
No real work today - played golf with my Dad's men's group. I played rather horribly, but our team did well enough to place 2nd, so I won $15. Which I am promptly pumping back into the economy by taking Mom and Daddy to see Harry Potter 7.2 tonight.

Inside baseball time: look away if you haven't seen the flick. 

I've seen the movie, and really loved it, aside from two or three little quibbles. Mainly, and this is simply my take, I was upset that they writers didn't let Harry be fully the hero. I felt like they continued to portray him as a boy when he truly had become a man. That moment happens in the books when he has to bury Dobby. This character alteration started in THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, when instead of smashing the prophecy like Harry does in the book, they have him hand it to Lucius Malfoy. This bothered me tremendously. Harry is fully in control in the book, very much the hero, making decisions that can only be seen as valiant, courageous, lion-hearted, but in the movies, it's almost as if they don't want to allow him to live up to his potential.

I was also upset that they cut the scene where he goes around to the families and friends to thank them for their "service." He is their leader, after all. Their prince. Their general. Their inspiration. They'd died for him, bled for him. In the books, it's one of the most heartbreaking and inspiring scenes, but they glossed over it in the movie.

I have all sorts of theories about why this happens, but you're not here for a sociology lesson, so let's just leave it as it bugs me.

But overall, it is a glorious bit of filmmaking. I thought the effects were the best yet, and all in all, I give it five stars, because it does such a superb job of finishing things off. I can't wait to see it for the second time. The second of many, I predict.

Now, Rachel asked about short story markets. I'm assuming since you're here you are writing in the crime fiction market? Check here - this is a pretty up to date list of magazines and ezines who are accepting submissions. Don't be afraid to ask around on Twitter - follow some of the crime fic short story gurus - Bryon Quertermous, Dave White, Duane Swierczynski, Gerald So, Steve Weddle, for starters, and see where they're sending their work. Also, start subscribing to the magazines that house the shorts market - Alfred Hitchcock, Ellery Queen, Crimespree, The Strand, Needle and the like. Good luck!

Will be diving back into the May book revision tomorrow - hopefully will be finished by Tuesday. Then it will be time for a full-on read through revision, making sure everything is as good as it can be before it goes to copyedit.

And now, a word from our sponsors:

I was so excited to see that my friend Declan Burke has a new book out - ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL. You've got to get this book! Dec is a wildly original Irishman - that should be enough to entice you right there. But if it's not...

“A genuinely original take on noir, inventive and funny. Imagine, if you can, a cross between Flann O’Brien and Raymond Chandler.” – John Banville, author of THE SEA

“Close it down, blow it up – what’s the difference?”

Billy Karlsson needs to get real. Literally. A hospital porter with a sideline in euthanasia, Billy is a character trapped in the purgatory of an abandoned novel. Deranged by logic, driven beyond sanity, Billy makes his final stand: if killing old people won’t cut the mustard, the whole hospital will have to go up in flames.

Only his creator can stop him now, the author who abandoned Billy to his half-life limbo, in which Billy schemes to do whatever it takes to get himself published, or be damned... .

“ABSOLUTE ZERO COOL is unlike anything else you’ll read this year … Laugh-out-loud funny … This is writing at its dazzling, cleverest zenith. Think John Fowles, via Paul Auster and Rolling Stone … a feat of extraordinary alchemy.” – Ken Bruen, author of AMERICAN SKIN

Totally cool? No. Absolute Zero Cool.

I'll see y'all on Monday - have a super weekend!