Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - January 26.png

Happy Sunday! I hope youā€™re having a restful weekend.

When I sat down to draft Smatterings this week, I had a sudden realization.

I am out of practice living my life.

It sounds strange to say aloud, but thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s happening. For months now, Iā€™ve been working toward the dual goals of book release and book deadline, doing knee rehab and managing both pain and expectations. Itā€™s taken oodles of time, all my brain energy, and much of my physical energy, as well. 

But now the incredibly fun but taxing GOOD GIRLS LIE tour is done and the path is cleared for me to finish this book. I can go to the gym regularly without terrible pain. Iā€™m reading a couple of great books and watching some excellent TV.

But everything feels... strange. I am not an adrenaline junkie, far from it, but the stress of the past few months has certainly temporarily rewired my brain to crave a different kind of excitement and stimuli than normal. 

Which is why Iā€™m debating starting my social media sabbatical a little early, so I can get back into a more quiet groove. Wake, eat, write, gym, write, cook, read/watch, sleep. Thatā€™s my perfect day. It is simple, and calm. It gives me my best chance to produce work that you will enjoy. Which, truly, is the only thing that matters in the long run. I hope stepping away from the day-to-day socials early will help me find that equilibrium again. 

Speaking of watch: Iā€™ve been watching the Netflix show THE WITCHER, which is based on Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy books. It is so good, so much fun, a knight-errant tale that has all the best fantasy tropes: humor; romance; monsters; moral quandaries; sword-fighting; new worlds; evil, evil villains; and of course, magic. Itā€™s been the perfect antidote to my own adrenal overload. I find Henry Cavill strangely appealing in this role, much more so than any heā€™s played. And it is littered with incredible female characters. I am mad for the Mage Yennifer, played by the stunning Anya Chalotra. I have to say, she would be AMAZING as Dr. Samantha Owensā€¦ Highly recommended.

I sent out a plea on Twitter this week asking for new shows to watch, so now I have a huge long list. Iā€™ll report back my thoughts as I plow through them. I find great TV, like great writing, refills my well very nicely.

And with that, off we go!


Though the bulk of the physical tour is over, more PR and media coverage continues to roll in, for which I am forever grateful! Here are a few of the places GOOD GIRLS LIE has popped up recently:

-Shelf Awareness: ā€œAn intense work of suspense, featuring a protagonist who holds her cards close to her vestā€¦The final act's twist will send readers back to the beginning, eager to see how the pieces fit perfectly without having given anything away.ā€

-BookReporter: ā€œI encourage readers to pick up what may be Ellison's most addictive novel to date. While reading, I could not help but think that this page-turner would make a great film or miniseries. Can you hear me, Netflix?ā€

-Game Of Books Corks and Conversation with J.T. Ellison: This was such a fun conversation. We chatted up a storm, and I know youā€™ll love their podcast.


New York Public Libraryā€™s Top 10 Checkouts of All Time. Not what I was expecting!

Crafters create pouches, mittens for burned animals in Australia. Attention, knitters and crafty folkā€¦what a wonderful endeavor!

12 Genius Hacks for Bookworms. Do you do any of these?

Netflixā€™s ā€˜The Witcherā€™ Has Turned ā€˜The Last Wishā€™ Into An NYT Best-Seller, 27 Years Later. As plugged aboveā€¦ but this is a wonderful lesson on IP ā€” intellectual property ā€” itā€™s never too late for a book to be optioned!

10 Facts About Jane Austenā€™s Sanditon. The miniseries looks pretty great, and is on my list.

What I learned from studying billions of words of online fan fiction. "The overriding reason that authors wrote fan fiction, we found, was for the love of it. They unanimously believed that it had helped them to become better writers." Have you read any great fan fiction?

ā€˜Little Womenā€™ was filmed entirely in Massachusetts. Here are the historic, picturesque locations from the movie. Gorgeous! Have you seen the movie yet? I am SO overdue for a trip to the theater.

7 Dream Jobs For Book-Lovers. Thereā€™s nothing better than books.



Iā€™m sensing a theme this week, arenā€™t you? Cal Newport is always on my best of list when he has a book out, mostly because I admire how he stares into the digital abyss and finds a path for us mere mortals to navigate. I appreciate the thought behind this bookā€”how can we find ways to make the internet work for us, instead of sapping our energy and creating issues? A wonderful quick read and a solid life plan for those of us who struggle with digital addictions.

What are you reading?

Thatā€™s it from me. Take a day off the socials and see how it feels, find a great new show to binge, organize your TBR pile, and Iā€™ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - January 19.png

Happy Sunday! Iā€™m out on the road touring GOOD GIRLS LIE, which has been incredibly fun, oftentimes moving, and laden with good friends, lots of great book discussions, some poignant moments, and many new readers. Iā€™ll do a full wrap up later. For now, enjoy some linksā€¦

GOOD GIRLS in the wildā€¦

I have been having a blast on book tour! Thank you to everyone who has come out to celebrate GOOD GIRLS LIE with me. From Nashville to Boston, the events have been so much fun!

A few of the places GGL has popped up recently:

-BookBub: This Thriller Is ā€˜Pretty Little Liarsā€™ Meets ā€˜Gossip Girl.ā€™

-The Page 69 Test. Itā€™s always interesting to see how one of my books does with this test.

-My Book The Movie. Hereā€™s who Iā€™d cast!



Every review you will see about this book starts the same wayā€”Iā€™ve never read anything quite so unique. This is the truth. I mean, you put together space, necromancy, wars and petty grievances, a kick ass heroine (Gideon) with a smart mouth and a longing to prove herself, pair her with a nemesis named Harrow who is the daughter of the Ninth House Leaders and as such in total control of her, and watch the bones fly. Iā€™ve never read anything quite so original in my life. The cover itself gives you a clue about the journeyā€”all those skeletons! Absolutely wonderful, and more to come in this series next year! I canā€™t wait.

What are you reading?

Thatā€™s it from me. Think about a visit to our nationā€™s capitol, visit your local indie, watch a great new show, and Iā€™ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - January 12.png

Happy Sunday! Iā€™m en route to Raleigh as you read this. Book tour for Good Girls Lie has begun. I get to spend the night with my maid of honor/best friend from high school tonight, then tomorrow, I will put on my author clothes and author smile and break out my Marvyā€™s, and it all begins.

We had a fantastic launch at Parnassus Books in Nashville Tuesday night. I did what we call an ā€œin conversationā€ with my dear friend and fellow author Ariel Lawhon. We talked about life and writing and the book and had so much fun! Thanks to all of you who came out, it was a wonderful way to kick off the tour. Almost all my events this tour are ā€œin conversationā€ so do come out, because youā€™ll get to meet and hear some incredible authors. Iā€™ll be with Barbara Claypole White (NC), Emily Carpenter and Kimberly Belle (GA), Alma Katsu (DC), and Hank Phillipi Ryan (MA) - all brilliant authors and friends.

I admit this is the moment in the process Iā€™d like to go off-grid, build a cabin near a stream, and disappear. Once I get going, it will all be fine, but the few days leading up to a big tour is a little stressful. There are so many moving parts, so much packing and prepping. Printing of itineraries, double-checking of routes. Of course, the thriller kittens know something is afoot, and Jameson has made sure to bless every piece of black clothing Iā€™ve planned to take with a luxurious nap. That is just a natural cat instinct, I think, to keep us close, to keep us home. I understand this instinct completely.

I hope I get to see you out of the road. Thatā€™s what this is about, after all, sharing the book thatā€™s lived in my head and heart for over a year with you. 

Two housekeeping notesā€”the January newsletter went out Thursday, so if you donā€™t have it, check your promo/bulk mail folders. And I posted my Annual Review this week, too.

With that, on to the links!

Welcome to The Goode School

A few of the places GOOD GIRLS LIE has popped up recently:

-Fresh Fiction January 2020 Fresh Pick

-The Big Thrill: Up Close: J.T. Ellison

-Chapter 16: The Best Literary Citizen

-J.T. Ellison and Lisa Unger, In Conversation. This was a fun pen pal conversation about the writing life.

-CrimeReads: The Lure of the Board School Mystery. I really enjoyed putting this together.



Lindsey Vonn is one of my heroes, and I thoroughly enjoyed this glimpse into how she keeps her body running at world champion level. If you have been dieting, or exercising, and arenā€™t seeing results (or are starving to death) read this. Itā€™s a wonderful, simple, straightforward way to look at our health, and how we nourish our bodies.

What are you reading?

Thatā€™s it from me. Pack an umbrella, polish your shoes, oil your leather goods, and Iā€™ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

2019 Annual Review

2019 Annual Review.png

Welcome to my annual review!

This isnā€™t just the end of a year, it is the end of a decade. I thought this would feel incredibly momentous, and it does, in many ways. But itā€™s also business as usual, which, if Iā€™m being honest, is the best line I can possibly type. I have one simple goal for my career -- and thatā€™s to stay in the game. And I stayed in the game this year.  


After all the changes of 2018, Iā€™m so looking forward to 2019. I go forth into the new year with joy in my heart, not the pervasive dread of ā€œhow am I going to do it all?ā€ I usually feel at this time of year. Iā€™m not worrying as much about what Iā€™m going to accomplish, instead Iā€™m focused on being present, enjoying my work, my family and friends, and my life. Being happy. Contentment and creativity are the primary goals. A big birthday is looming, and I plan to enjoy every minute of the transition into another decade, approaching this new stage of my life with gratitude instead of fear.


Well, not too bad, actually. Surgery meant I had to take a lot of time off. While that hurt my word counts and stressed me out tremendously business-wise, it certainly meant I was more present. Almost too present. But in general, I think I achieved the being happy part. I certainly backed off on a lot of things that I normally want to do/have done in years past, and Iā€™m looking forward to continuing that trend in 2020.  Maybe itā€™s the whole mellowing with age thing, or a certain frustration with things out of my control, but Iā€™ve gotten much better at stepping away from situations that drive me bonkers and allowed myself the grace to not do something if it doesnā€™t serve me or my current situation. Wine Vixen and Two Tales are both perfect examples. Do I want to work on them? Yes, absolutely. Do I have the time? Nope. Am I beating myself up over it? Also, nope. THAT is a big shift in priorities and balance for me, so yeah, Iā€™d say I achieved the goal.  


If you take out the physical calamities, 2019 was a very good year. Most importantly, I laid all the groundwork for the next few years of my writing career with a new deal with my longtime publisher and editor.  I finished a novel (GOOD GIRLS LIE) and promptly started a new one (HER DARK LIES). I played with the secret project some, but itā€™s not getting the traction Iā€™d hoped for, so itā€™s been temporarily shelved. Catherine and I wrapped the Brit in the FBI series, and I look back on the experience with great fondness and appreciation. 

I found a steady, comfortable non-fiction writing rhythm. I have to say, I think non-fiction saved me this year. It kept me writing. The two knee surgeries, the first to repair a torn meniscus, the second (with a different doctor) to repair the first botched surgery, really messed things up. I had no choiceā€”after 10 weeks on crutches and no improvement in pain, mobility, swelling, and general healing, I couldnā€™t handle it anymore. Unfortunately, the double rounds of anesthesia and months of pain and drama really hurt my creativity. Oh, I wrote. I wrote a lot. But I felt like much of my fiction in the second half of the year lacked the spark I wanted. The work wasnā€™t satisfying my creative spirit. The story was there, and trust me, itā€™s a GREAT story. But I couldnā€™t get it out of my head and onto the page properly. The characters werenā€™t breathing. I kept sliding off into tangents, and they werenā€™t good tangents. I couldnā€™t find the right voice. This is a freaky experience, let me tell you. Iā€™m still struggling with it, too, though it is getting better. My concentration has improved tremendously, and the words on the page are beginning to work. I feel like I know my characters and have found the threads that will pull me through. 

What all that means is, I started over. Tossed what I had and started over. Thatā€™s what went wrong in 2019. Itā€™s kind of a biggie.

Itā€™s been a humbling, and to be honest, frightening, experience, to not be in control of the uncontrollable, namely, the spark that is my art. So I turned to non-fiction, a safe place for me to work through these anxieties and problems. 

In better news, I exercised my passport this year, with travel to Italy, Canada, and Scotland. I debuted GOOD GIRLS LIE at the Toronto International Film Festival, and it was a blast. We had two great trips to New York, (I still canā€™t believe I did Thrillerfest on crutches), I got to go to Southern Voices, and we had a few side trips to the Southern and Western Commands (Florida and Colorado). I also went on a perfectly lovely writerā€™s retreat in North Carolina, where I learned so much (hello, 40 Scenes). 

I fell in love with the memoir, and read several that truly changed my life. I became a better cook. I did NaNoWriMo and wrote 36,000 words (most of which were thrown out, but still.) I was a good friend. I watched a ton of MasterClasses (yā€™all, Malcolm Gladwell is brilliant) and canā€™t wait to watch more. That is well worth the effort, I promise you. I blogged regularly, made pithy comments on Twitter, posted pretty pictures on Instagram, and grew the Literati. I moved newsletter service providers seamlessly and to great effectā€”my open rates skyrocketed. I mastered Outlook, moved to a 365 email account, and in general, streamlined my processes all around. 

And I spent more time with the people I love. And that is the most important part of my accomplishments this past year.  


2019 Word Total: 756,247
Fiction Total:
Non-Fiction Total: 122,692
Email: 400,000
Fiction Percentage: 31%
Books Read: 88

2018 Fiction Total: 200,430 (Fiction 24%)
2017 Fiction Total: 274,410 (Fiction 30%)
2016 Fiction Total: 217,228 (Fiction 25%)
2015 Fiction Total: 203,749 (Fiction 28%)
2014 Fiction Total: 291,114 (Fiction 36%)
2013 Fiction Total: 270,000 (Fiction 34%)
2012 Fiction Total: 265,000 (Fiction 34%)
2011 Fiction Total: 252,300 (Fiction 35%)
2010 Fiction Total: 198,383 (Fiction 32%)
2009 Fiction Total: 135,738 (Fiction 27%)

My non-fiction total dropped magnificently this year, all due to a smaller than usual email number. This stands to reasonā€”my assistant and I use a different app for our primary communication, so I wasnā€™t emailing as much. A lot of our work together is verbal, and thereā€™s no way of knowing how many words I spoke. Iā€™ll take the decrease anyway. Always good to see the fiction number rise and the non-fiction drop. Though I will say thisā€”I still wish there was a way to capture how many words I delete as I go. I only count finished words in my daily counts. Thereā€™s no telling how much I actually write and throw way, delete, reword, etcetera. 

Original Books Published: 
THE LAST SECOND (Brit in the FBI #6)

LIE TO ME (mmpb)
A THOUSAND DOORS (trade and hardcover)

Southern Voices, Thrillerfest, Southern Festival of Books, Toronto International Film Festival, In Conversations at Parnassus with David Bell and Lisa Unger

Major Projects Worked On

A WORD ON WORDS Shows Taped: 6

Books read: 88

More Awesome Stuff:
PW Starred Review: GOOD GIRLS LIE
Library Reads December Pick: GOOD GIRLS LIE
GOOD GIRLS LIE made several major best of 2019 lists, including Strand Magazine and Real Book Spy

A Brief Look Back on the Decade:

19 books published, 13 short stories published, 2 anthologies edited. 2.4 million fiction words written, 1.4 million of non-fiction. It was a good decade. Can't wait to see what the 20s bring!


This year, Iā€™m working a mindful theme as well, using the word Enough. Iā€™m a terrible perfectionist, and I can lose time trying to fix things that donā€™t necessarily need to be fixed. I battle with myself over little details that most people would never notice. Granted, I do have OCD, so its hard for me to shut off these little buggy things like an extra space between an emoji and the next letter. I mean, thatā€™s ridiculous, and NO ONE CARES! Iā€™m going to work on desensitizing myself so I can focus on the things that matter, instead of the things that donā€™t. 

But itā€™s more than that. So much more. Enough is a tree with a hundred branches for me. Itā€™s getting enough sleep. Itā€™s getting enough exercise, eating whole, fresh foods. Making sure I have enough water throughout the day. Itā€™s breathing enough. Itā€™s recognizing when I have enough consumer goods, enough books to read, enough in my closet and pantry. Itā€™s recognizing when Iā€™ve been online too long, Itā€™s being at peace with the little things. Itā€™s standing up for what I believe in. Itā€™s pushing back when I feel threatened or used. Enough is all about intentionality for me. Mindfulness. Boundaries. 

And itā€™s about finding beauty and peace, doing away with not having enough time to do some of the little things that make me happy. Itā€™s recognizing when my creativity has run out for the day and going for a walk then reading a book. Itā€™s putting down my laptop and snuggling the cats, or putting down my iPad and chatting with my husband instead. Itā€™s about forging a new path. 

Enough. Enough. 

It should be an interesting year. Itā€™s probably my hardest challenge to date.

2020 Book Releases:
HER DARK LIES (December 2020)
GOOD GIRLS LIE mmpb (August 2020)

Plans for the Year:
I have set my normal goals of 200,000 words of fiction and 80 books read. I also did something Iā€™ve not done before--I laid out my plans for each month, so I know the top-line projects and goals that I need to be thinking about. For example, January will be dominated by finishing HER DARK LIES and book tour for GOOD GIRLS LIE. Iā€™ve tried four or five different planning methods in the past, but thisā€”just the top-line of what the project is, what travel or major event is happening, and what I want to accomplishā€”itā€™s simple, straightforward, and letā€™s me focus on what matters. (Again... Enough.)

I want to finish HER DARK LIES and move on to the next story. I already know what itā€™s going to be, at least in theory. Itā€™s a story I am acutely able to tell, so Iā€™m excited to get moving on it. And I will outline it using the new app I found, StoryPlanner, that gives me a nice structure and overview. The biggest thing I learned in 2019 was this: Donā€™t start writing the book until you have 40 scenes. Because book math: 40 scenes which, fleshed out to 2000 words per scene, equals 80,000 words. This was a life changing formula for me when I had to toss out the plot for HER DARK LIES and start over, so Iā€™m anxious to see how it works for a brand new concept. 

Iā€™d like to get a couple of short stories in place, too, but the novels are paramount. Standalones take longer, take more planning, more thought, more mental energy for me, so I wonā€™t be fussed if I donā€™t.

Iā€™d like to keep Sunday Smatterings going, which is my journal. I love looking back on where my head was that week, and what stories and essays were turning my crank. I have several planned retreats this year, and Iā€™m taking a real, unplugged vacation, regardless of whether it fits into the schedule or not. Iā€™ll of course be honoring my Lenten social media sabbaticalā€”it might even start a little early this year. And itā€™s our 25th wedding anniversary, so there will be something special, and just for us. 

Another goal is to just stop worrying so damn much about everything, and to do that, Iā€™m being better to myself, taking time for myself. Iā€™m committed to living more for me and my people. I often sacrifice my own happiness and well-being to satisfy othersā€™ expectations, and Iā€™m not doing that anymore. This isnā€™t a resolution but a lifestyle change. So if you donā€™t see me around as much, know that Iā€™m practicing my healthy boundaries. You can always come to the blog and leave a comment if you miss me šŸ˜Š

Hereā€™s to a brilliant, lovely, productive, and peaceful 2020!


2019 Word Counts .png

For the past several years, Iā€™ve been doing annual reviews of my life and work, based on the format from Chris Guillebeauā€™s wonderful Annual Review on his blog, The Art of Non-Conformity. Chrisā€™s system is exceptionally detailed, more so than I really need, but the gist is there. Itā€™s a great system for those of us who are self-employed and want to do an assessment of our work for the year. Hereā€™s the link to the actual post. Go on over there and take a read. Iā€™ll wait. 

And if you're interested, here are the links to my previous annual reviews for 2009 (Too Damn Much), 2010 (Evolution), 2011 (Depth), 2012 (Simplicity), 2013 (Pencil), 2014 (Making Do), 2015 (No), 2016, (Lent), 2017 (Flow), and 2018 (Joy).

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - January 5.png

Happy Sunday, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! šŸ„‚

Smatterings is going to be short this week, because Iā€™m deadlining and working on the Annual Review. But wow, what a week! It was a blast seeing Good Girls Lie launch into the world. Next week is the official launch party at Parnassus, and the following 2 weeks Iā€™m out on tour. I am so, so grateful to all of you for buying the book, sharing it with your fellow readers, and spreading the word. THANK YOU!

Now that GGL has released, my focus has shifted entirely to writing the next book, getting the story rebuilt. Itā€™s funny, how we let go of the angst and worry about a book once itā€™s out. Itā€™s too late to fix anything, too late to change anything. So we let it go. 

Case in point, I wrote a friend the other day whose book I was reading and made mention of a tiny moment between the characters in her novel. She wrote back laughingā€”it took her a minute to place who I was talking about. 

That happens all the time. I had it happen with an edit, once. My editor called and said ā€œWe need to talk about Jane,ā€ and I said okay, took notes, then hung up, still trying to figure out who the hell Jane was. (She was a tertiary character, a roommate of a victim.) I was already so deep into the writing of the next book that I had to search the manuscript for any mentions of a Jane.

Thatā€™s how things go. Writers are sharks. We can only move forward, look ahead. Sideways or backward and we die.

And with that, I give you the links! Annual Review coming this week!

Itā€™s here!

GOOD GIRLS LIE is here! Did you get your copy yet?

A few of the places GGL has popped up recently:

-Secrets prove deadly in J.T. Ellisonā€™s latest thriller: ā€œThe truth is terrifying, and while it appears to be a straightforward story with obvious thriller elements, itā€™s a manipulative journey that is completely unpredictable. ā€œGood Girls Lie,ā€ and Ellison is the best one of them all.ā€

-Fresh Fiction: ā€œUnnerving surprises through out each chapter. Just when you thought you had the story figured out it, it smacks you with another twist.ā€

-The Big Thrill: ā€œEllison takes readers on a twisty-turny journey through the halls of a school that is the perfect backdrop for ghost stories, cruelty between teenage girls, and secrets and lies.ā€

-Paulā€™s Fantasy Writings: Interview With An Author: J.T. Ellison

Podcast interviews:


The 50 most anticipated books of 2020. Itā€™s hard to believe that a new year of reading is upon us. How many of these are on your To Be Read list?

The Best Books Of The 2010s, According To 30 Of The Decade's Debut Authors. I love hearing about the books other authors love.

Megan Abbott on Her Book 'Dare Me' Becoming a TV Show. Great piece. I absolutely canā€™t wait - this is one of my favorite Megan Abbott books.

EduHam: The Educational Component of Hamilton: The Musical. What a remarkable program!

Why Americans Are Always Running Out of Time. Interesting piece. My husband and I came at it from completely different angles, too. Trust me, if someone did all my housework, laundry, and cooking, Iā€™d have more time.

Emma Watson has hidden 2,000 copies of 'Little Women' around the world. This is really cool! Have you seen the movie yet? Itā€™s on my list!

Bookish Bullet Journal Supplies for Readers. This is a great resource.

How ā€˜The Godfatherā€™ Became an Unlikely Holiday Classic. Fascinating.

7 Bookish Tea Blends to Pair With Your Perfect Book. Bookish tea! What a clever notion.


BAG OF BONES by Stephen King

My friend and fellow author Jeremy Finley has taken it upon himself to educate me in the ways of the King, and this was my first foray back to his world since THE SHINING scared my pants off. Since I enjoy Kingā€™s accent and inflections, I chose to listen to the book. At 18+ hours, it was a commitment, but the writing is gorgeous, and the story so intriguingā€”itā€™s a mystery, and a love story, with a ghostly backdrop. I donā€™t know how much scarier I can go with King, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

What are you reading?

Thatā€™s it from me. Tell me what your resolutions are, give yourself an afternoon off for a movie, see that holiday spirit intact, and Iā€™ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.