

Hope everyone made it through the hurricane okay. What a storm! Sending prayers and good thoughts to those who've been hard hit.

Technically, I'm on vacation this week. Anniversary time means work stoppage in our house. Which also means a bit of bloggus interruptus, so forgive me if posting is light this week. Have some fun stuff on the schedule that will preclude my usual 5pm posting.

Even though I'm in vacation-mode (which really just means giving myself permission to read, read, read!) I am still trying to get some writing done. 800 new words on the sandwich book this morning, plus a whopping realization - I actually wrote something that came out in present tense, and I liked it. Freaked me out a bit, to be honest, but if there's anything I've learned about writing - sometimes your story knows more than you do. So it will stay, for the time being at least, and we'll see what happens.

The last time I had a similar experience, it was Taylor Jackson speaking in first person. That ended up being the epilogue of SO CLOSE THE HAND OF DEATH, so I figure it wasn't too bad.

This is the fun part of writing though - experimenting. I encourage you to try it!

Read two books over the weekend - Kristina Riggle's THINGS WE DIDN'T SAY and Laura Lippman's THE MOST DANGEROUS THING. Both were excellent, and much enjoyed. I highly recommend Laura's new book - it's incredibly insightful, and a good guide for how to break some writing conventions and succeed.

What have you been reading lately?