8.16.15 - Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings

Hello, darlings! How’s your week been? Is back-to-school time kickstarting your routine again? Or are you still in the throes of summer? For me, it’s completely the latter, and will be for quite some time.

I’ve spent this week with the lovely Catherine Coulter in Sausalito, dreaming up new adventures for Nicholas Drummond and Mike Caine all while basking in the gorgeous San Francisco Bay views from her house. Seriously, I could really get used to having that vantage point (especially with the fog! #pluviophile). 

With my head in Book Land, I didn’t spend as much time on the Internets as usual this week. But I did manage to unearth some interesting tidbits:

Those of you with an eye toward reaching an audience might find this article from Buffer on why you should try to keep your existing customers quite interesting.

Hey wordsmiths, listen up: the incomparable Jane Friedman had a very insightful guest post on “3 Qualities of Masterful Word Choice” from author Barbara Baig’s new book, Spellbinding Sentences. Some really good nuggets in this one. 

In book news, the reviews have started rolling in for THE END GAME, and I’m so pleased by the positive feedback! Particularly, the fine people at Publisher’s Weekly had some nice things to say in their starred review.

And on the home front, InD’tale publisher T.J. Mackay stopped by for a 7 Minutes chat, and she was just awesome. Smart, savvy, and so much fun! 

Oh, and don’t forget about my August contest, still ripe for entering!  Free books, people!

And here’s a little carpe diem for your week: “Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” –Farrah Gray (which is my philosophy on life—that and, you know, “It's never too late!”)

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

8.14.15 - The (long-overdue) Round-Up of WHAT LIES BEHIND


So WHAT LIES BEHIND has been out since just before Memorial Day, right when spring was on the cusp of becoming summer. Lots of people have said lots of nice things about this book, and in the dual interests of posterity and housekeeping, I've gathered them together in one, convenient place. It's my media scrapbook, of sorts. Forgive the delay on the post, but if you haven't read Sam's latest adventure yet, this should tip you right on over the edge. Happy Friday!





I’m always grateful to get a good review from the fine people at Publisher’s Weekly

Bestseller Ellison’s captivating fourth Samantha Owens novel (after 2014’s When Shadows Fall) finds the former Washington, D.C., medical examiner working as a consultant for the FBI. When a woman is found dead and a man near death in a house in Sam’s Georgetown neighborhood, the bloody crime scene suggests that the man stabbed the woman, then himself, in a fit of passion. Sam’s police detective friend, Darren Fletcher, who was recently promoted to homicide lieutenant, consults with Sam on the case. When the U.S. State Department asks them to keep the investigation under wraps, Sam and Fletch become increasingly suspicious that the crime wasn’t a simple murder-suicide. Meanwhile, Sam’s boyfriend, bodyguard Xander Whitfield, takes on the job of protecting James Denon, a wealthy British industrialist, while he’s visiting his business interests in the States. As Sam and Xander’s missions converge, they discover evidence of a serious bioterrorist threat. The cliffhanger conclusion will leave fans of romantic suspense eagerly anticipating the next installment. 

Romantic Times deemed WHAT LIES BEHIND a June Top Pick! 

Ellison just keeps getting better and better! This new addition to her Dr. Samantha Owens series further develops the ensemble of complex characters who play off each other nicely. This would make a fine beach read, except with the fast pace and thrills — the action all takes place in about 24 hours — you might never make it into the water. Minor plot threads and a brief appearance by Taylor Jackson (another Ellison protagonist) hint at more good stories to come.

Loved this quotable quote from Library Journal:

"Verdict: The fourth Samantha Owens novel moves from forensics to international bioterrorism, and the results are breathtaking! Thriller fanatics craving an action-packed novel of intrigue will be abundantly rewarded." 

Idgie over at Dew on the Kudzu has some lovely things to say as well (thank you, Idgie!).  

Samantha has an interesting case on her hands . . .   This novel involves spies, double spies, sociopath spies, mama spies and apparently a slightly slutty spy. Finally, throw some bioterrorism in there and you get really nervous while reading.

Shout-out to the incomparable Margaret Renkl of Chapter 16, and thank you for a stellar review (Speaking of, did you see Margaret's op-ed in last Sunday's New York Times on caregiving? Beautifully written, that). 

Fans of Patricia Cornwell will appreciate Ellison’s brand of high intrigue paired with a medical-examiner slant . . . What Lies Behind is a straightforward and multilayered thriller with a dynamic cast of characters and an intricate web of conspiracy and backstory. Nashville-based Ellison, whose national reputation has been growing for years, is sure to win more new fans and critical acclaim with her latest thriller.

Working Mother Magazine has some kind things to say as well. 

What Lies Behind has an explosive storyline that is all too realistic. The plot is a compelling mystery with a lot of action and terror.”

MilitaryPress.com. called WHAT LIES BEHIND a "realistic, frightening novel." You know, they'd probably know . . . 

Blackfive.net seemed to dig the plot:

“Because the plot takes place in one harrowing day the action never seems to stop.  It can be seen as a warning for a terrorist threat that seems to have fallen under the radar.

I so enjoyed chatting with Debbie Haupt, mastermind behind The Reading Frenzy, who was ridiculously kind in her assessment of the novel! 

“Where do I start telling how wonderful this was, do I start by giving it the 6 out of 5 stars it deserves? Do I start by saying what an adrenalin rush this nail biting, page-turning, one-sitting tale is so that by the end readers will need to breathe into a brown paper bad to stop hyperventilating?”

Universal Creativity, Inc. Magazine was so gracious with their comments in the May issue.

A highly thrilling and fact-paced novel that readers will come to love. The suspense hangs high in the air on every page.


Guest Posts & Chats

Suite T, Southern Writers Magazine’s blog, invited me over for a guest post! 

And many thanks to Crimespree Magazine for hosting such a fun chat. 


Interviews & Features

Amazon featured WHAT LIES BEHIND in crime newsletter and on Kindle Post blog! 

I was honored that Bookpage invited me to be one of their “Meet the Author” segments in June. That was pretty cool. 

A kind literary blogger from Bulgaria, Ognian Georgiev of LandofBooks.com interviewed me too.

Anthony Franze of Suspense Magazine portrays me more charmingly than I deserve. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation on writing, and giving you, gentle readers, a few of my secrets.

I had so much fun with Josie Brown of The Big Thrill. She asked me a delightful mixture of insightful yet fun questions!  



I also had a few signings, where I had the good fortune to meet some of you lovelies. Many thanks to each of these venues for hosting me!

  • FoxTale Book Shoppe: Atlanta, GA
  • Parnassus Books: Nashville, TN
  • Reading Rock Books: Dickson, TN
  • Books-A-Million: Nashville, TN
  • The Friends of the Decatur Public Library: Decatur, AL
  • Publix Highway 100: Nashville, TN

And most of all, thanks to you, gentle reader, for your kind words and support. You mean more to me than you'll ever know! Xoxo

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

8.13.15 - 7 Minutes With... TJ Mackay

TJ Mackay is irrepressible. I saw this from first-hand experience, having done an interview with her for InD’tale Magazine. The bubbly blonde and I hit it off immediately (I know y’all are shocked that two blondes might bond, so hush). We talked ourselves into a frenzy about stories, cops, love and friendship, and, of course, books! I was blown away by her fantastic, positive, can-do-anything attitude, and knew I wanted to introduce you to her. Here she is!


Set your music to Shuffle and hit play. What’s the first song that comes up?

Hah!  If you could see the size of my music list, you’d see what a gamble I take!  “Change the World” the Babyface arrangement. 

Now that we’ve set the mood, what are you working on today?

As a publisher of a worldwide monthly magazine, there are always deadlines, content, and formatting to do. Plus, we are sponsoring the InD’Scribe Author/Reader Convention in September that has more things to stay on top of than my brain can cover some days. And I think everyone can relate to the mountain of email that is always waiting.  So that’s what I’m working on today!  (Hey, you asked!) 

What’s in your latest issue?

Our latest issue features a 7-page, in-depth (and very rare) interview with the husband and wife writing team, Ilona Andrews. (And JT is an up-coming feature, so stay tuned for that!!) This issue also has a secondary interview with Christine Brae, the worldwide top executive who is now writing romance!  And there are some great articles on archetyping personality traits, learning about deep point of view, and a whole bunch more.  We just started a new serial mystery this month, AND we ALWAYS have more than 100 professional reviews of the latest Indie and small published books with both content and steam ratings to help readers find the perfect book.  Whew!  Now you understand the depth of the “What are you working on today” answer!  

Where do you write, and what tools do you use?

I have a home office that is decked out to my taste and needs: a big Mac computer (heh, heh, sounds like a burger),  large desk and comfy chair, a tablet sitting beside me, a cell phone in easy reach and a great music system to keep me calm and happy.

What was your favorite book as a child?

When you say child, just how young do you mean?  I have always been a voracious reader and can remember as far back as three or four years old having Buster’s Busy Day read to me! 

What’s your secret talent?

I dance!  In the dark when no one is watching, I put on that massive playlist and dance and dance and dance!  I did it professionally in my younger years, but it has slowly become a very well-kept secret to anyone other than my closest friends . . . and now YOU! 

What book are you reading now?

I actually have three I am reading at the moment.  Because of my profession I read a massive amount.  There is rarely a day that I don’t end with a few hours of reading.  Right now I am reading one book for InD’tale to help a reviewer out.  I’m reading the Significant series by YA author Shelly Crane in preparation for an interview with her, and I am plowing through the addicting historical monster that is THE RISE OF THE DEFENDER by Kathryn LeVeque.

When did you know you wanted to publish your own magazine?

It happened when I was working as the Special Features editor of another industry magazine. It was right at the time Amazon, Kindle, and e-book publishing were just exploding.  I was receiving so many personal requests from up-and-coming authors asking if I could help them find a platform where they could be seen.  Many of these new authors were incredibly talented but just weren’t fitting into the traditional pigeonholes.  Thus, the idea of starting a magazine for Indie and small published authors and readers was planted, and InD’tale magazine was born.  That was a little over three years ago, and we are now the #1 Indie and small published magazine in the world!

Who is your writing idol? Have you met him/her? If so, did you completely nerd out or keep your cool?

Oh my goodness, I am SUCH a fan-girl!  Because I read so much, I have many writing idols—most of whom I have had the wonderful opportunity to not only meet but interview, as well.  However, the first two idols I got to interview are Charlaine Harris and Julie Garwood.  With both I was so nervous I could hardly stand it!  Charlaine has such a sweet, southern mom personality. The minute I met her, she gave me a big hug and asked how I was doing in that slow drawl that put me instantly at ease.  With Julie, I was so nervous I couldn’t open the door!  The key wouldn’t work, I fumbled, turned red and made a joke of it, to which she started telling me the most hilarious story of an instance when she embarrassed herself. I immediately lost the nerves and ended up laughing more than I ever have in an interview (she is truly hilarious to visit with)! 

What’s your favorite bit of writing advice?

Edit, edit, EDIT!!!  Have someone edit for mistakes, someone else edit for flow, content, etc.  Then take the results, fix them, and repeat the process. And, please not just with family members or friends who love you and never want to hurt you.  Use people who are not afraid of telling you the brutal truth. That is the only way you will stand a chance of success in this very competitive publishing world. 

Are you creatively satisfied?


What would you like to be remembered for?

For being someone who truly loved others and succeeded in helping talented authors grow and find success, happiness, and joy in this amazing journey!

Alright, now for the really important questions:

  • Beach or mountains? Beach!
  • Coffee or tea? Blech!  Coffee is nasty crap, and tea has a horrible after-taste.  Give me a Dr. Pepper any day. :)
  • Skydive or bungee jump? Skydive.  Hey, if I’m gonna commit just as well commit all the way. :)
  • Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate (no-brainer)
  • Winter or summer? Gosh, that’s hard, I love them both for different reasons.  Winter because of all the smells, warm, fuzzy clothes, crackling fires and food, and summer because of the easy, slower pace, the sunshine, and long days.
  • Cake or pie?  Love both, but pie—IF it’s homemade!
  • Cats or dogs? Again, love both. 
  • Pens or pencils? Pens, definitely.
  • Truth or dare? Truth, always—although dares don’t scare me.
  • Print or ebook? Ebook for ease, print for reference.


Here's a little more about TJ in her own words!

With more than 2,000 professional book reviews under my belt and rising weekly, I'm not sure where to begin. Obviously, I love to read!  I juggled a double major in both English Education and Dance in college (English Ed. to land a job, Dance for the pure joy of it!)  From there, I've worked in both fields consistently to the present.

While working in this industry I've had the wonderful opportunity of meeting and interviewing some of publishing's most famous (and fun) authors and celebrities. Since the biggest complaint people had about me while growing up was that I ask way too many questions, this career has been the perfect fit.  I LOVE people (one has to work very hard for me not to like them!). The past few years, however, I have become increasingly aware that many talented authors are not afforded media exposure simply because they choose to self or small publish, rather than accept the strictures of mainstream publishing. Thus, the idea of InD'tale Magazine was born!

Through more hard work than I thought possible and more love and support than I thought imaginable, InD'tale is quickly becoming the magazine of choice by thousands of people who want to learn, be entertained, and discover new and interesting books in the indie and self published field.

Along with making InD'tale the very best magazine of its kind, I still take time to teach private music lessons. Music (all kinds) is a passion I will always indulge in, no matter where life takes me. I am also passionate about traveling, learning, and enjoying new experiences. I'm continuing an on-going bucket list of visiting a new and interesting place in the world at least once a year. 

Wow, isn't she great? TJ's passion for her work is so infectious! It was such a pleasure to introduce her to you.

And, gentle readers, don't forget to check out InD'tale Magazine for the latest on Indie and small press publishing. You may just find your new favorite author or series, and help a new publishing career take off!

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

8.9.15 - Sunday Smatterings

There were lots of things going on in my world last week!

First of all, hats off to the courageous, competent Metro Nashville Police Department for neutralizing what could have been such a tragic situation.

The poli-sci geek in me was having a field day this week over Nashville's municipal elections. Taking the future of your local community in your own hands is critically important, and I can't wait to see how this mayoral campaign shakes out and (hopefully) moves Nashville to even greater heights.

In the publishing realm, have you been following author Steve Hamilton's saga? Earlier this week, Hamilton announced his departure from St. Martin's Press, citing a lack of support in his publisher's marketing plans, and signed with Putnam (with whom Catherine and I publish the Nicholas Drummond series). It's hugely unconventional for an author to buy back their rights, pay back their advance, and exit a publishing house so close to a new book's pub date. It's a bold move, but ultimately it's one that should pay off for Hamilton--and his readers.

What exactly happens between me typing "the end" on a manuscript to you holding the book in your hands? The lovely Diana Gabaldon explains it ain't no small task

Did you read GO SET A WATCHMAN? What did you think? Well, if the novel was something different you envisioned, then you're not alone. And if you bought the book from this Michigan bookstore, your pocketbook might be in luck.

I'm all about working smarter, so I was really digging this blog post on habits of highly organized people. So many good nuggets in here. 

Are you people watching True Detective Season 2? Good grief, this plot's convoluted. Just . . . no.

Looking for a surefire way to get your favorite author's next book? You can "follow" them on Amazon, and you'll never miss another book again. This should greatly enhance your status at the watercooler, as your friends and colleagues deem you "the font of culture" for knowing all the things. Who doesn't want to be the font of culture?

I like free things. You like free things. I like books. You like books. My publisher MIRA is blending all of these wonderful happenstances into one nice giveaway, celebrating the summer season with some reading goodies and 10 fabulous books (one of which is written by, ahem, moi). Go get you some free stuff!

And this week on the Tao, I had the privilege of hosting my longtime friend and wicked talented singer/songwriter/musician, Les Kerr, in a musical edition of 7 Minutes With...

And, of course, here's an overview of what happened in book world this week.

That's all I've got. Keep reading, folks!

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

8.6.15 - 7 Minutes With... Les Kerr

I’m so happy to do something a bit different, and welcome my friend Les Kerr to the blog today. Les and I go way, way back, to my pre-writer days, when my husband worked for The Tennessean alongside Les’s most wonderful (and, sadly, late) wife, Gail Kerr. This friendship has stood the test of time through festivals and libations and conferences, with joy and heartache as constant companions. Les is an incredible singer/songwriter/musician, who plays gigs all over the south. If you ever have a chance to see him play, don’t miss it. He’s wonderful, and I’m so happy to introduce you to him today!  


Set your music to shuffle and hit play. What’s the first song that comes up?

"Silver Lining" by Kacey Musgraves

Now that we’ve set the mood, what are you working on today?

Preparing for a radio interview this afternoon and a songwriting show tomorrow.

What’s your latest album about?

The title song of the album is called “Contributor.” I was inspired to write it by the men and women who sell Nashville’s street newspaper, The Contributor. The album is a collection of songs about various topics, including the late New Orleans poet Everette Maddox (who was a friend of mine), trains, grief, the importance of a handshake, and other subjects. Of the ten albums I have recorded, only two are about a recurring theme: Christmas on the Coast (2002) and New Orleans Set (2010).

Where do you write, and what tools do you use?

I scribble ideas whenever I get them on anything from paper napkins to the pad I keep in my car. Ideas have occurred to me in conversations, restaurants, bars, while driving and even in the shower. After I settle on the idea, I work them out and seriously in my home office. I use a legal pad, a pen and my guitar. My favorite songwriting pen is a wooden fountain pen my wife gave me on our first anniversary, but if I’m travelling or it’s out of ink, any pen or pencil will do as long as I can get my thoughts on paper.

Since I don’t read music, I often record the lyrics and melody on a hand-held Tascam digital recorder as soon as I find what I’m happy with so I won’t forget the melody.

What was the first album that struck a chord with you? (pun completely intended)

Elvis’ Golden Records by Elvis Presley.

What’s your secret talent?

When I was growing up on the Gulf Coast, sailing was my sport. While it’s been a long time since I was an active sailor, I could probably dust off those skills and handle a boat. Many people do not know that about me, so I suppose that would be a “secret.”

Which album or artists have been pumping through your headphones lately?

I wore headphones during my radio news career and use them in recording studios now, so when I listen to music for pleasure, I prefer to listen to speakers. The music in my car, where I listen the most, right now includes Kacey Musgraves’ Same Trailer, Different Park (she is a refreshingly moving and entertaining songwriter), B.B. King Live, Elvis Presley (his first RCA album), Jimmy Buffett, Louis Prima, and Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs.

When did you know you wanted to be a musician?

I can’t remember not wanting to be a musician. As a child, I stood in front of the television set imitating whoever was on (my mother’s bridge club friends loved that!), then singing along with records and eventually learning to play guitar and starting a rock and roll band in high school. After getting a degree in journalism from Ole Miss and working in news for seven years, I made the commitment to move to Nashville and pursue music professionally.

Who is your music idol? Have you met him/her? If so, did you completely nerd out or keep your cool?

There are many musical heroes to me. Elvis Presley was the biggest one and I regret that I never met him. I did see him perform in concert three times, and I am grateful for that.

I've actually met a few of my other heroes: Roy Acuff, Bill Monroe and B.B. King. With Acuff and Monroe, I interviewed them during my radio career, so it is my hope that I was cool (on the outside, at least). With B.B. King, I was able to shake his hand and chat with him on two different occasions. Each time, we talked about being from Mississippi and had very pleasant and brief conversations.

What’s your favorite bit of performing advice?

Here are two pieces of advice that I have tried to live by:

1.    When Minnie Pearl was nervous about her first appearance on the Grand Ole Opry, the “Solemn Old Judge” George D. Hay, the founder of the Opry, told her, “Go out there and love the audience, and they’ll love you back.”

2.    In Will Rogers' autobiography, he writes: "I learned the secret of the show business: I learned when to get off. It’s the fellow that knows when to quit that the audience wants more of.” I put that one in a little frame and I keep it on my desk. It not only applies to performances, but I use the same philosophy when I write my blog.

What do you do if your creative juices aren’t flowing?

As I mentioned, I write ideas on scraps of paper and I keep a stack of them on the coffee table in my office where I write. If none of those ideas move me, I pick up my guitar and just start playing songs I enjoy, whether I wrote them or not. It was the joy of music that got me here and it helps to remember that.

Also, I read a lot. Everything from books about professional and personal development to biographies and books on various topics, like the history of New Orleans’ unusual street names.

Finally, I try not to put myself under any pressure to write. I’m a performer, too, so if I don’t have a song to write, I work on my guitar playing or singing.

Are you creatively satisfied?

I am happy that I can write songs and find outlets for them to be heard, either on my albums or by playing them at shows. That is very satisfying and something for which I am very grateful.

What would you like to be remembered for?

Just being remembered is enough, but specifically, I would hope people remember that I care about my friends, family and loved ones. I do my best to show that now.

Alright, now for the really important questions:

  • Beach or mountains? Beach
  • Coffee or tea? Coffee
  • Skydive or bungee jump? Neither. I’ll stay in the plane or on the ground.
  • Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
  • Winter or summer? Summer
  • Cake or pie? Pie
  • Cats or dogs? Dogs
  • Pens or pencils? Pens
  • Truth or dare? Truth
  • Mp3’s or vinyl? Vinyl


Here's a little more about Les' new album!

"Contributor" is the title song of Les Kerr’s new CD, scheduled for release in Summer 2015. In addition to the title song, eleven other songs not related to the newspaper will be included. The subject matter of Kerr’s songs reflects the Mississippi and New Orleans influences identified with his music. A native of the Mississippi Gulf Coast and a frequent traveler and performer in New Orleans, he refers to his music as “Hillbilly Blues Caribbean Rock and Roll.”

The blues influence is evident in "The Blue and White," inspired by a diner in the Mississippi Delta. His love of New Orleans music and culture is reflected in "More to Life" and "Inspiration and Bar Scotch," and Coastal culture comes through in "The Gail" and "Seductive Eyes." The album will be available at www.leskerr.com and though Tunes, Amazon, and other internet download sites.

You can watch the music video for "Contributor" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDP3m_-7nko

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.