And The Winner Is...

I normally do contest drawings from the Killer Year baseball cap, but there were so many of you that we had to switch to a Vera Bradley tote bag!

Before I announce the Kindle winner, I must say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all of you. Your notes accompanying your entries were funny, warm and uplifting, and it is my distinct honor to have you as readers. I've never done this kind of giveaway before - but suffice it to say, I'll definitely be doing one again in the future.

Without further ado, the winner is... Kathy Alexander!

Kathy, send me your info and I'll get the Kindle ordered and sent out.

I'm off to Santa Fe for Left Coast Crime, and I look forward to seeing some of you in the great Southwest.

Thank you again for making the launch of SO CLOSE THE HAND OF DEATH such a success. If you liked the book (and even if you didn't) consider leaving some reviews around the Interwebs. Same goes for SWEET LITTLE LIES. And thanks to those of you who have already taken the time to share your thoughts on Taylor and Baldwin's latest adventure. Word of mouth is the best endorsement a girl can have.

Ta-Ta for now!
