11.24.16 - I am thankful for...

happy thanksgiving

A leaf teacup spins,
Lazy in the air, falling,
The cold ground opens.

Today, we gorge on turkey and stuffing, football and family, and give thanks for all the bounty we receive. For that spirit of togetherness, I am most grateful.

2016 has been a very good year for me. I’ve signed new contracts, traveled all over the country, communed with friends and family.

I am so thankful, for so many things. Pencils and notebooks, words and songs, friends and foes (yes, foes, because if we all thought the same, the world would be a very boring place indeed).

I am thankful for the gifts I've been given, and the drive to create.

I am thankful I have a roof over my head and job security, that I’m surrounded by brilliant people who do nothing but enhance my life.

I am thankful for the soft fur of my twin kittens, and the strong arms of my husband.

I am thankful for my family, for their good health and continued cheery attitudes and support.

I am thankful for the phrase #keepreading and all those who are involved in A Word on Words.

I am thankful for the kind, generous readers who keep me in work, for award nominations and starred reviews.

I am thankful for the many incredible ways I can talk to you, through social media, and blogs, through books and shorts stories.

I am thankful for bookstores and libraries.

I am thankful for my health, and my mat and treadmill, that are keeping me in shape.

I am thankful for #TheKerr, without whom all things would be boring.

I am thankful that despite our differences, we can still be friends, still love and support each other.

And I am thankful for you. 

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all!

If you’re looking to share your bounty today, may I suggest the Second Harvest Food Bank?  It is a worthwhile and generous place, feeding those cold and hungry with no place of their own.
Also, this Saturday is Indies First. I will be working a shift at Parnassus to celebrate. Come by and say hello!





J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

11.22.16 - Tools of the Writing Trade (with links!)

Tools of the Writing Trade

I spend a lot of time with my tools every day, and I often field questions from both writers and readers about what I use to make my business hum. I am an inveterate first adopter, so my tools have tended to change from year to year. Now, I have settled into a few very comfortable habits and tools that I use daily and weekly.

ACCOUNTABILITY: I use daily word trackers (i.e. Excel spreadsheets) from graphic artist Svenja Gosen. I love to track my progress, and using these gorgeous Excel spreadsheets has become a must for me. I use one for Fiction and one for Non-Fiction, and fill them in nightly. It makes my annual reviews so much easier to calculate!

WRITING ON THE LAPTOP: Scrivener is my go-to writing program. Highly scalable, easy to use, it's the finest writing software available. Plus, their Project Target tools allow me to set a deadline and see exactly what my daily word count needs to be. Every book and treatment has their own Scrivener file, as well as a massive Tao of JT file for all the blogs. And a bonus, they're now mobile!

WRITING ON THE GO: Scrivener for iPad - The best app invention ever, hands down. I love that I can write on the go without dragging my laptop and chargers along. It’s streamlined my process and lightened my purse!

ZONING OUT FOR SAID WRITING: Freedom. Oh, how I love Freedom. I use Freedom to turn off my access to social media, news sites, and other Internet worm holes so I can turn my brain on. I've written over a dozen books with Freedom in my life, and I hope it's by my side as I write dozens more.

JOURNALING: Day One, which I use for a number of things, including journaling, keeping track of major events and minor triumphs, and capturing ideas. It’s beautiful and easy to use, plus syncs across all devices. It's a great tool for remembering, too.

WEBSITE HOSTING: Squarespace - my web platform, where I host this blog, The Wine Vixen, and Two Tales Press.

TO DO LIST: Wunderlist is, pound for pound, the very best online To Do list and capture system. I spend half my day here. There is some redundancy with my calendar, but that's fine by me, as I live in fear of forgetting an event of deadline.

PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Asana - for major project management/workflows that won't fit within the Wunderlist construct. I am a relative newcomer to Asana, but my assistant and I use it for the many workflows we have for book releases and major project development. 

ONLINE TOOLS FOR READING, RESEARCH, and SHARING (this is my actual workflow)

Feedly, my favorite RSS feeder, pulls in stories from my favorite blogs
Instapaper, I capture online stories here, then share to...
Evernote, where my research files live; or to...  
Buffer, to share posts firsthand on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
Dlvr.it, which shares just-posted content to my other Facebook and Twitter accounts
Emma, to send newsletters with fun recipes and book recommendations

CALENDAR: iCal (I have both online and paper calendars. I don’t like carrying a day planner, so I use my phone when I'm out and traveling) run through Google calendar. I use the Outlook app calendar, too.

PLANNERQuo Vadis Habana, used as a Bullet Journal

Interestingly, two years ago, I switched to a daily calendar instead of weekly. It took a while, but I finally realized I was totally stressed by this daily accountability, and have switched back to weekly. My stress levels dropped immediately. I feel so much more settled! Crazy, right? The Habana is the perfect size — larger than a regular Moleskine, it fits my hand perfectly, can capture a few more lines per page, and the paper is fantastic — smooth, easy to write on, never bleeds through, and beautiful. I like paper you can pet.


Clairfontaine A5 spiral bound - idea capture, notes, book notebooks, research, planning — each book gets a notebook.


Midori Travelers Notebook - A lovely back-to-the-earth choice, I love throwing this in my bag when I’m heading out. The leather is stroke-able, the paper is smooth, and I always get compliments on it. When I’m traveling, there’s no sense taking five notebooks along, so it doubles as my writing notebook and my planner. 

COMPUTERiMac in the office, currently a 2013 13” MacBook Air laptop for writing, soon to be a 2016 13” MacBook—the all-day battery life is essential to my well-being.

PHONE: iPhone 6S in a Twelve South BookBook case

TABLET: iPad Air 2 in a Moshi origami case

EREADER: Kindle Voyage


Pilot Knight Fountain pen - beautiful, sturdy, a real workhorse
Sharpie Fine Point Pens - I especially like the blue
Pilot Precise v5 Pens - I prefer black
Blackwing Pencils in Pearl


It seems like a lot, but each tool has its purpose. Collectively, they make my life easier. I hope you find some of them useful.

Do you have any favorite tools? I'd love to hear about them!


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

11.20.16 - Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings 11.20.16

Hello, chickens. How are you today? Ready for turkey? It's been a whirlwind around here, to say the least: edits (LIE TO ME is in production!) and family and Emmy® nomination parties (more on that below!) and pie-making and early Thanksgiving. Which was delicious! 


It's officially time for the holiday bustle. Pace yourself, dear ones. Like The Kerr says, you can do anything, but not everything. Remember that for the next six weeks. Or forever.


Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

I'm still heartbroken over the loss of longtime excellent reporter and human, Gwen Ifill. She's going to be impossible to replace.

Our newest Nobel Prize Winner in Literature, Bob Dylan, can't make it to the awards ceremony. Like so many of us during the holiday season, he had a prior commitment. Hmm....

Are you looking to join a book club? I've got one for you: Modern Mrs. Darcy's online bookclub! I spoke to them this week, and they are a fun, sharp group of bookworms. Check them out! 

My favorite productivity app turned 1 this week! Happy Birthday, Freedom! 🎉

Jane. Austen. Mugs. Need I say more?

And closer to home:

I love writing. I love my job. But make no mistake: this is not a glamorous one by any means. Some days I wish I could snatch the Muse right out of the air so I could listen to her... but sometimes she has other plans. And I just have to deal. This week, I had one of those days.

I also nerded out over pencils.

Psst... the December newsletter comes out Thursday! Are you signed up? If you aren't, plug in your email, and get yourself a FREE ebook!

Best for last. Y'all. You know the literary TV show I co-host, A WORD ON WORDS? Well. WE GOT NOMINATED FOR AN EMMY® THIS WEEK!!! I am verklempt. Hats off to our brilliant crew led by our intrepid producer, Linda Wei, and of course my lovely co-host, Mary Laura Philpott. Wanna see what the fuss is all about? Go watch some episodes!


That's it from me! American chickens, have a blessed Thanksgiving, enjoy your turkey and loved ones, read a good book, drink some tea, pet a kitty, and I'll talk to you again soon.


11.17.16 - Things I've Done Today Instead of Writing

Things I've Done Today Instead of Writing

Today was supposed to be one of those huge word count days. Instead, it is nearly 3pm, and I’ve written a single word. One. 

As punishment, I present to you my day thus far, highlighting all the things I did instead of writing, in real time:

  • Sleep through my alarm
  • Love on the cats
  • Talk business with a friend
  • Skip my morning walk
  • Eat a lingering breakfast whilst researching a duplicate wine shipment (the horror)
  • Read the news
  • Read the news again
  • Complain on Twitter
  • Receive brilliant news from my editor
  • Call husband and parents to share said news
  • Text assistant to share said news
  • Check email
  • Write agent
  • Research what said news actually means
  • Complain to writer friends I am getting nothing done 
  • Check email
  • Talk to husband again
  • Throw mice for the cats
  • Open manuscript. Type one word.
  • Check email
  • Decide to get lunch
  • As I leave, unmarked pizza delivery arrives
  • Decide pizza delivery man is really an assassin. Check neighbor’s Facebook to make sure they are alive, because NO ONE IS HOME TO GET THE PIZZA AND THE DELIVERY GUY IS STANDING ON THEIR PORCH WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING?
  • Wait for pizza delivery guy to leave because ASSASSINS
  • Go to Subway for lunch
  • Read a book while eating stinky salad (stinky because tuna and onions, not stinky bad)
  • Order groceries
  • Heat up tea, get fresh water, take laptop to the porch
  • Find something sweet (spiced pecans)
  • Read the one word written
  • Listen to small child next door calling “Is anybody here?” (a game, I assume)
  • Read the news
  • Pet the cat
  • Check email
  • Facebook
  • Update my Goodreads queue
  • See I’ve only read 60 books this year, but am relieved to see I’m on track for the 70 I committed to
  • Look at stats on new book just released. Realize this is a very bad idea
  • Check email
  • See Parnassus Books Classic Bookclub is reading AND THEN THERE WERE NONE
  • Admire cover copy
  • Realize I am the last person on earth who hasn’t read Agatha Christie (again, the horror)
  • Order my first Agatha Christie novel 
  • Check email—receive assurance from BFF I am not a hack
  • Decide to write a blog. Because if you can’t write, write about not writing, right?
  • Take a deep breath, turn on Freedom, and write*…
  • (Whilst writing, check email three times, prep and start dinner, and take three phone calls.) 

5pm update

*and write… 1080 words. Hallelujah and hurrah! That’s 1080 fiction and 425 non-fiction. I’ve earned my walk!

Hey, it’s one of those days.

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

11.15.16 - Are you a pencil geek like me?

Are you a pencil geek like me?

I am a pencil geek (not to be confused with a pencil-necked geek).

I’ve always loved pencils. For an OCD writer, the pencil is a must. I get anxious when I make mistakes on paper (also why the word processor probably saved my sanity) and having a way to eradicate the mistake as quickly and completely as possible is a YUGE thing for me. 

In Toronto, during the marketing meeting, the pencil I was taking notes with became a bit dull. So I bent down and reached into my backpack as unobtrusively as I could, pulled out my sharpener, and proceeded to quickly sharpen my Pearl and continued taking notes. 

A moment later I realized there was complete silence in the room.

I looked up from my note-taking to see everyone in the room biting their lips, on the edge of hysterical laughter.

“You have a pencil sharpener?” my editor asked, incredulous, and the whole room busted up laughing. 

As I am the PROUD owner of a Blackwing Long-Point pencil sharpener and I have a trove of Blackwings in my (ahem) pencil case, pencils became the topic of conversation for several minutes. Which was awesome, not only for the historical context (Hemingway preferred pencil, as does Daniel Silva, both heroes of mine) but also the discussion of pencil styles, temperaments, lead, and erasers. I gifted my agent with a Blackwing and on we went, all warmer and happier than before.

Because that’s what pencils do. They make us happy. Which is why I love to use them.

Want to get started on Blackwing? Check this out.  

And, leave me a comment, and I’ll draw at random and send the winner a box — and a sharpener — so you can get your geek on in your next meeting!

Nerd out, peeps! 

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.