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.