10.11.16 - SURPRISE! I have a new book out today!

My anniversary as a published author is just around the corner. My very first novel, ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS, released into the world for the first time October 23, 2007. 

But 2006 was when everything started really happening for me. It was a huge year, very exciting, very scary. My awesome agent (the brilliant Scott Miller) was shopping my novel to New York publishers. I placed a couple of short stories. I was part of a stellar line-up on an award-winning blog called Murderati. 

It’s amazing to look back on that year. I’m so glad I was a regular blogger, because I’m not much of a journaler, and the blog gives me a week-by-week snapshot of all the exciting things that happened those first couple of years. 

Now, I have 18 novels under my belt, and a wad of short stories. I co-write with Catherine Coulter, and co-host a literary television show. I’m writing standalones on my own—my ultimate goal—and I’ve started a publishing house for my fiction that doesn’t fit in with my traditionally published work.

Which is why I’m writing this post. 

Over the years, many people have asked if they could have a print version of my shorts. I’m so thrilled to be able to offer this option at last.

Today, my very first print novel through Two Tales Press is available. It’s aptly named THE FIRST DECADE, and represents my most popular and personal favorite short stories written over the past ten years.

It also has two brand-new, never-before-seen stories that I wrote expressly for this collection. Plus, it’s a delight to have my best work over the past ten years in one place, in a tangible, physical book. Because we all love that new book smell, right?

THE FIRST DECADE is available through all your favorite retailers, and with any luck, your local independent bookstore as well.

(though you will have to ask them to order it for you) We are partnering with several stores where you’ll be able to get copies (more on that later). 

I hope you’ll grab this one today, and spread the news to your friends as well.


Buy the Print Book

Download the ebook

Thank you for always supporting me and my writing. You mean the world to me!

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

10.9.16 - Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings 10.9.16

Y'all, it has been a crazy couple of weeks. We've known for months that the second half of the year was going to be busy, what with the regularly scheduled deadlines and book tours and conferences supplemented by parental joint replacement surgery and multiple tapings for Season 2 (!) of A Word on Words. And then Mother Nature decides to send a hurricane right at our beloved beach? It's the perfect metaphor, isn't it? Happily, the joint-replacee is doing great, the show is great, the deadlines were met, the hurricane did superficial damage, and I'm home of the foreseeable future (at least until November, LOL). Half of me is so sad we're heading into the second week of October, and the other half keeps saying "only 8 more weeks and things calm down!"

These are the blessings of my life, and trust me, blessings they are. Though I am looking forward to a quieter 2017. đź’¤

So. Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

First things first: if you'd like to help those who were devastated by Hurricane Matthew, here are some organizations you can look into for spreading the relief effort. Your help is so greatly appreciated!

Ever dreamed at working at a bookstore, or at least being Kathleen Kelly in You've Got Mail? Then you're gonna love these 17 behind-the-scenes secrets of working at a bookstore. I worked at a mall Waldenbooks for a while, and it was a blast.


A headline I know you didn't think you'd see today: Charles Dickens was a real-life Ghostbuster. Yes, we're getting into that time of year, people! đź‘»

If you're not reading the Bliss House series by Laura Benedict, you are missing OUT! Laura's prequel to the series, THE ABANDONED HEART, comes out Tuesday, and you need to go get it!!!! It's perfect reading for the Halloween season.


Looking to update your fall wine fridge? Here are 6 varietals to stock as the weather gets cooler.


And closer to home:

Would you look at this beauty!!!! Last week, the cover for Nick & Mike #4, THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE, made its debut and I don't think Catherine and I could be more thrilled with how it turned out! Mark your calendars for 3/14/2017, y'all, and pre-order it here.


The final episode of A WORD ON WORDS Season 1 just aired, and my guest couldn't have been a lovelier person: the wonderful Ariel Lawhon!!! If you're into historical fiction, you've got to check out Ariel's newest book, a masterful work on the Hindenburg's final flight—appropriately titled FLIGHT OF DREAMS.


That's it from me! Y'all be good, deck your porch with the trapping of fall (send pics, I'd love to see your decorations!) and I'll talk to you again soon!


10.2.16 - Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings 10.2.16

Hello, friends!

How's it going? Did you have a good week? I'm out in the wilds of Colorado, spending some time with my family. I love it out here, nestled into the mountains and valleys I grew to love when I was a kid. It's always good to be home. Wanna see some photos? You can check them out here! There is something special about fall in the mountains. The colors are astounding.

So, without further adieu...

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:


One of the cutest memes I saw this week were people posting the three fictional characters that describe them best. Hmm! Mine weren't hard, Hermione Granger, Katniss Everdeen, and Jaime Fraser. Rebels, one and all. Who are yours?


Let's face it: writing is hard. Getting published is even harder. For those of you trying to accomplish anything, but especially publishing something, turn to J.K. Rowling's pitch-perfect advice on perseverance. She does know a thing or two about the subject.


Speaking of J.K. Rowing, she's finally telling us what our Patronuses are!!!! This quiz on Pottermore finally answers what we Potterheads have always wondered about ourselves. My Patronus is a wild rabbit, which fits in so many ways. No wonder I adore the bunnies in my backyard so much.


Attention all Yogis, Deb Harkness fans, and those of us who are both 🙋 – you need to read this article now. I've lost my yoga practice lately; travel and injury and the craziness of deadline has made getting to my mat very hard. I want to reboot my practice this fall, and this article was the perfect incentive. Because Matthew and Diana, y'all! Namaste!


What is it about fall that beckons us to the page? Is it the crisp breezes, the longer nights, the way we ever-so-slowly settle down in preparation for winter? Whatever it is, let's embrace it. Here are 13 places we book lovers should visit this fall.


Fact: there are many words we are just plain pronouncing... well, differently than intended. Fellow word nerds, I bet you'll find this article fascinating: The 150 Most Commonly Mispronounced Words, Explained. I know I did.


And closer to home:

If you've been following me for a while, you know that I co-host a TV show on Nashville Public Television called A WORD ON WORDS. My co-host, fellow Nashville author Mary Laura Philpott, and I are wrapping up our first season of the show, and needless to say, it's been the literary ride of our lives. We've interviewed some of our favorite authors, some of the most well-respected in the industry (I mean, MARGARET ATWOOD, come on!). And if you don't live in the Nashville viewing area, I've made it infinitely easier to catch up on the show! I've got a new A WORD ON WORDS page here on the website, where I've collected all the interviews for your binge-watching pleasure. As we get more, I'll add them. Enjoy, y'all! đź“šđź¤“

Also, some good news: THE END GAME is on the New York Times bestseller list for the third week running. Thank you so much for your support! You can also find the entries to both the Taylor and Sam series on specials this week: ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS on sale for .99 this week, and A DEEPER DARKNESS for $1.99What a bargain!

That's it from me! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, I hope your team wins, and we'll talk again soon!

Meanwhile, here's something adorable to begin your week with:


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

9.25.16 - Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings 9.25.16

Hello, dear readers!

How did you fare this week? I'm slowly recovering from a glorious week in New Orleans (you can see a few of my favorite photos here), but man. It takes me a bit longer to get over a few late nights than it used to.

So forgive me that this week's list is a little shorter than some. But without further adieu...

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

When you woke up this morning, I know you were thinking, How can I dress more like a Victorian today? Well, dear reader, your wish is my command.

Just like maturing, every writer writes at his or her own pace. This is how long it took some of the world's most famous novelists to finish their books. (Les Mis = 12 YEARS)

Sometimes this writing this is pretty surreal. Case and point: I've been reading Tess Gerritsen (and nearly everyone on this list) for years. YEARS! Long before I was a writer. So to be mentioned in this BookBub list of series to read if you miss Gerritsen's Rizzoli & Isles on TNT is just, along with my writing heroes...I'm verklempt.

And closer to home:

You might've heard that I just finished a book (🎉🎉🎉), and... the Sam & Taylor book I thought was coming out next year won't be coming out just yet. I know—I really don't like disappointing you. Here's a little bit more insight into that decision.

🍝 BONUS: cooler temps harken visions of comfort food, so this week I cracked open the archives and rediscovered this beauty: carbonara featured in WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE. Man, oh man, did it hit the spot. I used gluten-free ziti, since that's what I had in the cabinet. Between mixing cheeses using farm-fresh eggs (we're talking sunset-golden yolks), and lots of pancetta and black pepper, this was just spectacular. And it's quick and easy, perfect for busy weeknights!

That's it from me this week, y'all. Happy first full week of fall, put out your festive decor, and we'll talk again soon!


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

On Creative Satisfaction and Book News

On Creative Satisfaction and Book News

I interview writers. I do it here on the Tao, I do it on television. I’m not a professional by any means, I’m just a writer who’s curious about other writer’s process and mindsets. 

One of my favorite questions: Are you creatively satisfied?

People interpret the question in different ways, and the answers vary widely.

My own answer has been very elusive for the past few years. I love the work I do. I love my characters. I love being with them, spending time in their heads.

And yet… There’s been something hanging over me. Something holding me back. 

I’ve never truly been able to put a finger on it. And I’ve thought about it a lot lately. 

For the longest time, I chalked it up to good old-fashioned envy—seeing other authors write stories that look effortless, look like fun. I’ve read outside my genre almost exclusively for the past few years. Fantasy worlds, books that are truly creative and have no basis in actual reality, but are worlds unto themselves, with rules inherent to the culture. Dystopian stories of reluctant heroes. Young adult coming-of-age tales (I especially like ones set in boarding schools. The kids always seem inches away from morphing into Lord of the Flies.)

Crime fiction isn’t what people would call fun. It’s dark and brooding, tears apart the soul in many ways. To examine how and why people do terrible things to one another isn’t a recipe for unicorns and rainbows. After I stopped the Taylor series, and moved away from the darkness, I felt better, but, ironically, that’s when this lingering dissatisfaction started. 

Interesting, right? 

The Sam series has been incredibly hard for me. I always thought I was much more like Taylor than I am Sam, because Sam’s books were so much harder to write. Turns out, I poured a lot of my heart into Sam, and it was very cathartic for me. I finally did find a stride, and Sam is a woman I am proud to write about, a woman I think readers can truly identify with. 

But I’m a writer with a LOT of ideas. And I have still had that sense of wanting to try something new and different. NO ONE KNOWS was a product of this desire. I love that book. It took forever to write, and I just kept plugging away at it for years, and it finally saw the light of day. I’m proud of it, and I’ve been proud of myself for committing to it and letting it out in the world. 

So when I had the option to write another standalone, I jumped at it. I’d been playing with an idea last summer, then had to put it on hold to write Sam and a new Nick and Mike book. Once I finished, I came back to it and sold LIE TO ME in June. It had about 30,000 words, most of which needed major reworking. I’ve been writing like mad all summer to get it finished.

And it is dark. Probably as dark as anything I’ve ever written. But it’s not dark in a macabre or bloody way. It’s about betrayal. Which is really the darkest crime of all, don’t you think?

Since I was in sort of a hurry to get it done by the end of summer, while I was writing it, I started to take chances. Strange voices came out of the woodwork of my mind. I began utilizing POVs I’ve never tried before in long-form fiction, new settings, new topics. Even so, I saw the wall looming. The wall I approach time and time again, fearing that at the last second, I might flinch, and turn away, instead of crashing into and through it.  

Now, I don’t flinch in my work. I go for it, always. Some of the themes and storylines in my Taylor books and Sam books are truly intense. But sometimes I feel like I could do better with the story, better with the resolutions, better with the characters. What I realized is I’ve been approaching all of this intellectually rather than… I don’t even know what the right word is. Spiritually? Organically? Some combination of them both?

When I realized I was holding myself back on this new book, and the wall loomed bigger and thicker than ever before, I made myself a note in my To Do list, and kept it front and center, for the last month of writing. It said: 

Be willing to take one more step with LTM

It’s simple advice. Logical advice. And powerful in ways you can’t imagine. 

I discarded everything I knew about writing. All the rules I normally follow, all the little sequences I normally use. I discarded advice from trusted sources. I reshaped the concept, moving away from the proposal. I just went for it. And the result is a book that’s totally and completely different than anything I’ve ever done. New style, new format, new language and pace, everything. It feels very avant garde for me. Very fresh and exciting.  

I know nothing’s truly original, and everything’s been done before, blah, blah, blah. Voice is going to make a story your own, yes. But genres have conventions. They have formulas. The stories that seem to be rewarded aren’t necessarily deviating from those tropes, only finding new ways to approach the path. Writers spend a lot of time writing to the market, to the idea of success. It’s a natural thing. Someone writes a kick-ass vampire story, and suddenly, the market is glutted with vampires. Someone writes a kick-ass domestic suspense, and the market becomes a feeding frenzy of people trying to glom on.

I’ve fallen into this thinking, though happily I feel like the stories I’ve told up to now haven’t fallen into convention entirely.

But this one… it feels different to me. I took an extra step. It wasn’t immediately after I typed The End, but when I finished, really finished, I experienced something I haven’t in a very long time.

I realized I was creatively satisfied.

So no matter how it does, how readers feel about it, how sales go… I have that feeling in my gut, the expansiveness and satisfaction of knowing I created something unique unto me. And that’s refilled my well in ways nothing has for years. 

And I want the well to stay full. So I’m going to try and do it again. I have another book due in mid-April. I’ve decided it will be another standalone. Sam and Taylor will stay on vacation for the time being, while I run with this new creative flow that I’ve found. Don’t worry, I swear on all that’s holy they will be back. But I’ve started another standalone crime fiction story, and I hope it will bring me the kind of joy LIE TO ME has.

Thank you for standing by me, and indulging me. Your support makes this possible. I truly, truly appreciate you!

P.S. for my writer friends: I strongly suggest trying this. Do something totally alien to your style, and see what happens!

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.