Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - April 26.png

Hello, my dears. A quiet week here. We continue on in our surreal suburban bubble, enjoying the moments of solitude as much as we can.

Finally, finally got reading again. I’ve been fine listening to audiobooks, something to pass the time while cleaning or working out, but as for actual sit down with a book reading... I’ve had a harder time. Part of this is the natural state of things when I’m about to finish a book—I’ve spent all day staring at words, dissecting thoughts and decisions, wondering about placement of punctuation and subplot through-lines and the final showdown, that spending an extended amount of time marveling at another author’s work product tends to be both frustrating and overwhelming. And part of it is, of course, that my normal reading time has been subsumed with news and research and reaching out to friends and family to make sure they’re happy and healthy, like everyone else.

So to escape, TV has been my go-to, movies and shows that allow my brain to rest. Schitt’s Creek is a newfound favorite, and the ever-brilliant Killing Eve is back. Did you ever watch Pushing Daisies? Also brilliant, and Lee Pace is so cute. We liked The Nice Guys with Ryan Gosling and Russell Crow and adored The Gentlemen, Guy Ritchie’s latest offering. Have you watched anything great lately?

But I finally felt settled enough to try a physical book, so I picked up Emily St. John Mandel’s THE GLASS HOTEL, and I was so immediately swept into the story that the technical aspects disappeared. As always, when I find a book that transports me, it’s like letting out the breath I haven’t realized I’ve been holding. Mandel is a truly gifted writer, and I’m a big fan. Genuinely enjoying this one.

I’m slowly but surely working through a massive list of questions from the Literati—we’ve had a lot of new folks join in the past few weeks, so I thought an Ask Me Anything was in order. If you aren’t on the Literati, you might consider joining us—it’s been a fun series for us all. Plus, that’s where the giveaways live now…

And of course, I’m plugging away on HER DARK LIES. I’m in the final 1/6th of the book, and I’m itching to get done so my editor and I can start taking it apart and putting it back together again. 

Thanks to all who bought GOOD GIRLS LIE on sale last week--in the midst of a crisis, y’all truly came through, so thank you, and enjoy the read!

With that, I give you the links. Ever onward...


7 favorite independent bookstores that are doing great things. This is a great list! I’m so grateful for indie bookstores.

20 Must-Read Novels From the 1990s. I admit to weeping a bit at the idea of a novel from the 1990s as "historical"...

Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Stephen Colbert want you watch 'Fleabag Live.' Just not with your family. The Hound of Heaven - discuss.

Book Review: BIRDMAN by Mo Hayder. This book should be getting as much attention as THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. Incredible. I will never get over that ending.

Work and the Deep Life. You know I’m always in search of my Walden Pond…

This spring's hottest authors reveal their most anticipated quarantine reads. There’s something for everyone! Is it just me, or are there even more great books out there for the reading lately?

11 Things Socially Aware People Don’t Say. A good list... #4 in particular.

Wizarding World Introduces Harry Potter at Home. Very cool.

Thoreau on Hard Work. I’ve got Walden Pond on the brain, but since we’ve all been forced into our own variations of it of late…

THE LOOK-ALIKE by Erica Spindler

A stellar mystery from one of my all-time favorite authors, THE LOOK-ALIKE is classic Spindler, murderous twists and turns and a hot romance. What's not to love! I've been reading Erica since well before I was first published. Her work influenced my writing tremendously. And as happens so often in our industry, our heroes become our dear friends. She's been a mentor, a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board, and a co-author. I adore her and her work. You'll love her latest! What are you reading?

That’s it from me. Don’t forget to wipe down your groceries, check out the adorable masks being sold inexpensively on Etsy, work on a puzzle, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - April 19.png

Hello, my dears. A quick Smatterings from me today, as I’m rolling hard on the book and don’t want to take too much time away from it. It’s been a busy week. The April Newsletter went out, with an incredible au gratin potato recipe and a list of the things that are making me happy right now. If you didn’t get it in your inbox, please check your promotions folder, or even, (EGADS) the junk folder.

The big upshot of the quarantine for me has been improved communication with some of my favorite writer friends. I had an amazing chat with my friend Victoria Schwab yesterday, and I will link to it as soon as the link is live, so come back and look for it. And I get to chat with another amazing friend tomorrow, Lisa Unger. Will also swing back here with links when it’s ready.

One conversation I’m having with my friends and family is this. As we start talking about reopening the world, I admit to some genuine worry about leaving home. I’ve decided I’m going to stay in isolation for an extra few weeks. Just in case. Because the minute I finish this book, we’ll be doing edits, and I have a secret project, and a short story due, and I have to start fleshing out the 2022 book, so I don’t have time to get sick. No one ever has time to get sick, obviously. But I’m not sold that the danger is past, so you won’t see me out in the world any time soon. Let me know what you've decided!

As always, onward…


Today is the last day to take advantage of this deal! Get the GOOD GIRLS LIE ebook for only $4.99.

Get your copy!



I interviewed Mary Kubica in the latest episode of A WORD ON WORDS. #KeepReading

Online Bookstore for Indies Reaches a New Milestone. Best of all, Bookshop is so easy to use! I have a small storefront on there for my current recommendations, my books, and my favorite writing books. Check it out!

5 common triggers for highly sensitive people, and 5 antidotes to help them survive social distancing. Such a helpful post from my friend Anne Bogel.

Movies About Writers: 20 You Can Watch At Home Right Now. Great list! Which are your favorites?

What To Wear On Video Conference Calls. Unlike our favorite Wall Street Journal article about authors working from home ($6,000 earrings, anyone?), I humbly submit my lovely stylist, Katie Preston, from Effortless Style Nashville, with her fabulous tips for how to look like a pro on your daily Zoom.

Little Free Libraries Turning Into Little Free Pantries Amid COVID-19. This is great to see.

10 Fictional Characters Based On Real People. I don’t do this myself but it’s fun to see who did!

How I, the Parson of a Humble English Murder Village, Am Practicing Safe Social Distancing. This made me chuckle.

‘Couple-Spreading’ Is Making Lockdown Walking a Nightmare. Here Is the Solution to Street Selfishness. Having this issue in the burbs, too. And for future thought... how will this affect the way we exist together?


How amazing is this book stack?! An embarrassment of riches: THIS IS HOW I LIED by Heather Gudenkauf, THE LOOK-ALIKE by Erica Spindler, THE FIRST TO LIE by Hank Phillippi Ryan, and WHEN YOU SEE ME by Lisa Gardner. What are you reading?

That’s it from me. Keep close to home, read a great book, do some jumping jacks, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

GOOD GIRLS LIE is on sale!

Great news: GOOD GIRLS LIE is on sale at digital retailers for $4.99! Crime By The Book said it was “a superb psychological thriller…a deliciously dark, wickedly plotted suspense story…with drama, secret societies, cliques, illicit affairs, manipulation, and, of course, murder, and it’s the sort of book you never want to end.”



About the book:

Goode girls don’t lie…

Perched atop a hill in the tiny town of Marchburg, Virginia, The Goode School is a prestigious prep school known as a Silent Ivy. The boarding school of choice for daughters of the rich and influential, it accepts only the best and the brightest. Its elite status, long-held traditions and honor code are ideal for preparing exceptional young women for brilliant futures at Ivy League universities and beyond. But a stranger has come to Goode, and this ivy has turned poisonous.

In a world where appearances are everything, as long as students pretend to follow the rules, no one questions the cruelties of the secret societies or the dubious behavior of the privileged young women who expect to get away with murder. But when a popular student is found dead, the truth cannot be ignored. Rumors suggest she was struggling with a secret that drove her to suicide.

But look closely…because there are truths and there are lies, and then there is everything that really happened.

J.T. Ellison’s pulse-pounding new novel examines the tenuous bonds of friendship, the power of lies and the desperate lengths people will go to to protect their secrets.

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - April 12.png

Hello, my dears. Happy Easter to those who celebrate, and Happy Passover to those who celebrate, and blessed Sunday for those who just need some extra blessings today!

It’s hard to feel normal on this normally joyous day. We are surrounded by stories of loss and of joy, and in that, we are really no different than any other time. Everyone suffers from their own disruptions, even when the fabric of society as a whole is affected. The world is a very small place sometimes, isn’t it?

I know my job as a writer is to make sense of the situations we find ourselves in through social commentary, but I’ve been at a loss for how to approach this. So I’ve kept my head down and stayed hard at work. I’ve lost track of time. I’ve lived in messy buns and yoga pants. I’ve tried to limit my news consumption and enjoy all the workouts in my makeshift gym. We’ve taken to sitting in the sun for an hour around lunchtime, and that fresh air and vitamin D has kept my mood up. (And my allergies stirred... I take my temperature every time I sneeze. Such is our lives now.)

It is hard to practice normalcy when the world is on fire. And yet... if we’re not directly affected, our own personal disruption occurring, that is all we can do. I think we—as a country, as a community, as human beings—are not used to sitting on our heels when there is trouble. We are at our best in a crisis, pulling together and finding a path back to life, and liberty, and equality.

And therein lies the problem. Most of us have been sidelined in this particular fight. We are completely dependent on our infrastructure, our grocery clerks, our delivery people, our doctors and community leaders, and that feels very, very uncomfortable. If we can’t serve, we must watch, helpless, and pray for the best possible outcomes.

It’s something to think about, how we’re going to come back to ourselves when this crisis is over. How we will come back together as a community.

This morning, I put on jeans and lip gloss so I could remind myself that this isn’t just another day. But now I’m writing, and that makes it normal.

Is there something you can do today to make your life feel real to you?

As always, onward…


Great news! For the very first time, the ebook of GOOD GIRLS LIE is on sale for $4.99. What a deal for all the secrets and lies you could ever want…

Get your copy!



I interviewed my dear friend and co-introvert Lisa Unger for the latest episode of A WORD ON WORDS. #KeepReading

20 Feel-Good Ebooks Unlikely to Have Long Library Waitlists to Read While Social Distancing. Well, this is handy!

The Book of Reese: How the Morning Show Star Is Blowing Up the Hollywood Boys’ Club. "Reading is one of Witherspoon’s superpowers...She wants to tell stories, and she wants to encourage other people to tell them."

Exciting news for Wunderlist users. Though our favorite app closing up shop (😭), there's a VERY similar new service called Zenkit To Do, and wow, it is a seamless transition so far!

The 18 Best TV Shows for Vicarious Travel Thrills. Awesome shows to stream that will take you away…

Code Name Hélène Is a Masterful Novel About an Unsung World War II Heroine. "World War II heroine Nancy Wake should be so widely celebrated that whole bevies of schoolgirls dress up as this brave member of the French Resistance for Halloween... Lawhon’s novel Code Name Hélène will finally bring her the recognition she deserves." 

From us, for you. Brilliant work from the Rotterdam Philharmonic. I love it!

And with that in mind… skim forward to 8:20. Utterly brilliant. You can thank me later.

My friend Tim Maleey and I appeared on Authors On The Air earlier this week. Such a fun conversation!

10 of the Most Morally Bankrupt Narrators in Fiction. Superb list of dark as sin books.

Read this book then stream the movie. Great idea! There are so many possibilities... what will you try first?

From Farm to Table: The Making of a Folio Edition. Such incredible designs!

And though I promised. COVID free zone, this essay was both fascinating and brings some hope. If a polio vaccine took 15 years to filter to the masses, but we’re going to have a vaccine in 15-18 months, that’s something for which we should all be grateful.


THE DUTCH HOUSE by Ann Patchett

On a group text this week, one of my friends asked for an audio recommendation. I had to throw in my fave audiobook of the year thus far - Tom Hanks reading THE DUTCH HOUSE by Ann Patchett. Oh. My. I'm telling you - there is something about his frank narration — and it is frank — that just worked for me. I adore acting in an audiobook read, truly appreciate when the narrator can take on the characters with different voices and inflections (Julia Whelan is one of the best at this, BTW. I will listen to anything she reads.) But Hanx just goes straight at this, and I felt like I was being told a story by a friend sitting across from me at a restaurant table. Seriously brilliant stuff. Do you have a favorite audio book narrator?

That’s it from me. I’m off to plant some gummy vitamins in some Easter grass. Be safe, be well, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - April 5.png

Hello, my dears. I hope this Sunday finds you safe and well.

The birds are singing. My little magpie cats keep stealing things from my desk and making off with them. The sun is out, and the mailman just drove through the neighborhood. I’m writing. It is just another day.

And yet…

I forget, sometimes, what kind of crisis we’re living through. Isn’t that always the way with acute grief? A loved one dies, and you feel guilty for laughing, or enjoying a meal, or making love. Too soon. Too soon.

Yet time blunts the worst of the grief, and eventually, as the world normalizes again, that probing, intense pain when you touch upon the memory doesn’t make you want to curl up in the closet and cry.

I suppose childbirth is similar. I don’t have children, but I’ve certainly heard my share of stories about the process. We must forget the terror and pain, it must be tempered in some way, or no one would ever have more than one child.

Now that’s a COVID phenomenon I don’t understand. Having been unsuccessful in our attempts at having children, seeing the great universal bemoaning of having children at home now confuses me. I suppose what one person finds a trial another would see as a blessing.  

Anytime I get frustrated, I remind myself that everyone feels exactly the same way. That comforts me. Mostly. Sometimes, there’s nothing that helps except a glass of wine and a bag of emergency M&Ms. And that’s okay. Some days are better than others. We have to honor our feelings, the highs and the lows. 

When I saw the Javits Center was being made into a hospital, it cut me deeply. When they changed it to a military-run COVID hospital, that broke me. A site of such joy, of such excitement in my life, now witness to pain and fear. I do hope there’s some lingering positive energy there to help the patients and healers alike. That our industry, our publishing houses, our bookstores, can weather this incredible storm. 

The new book is chugging along. I had my alpha reader take a look at some pages, and am making adjustments accordingly. Things are flowing; the story is taking on a more cohesive shape. My editor will have plenty to keep her busy, to be sure, but I’m trying to get this as clean and smart as possible before she tackles it. I’m flirting with the 90k mark, and story-wise, I’m in my lead-in to the climax at last. 

And when I look up from writing this, I stop and take a breath. The redbud in the front yard has bloomed. The kittens, having played all morning with a piece of string, are taking a nap in the slanting sunlight. It is quiet now. It is a beautiful day. 

How are you holding up?

Onward, ever onward…

The third iteration of THE LAST SECOND cleared the tower this week and is now available in mass market paperback form! If you missed this one the first time around, now’s your chance. Jordan would appreciate it muchly.

Get your copy!



Crime Books to Read While You Stay at Home. A wonderful sampler from Crime By The Book.

How to spend the time. Wonderful piece. Our lessons from quarantine are varied, aren’t they?

Wondering What to Write? There’s a Prompt For That. I adore Day One and have used it for years and years. I draft all my nonfiction in it and use it to capture thoughts about new stories, too. Their tagging feature absolutely rocks.

Your April Bookish Horoscope. All your reading needs, built out by your astrological sign. I especially think you Scorpios will enjoy the selection...

Unwind and Unplug with Literary Puzzles. Puzzles are really having a moment. I admit I bought one and am looking forward to diving in.

7 Amazing Livestreams to Watch Right Now. Peace is necessary. These bring it in spades.

On Patti Henry’s Alone Together Tour, Author Marybeth Mayhew Whalen gives some great, grounding journaling tips, which are great for you and your kids.

Explore the wonders of the Harry Potter: A History of Magic exhibition at home. How cool is this?!

14 of the Best Ambience Room Videos for Readers. I’m a big fan of the Ancient Library Room. The cats are, too.

CODE NAME HÉLÈNE by Ariel Lawhon

I had the great privilege of reading Code Name Hélène early, and I have to tell you, you are going to LOVE this book. Nancy Wake, Aussie expat turned spy in World War II, is one of the most engaging heroines I've ever come across. She is smart, she is sassy, she is bravery personified, and she is utterly brought to life by Ariel's incredible writing and exhaustive research. That The White Mouse is a real person makes this story all the better. If you want to experience genuine courage in the face of true evil, and a compelling love story to boot, trust me, this is the book you want to read this week. I know you'll love it just as much as I did.

That’s it from me. Give your kids an extra hug, stop for a moment and take a deep breath, toss out some feed for the fat robins getting ready to lay their eggs, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.