Catching Up and Happenings

Hi all!

Three days into the 40 Days of Silence, and I'm almost sad to admit that it's working. I've been plowing through the to do list, finished the galley proofs of WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE, am getting my feet under me with the new book, working on a short story, and in general, feeling a bit less frazzled than usual. So I'm going to keep it up.

In the meantime, lots of stuff happened this week. Here's the wrap up:

"SO CLOSE THE HAND OF DEATH is a terrific piece of fiction from the shocking first page to the exquisite, staggering end. The talented J.T. Ellison designs a complex plot with multifarious characters who will chill you and make you glad you are reading fiction safely in a cozy spot." ~Fresh Fiction

I'm touched and honored, truly, and hope I can live up to that praise again.

  • Marshal Zeringue had me back to his awesome blogs. If you've never seen them, I highly recommend reading through the entries. It's fascinating insight into a pivotal point in every book you pick up.

Pg. 69: J.T. Ellison's "So Close the Hand of Death"
The Page 69 Test: So Close the Hand of Death

  • River Jordan interviewed me for her amazing radio show. The links will be up later today, and I'll add them when they come, but in the meantime...

Clear Channel
River Jordan's website

Let me also spend a moment and give River's new book PRAYING FOR STRANGERS, a plug. This is sheer magic, the true story of a mother searching for a way to cope with both her sons going off to war - one to Afghanistan, one to Iraq. Her journey is remarkable, touching and an absolute must read. The generosity of this woman always astounds me, and now it will astound you.

In light of the horrible devastation from the earthquake in Japan, and the recent floods and earthquakes in Australia, we're all looking for ways to help out. As it happens, there's a huge auction going on RIGHT NOW called Writers for the Red Cross. Go on over and check it out - and think about giving a bit. Every dollar counts.

  • The divine Sophie Littlefield and I have just finished a southern swing tour - and boy did we have fun! After I get my words done today, I'll upload the photos to the site, so check back later on to see the fun we had - eating eyeballs, drinking champagne, seeing old friends and making new ones, driving for hours and having a wonderful time.

As you can see - lots going on!

Well, I think that's quite enough for now. Have a fabulous weekend - I'll see you soon!
