
It's done.....

Done, and sent, with it's brand new ending, to New York, where I now cross my fingers that my team likes the changes I've made, and we can go straight to copyedit.

 (Snoopy dance....)

Well, not Snoopy. The Charlie Brown Christmas special dance - you know the one....



That feels happier to me. Poor Snoopy always gets embarrassed at the end of his and slinks off.

I'm free... to do what I want... any old time.....

Okay, that's not exactly true. I wish it were. But getting this off my plate, plus the slew of other things on my to do list this week, means jumping into the next project, the sandwich book, which is lagging from where I want it to be. Tomorrow. I'll worry about that tomorrow.

And a ton of books that I've been waiting to read - Laura Lippman's new one came out Tuesday, I have Kristina Riggle's THINGS WE DIDN'T SAY next to me, Kathyrn Stockett's  THE HELP, American Assassin by Vince Flynn, THE GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE.... oh, so many books, so little time. Plus three writing books I need to get under my belt....

Had a major oh shit moment this morning though - somehow, I've been working on two versions of the same document. There is nothing worse than realizing you may have lost some changes. For some strange reason, I opened my entire Finder folder for the book this morning, and happened to glance at the list and saw my snafu. Thank God I caught it in time. I was able to merge the two documents, go back through and make all the fixes (which was a good exercise in making sure I'd done all I needed to do) and went forward.

So it's been a good day. I hope yours was, too.