What I'm Reading and a Quick Tour Update

Marshal Zeringue, who runs the incredibly awesome set of websites that make up the CAFTAR network (Campaign for the American Reader) asked me to contribute to his "What I'm Reading" blogs.

Here's a link to Writers Read, where I disclose my solution to stress reading.


The Cold Room tour is underway, and things are hopping! I've spent my (EARLY) mornings criss-crossing the country during doing morning radio drive time, having really excellent discussions with some great people. I love radio, it's just a perfect medium to have a conversation about books, life, and everything in between. I'm looking to find a way to add a podcast section to my site so I can share some of these interviews.

Had lunch today with a bevy of wonderful friends and authors, and I must warn you, I think Nashville is about to put the major markets to shame as far as cool writer collectives goes. A quick shout out to the connectornator, River Jordan, for all she's done to bring us together.

Two signings are behind me now, and tonight is my first downtown Nashville signing at the venerable independent Davis Kidd. When my husband was my boyfriend, he brought me to Nashville and showed me around the town, planning, I believe, our future here. That was 18 years ago, mind you, so it's strange how this all works out. Where did he take me that first day in Nashville, to introduce me to this wonderful town? Yep. Davis Kidd. So it's going to be a special night all around. Hope to see you tonight!

Oh, and did I mention my copyedits arrived this morning? The cosmos loves playing jokes on me...