11.25.14 - This Chicken's Head is Not Here

I stayed up much too late last night, watching TV and listening to police scanners, seeing things work, and things not work, applauding the peaceful protests, cringing at the fires and looting and shootings. I write about law enforcement, and it’s not often so front and center, so attainable. Seeing police in action is a boon for research, yes, but it's scary, too. I applaud the reporters who braved their lives to bring us the stories from around the country, too. It was a hard night, one I hope isn’t repeated. Alas, I fear my wish will not come true.

So I’ve been in a reflective mood today, and clearly distracted, as I first forgot my car keys, then had to come back to the house three times for, in turns, my Fitbit, my PO Box keys, and the grocery list. Then I left my wallet in the car... On and on and on, all day, silly little things here and there. I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off - such is the colloquial term - and was being blonde at the same time. 

My mind is not on my work or my errands. It’s somewhere else, and I finally stopped trying to make things work and instead settled in to clean my desk, do some filing and continue emptying the bookshelves. I know when the universe has bested me.

Word count - Zero. 

Boo. Hiss. 

But I’m here. And you’re here. So let’s have a virutal hug and some tea and a prayer for peace. Since that’s all I can really think about today.

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

11.24.14 - The Bookcases are Coming, the Bookcases are Coming!

I know you’re terribly surprised to hear I have several overflowing bookcases in my house. We’ve decided adding more is the only solution, and I just got the call that they guys will be here Wednesday morning at 9 to install them. Which means… CHAOS!!!!!!

I have to offload ALL the shelves in the living room, plus remove a ladder shelf in the kitchen covered with cookbooks and teapots to make room for the desk that’s moving there. This, whilst getting Thanksgiving in order, since there will be people knocking on the door at ten Thursday morning. 

Plus, need to write 10,000 words this week, minimum.

HAHAHAHA… the joke’s on me, isn’t it?

1865 today. I’d keep going, but it’s always better to stop in the middle of a scene. And there's all these books to move....

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.


Friday afternoon, and I thought I'd start up my productivity notes again.

It’s been a productive week so far. My word count hasn’t been off the charts — only averaged 1500 words a day — but that meets my word goal per day. And I accomplished quite a bit. I managed to build myself a comprehensive outline for the new Nicholas book based on the synopsis Catherine and I cooked up, which will really make things move quickly. I head out to her place to visit and discuss in a couple of weeks, so the more I can have done and planned, the better. 

Did the dedication and acknowledgments for WHAT LIES BEHIND, which excitingly went up for pre-order, almost as if it knows it’s got a cover and an opening page and end papers. Funny how that happens. I finished the copyedits on Sunday, so all that’s left is one last pass through to find any issues, and that book will be put to bed entirely. 

I should have fun news for you next week regarding the story I’m planning for Brenda Novak’s SWEET DREAMS boxset.

And I’m very excited to see Mockingjay: Part 1 this weekend. Might even brave the crowds tonight. The kittens are not at all happy at this prospect, as Jordan has been jonesing for a fire all day. ( I know this because she stands in front of the fireplace and gives it mournful mirps.) It will be chilly tomorrow; we’ll have one for her then. 

It may be a crazy weekend for our world. Here’s hoping everyone stays safe and warm and calm. Happy Friday, and Happy Happy Birthday to my darling middle brother!

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

One Of The Best Things About Nashville...

One of this big advantages of living in Nashville is the music. Last night, I had the pleasure of attending an awesome bi-monthly event called EAST SIDE STORYTELLIN’, which is put together by the indomitable Chuck Beard of the very cool East Nashville shop East Side Story. Every event features an author, and a musician. Words, and lyrics. What a beautiful combination.

By the way, Chuck’s bookstore is unique - populated with books by Tennessee authors only. It is a true labor of love, and I can’t recommend buying from him highly enough. Not only is it a cool bookstore, it’s filled with art and love. If you’re in Nashville, stop by. If you’re outside of Nashville - give Chuck a call. He can hook you up with just the right book. Because Nashville - heck, all of Tennessee - is FULL of brilliant writers. We’ve undergone quite the literary renaissance lately, and Chuck has all of us there.

So back to last night - a great match up of words and lyrics. The author was Alecia Whitaker, the music by Alissa Moreno. These two have been teamed together for Alecia’s book, WILDFLOWER, the story of a young singer who’s gotten her big break, and Alissa sang the breakout song that’s featured in the book. There’s even a talent search underway for the next big star, so if you know a great teen signer, send them here. The book itself is the brainchild of Kathryn Williams, developmental editor of Aerial. This is a great example of Nashville teamwork. 

And I officially have a crush on Alissa Moreno. What a voice! You know how some songs, some people, just strike you? Well, you’ve heard her before, too, though you may not know it. She’s one of those amazingly talented singer/songwriters who populate this town. I bought one of her albums, and I’m stoked to go see her around town.

And since this has turned into a linkfest instead of my initial premise, I’ll get to it now. I am not a signer. I have no discernible musical talent. I played a bunch of instruments in school — clarinet, mostly, but sax and flute and drums and guitar, too — but they didn’t speak to me like words, and I had to choose between band and G&T classes, and I chose the latter. As such, I am always fascinated by people who have both words and melody in their heads. It seems such an ethereal gift, less workmanlike, more tangible than words alone. I know I can turn a phrase, but do I give people goosebumps and make tears come to their eyes? 

That’s how I felt last night. That overwhelming spark that sends tingles throughout your body when you hear just the right voice, just the right note, just the right words. I didn’t want the evening to end.

Do check out these extremely talented women, and give Chuck a whirl — you won’t be disappointed.

Have you been moved by anything or anyone lately? 

Guess What’s Available for Pre-Order???

WHAT LIES BEHIND, the 4th Samantha Owens thriller, is available for pre-order!

Here’s the jacket copy:

Waking to sirens in the night is hardly unusual for Samantha Owens. No longer a medical examiner, she doesn't lose sleep over them, but a routine police investigation in her neighborhood has her curious. When her homicide detective friend, Darren Fletcher, invites her to look over the evidence, she jumps at the chance and immediately realizes the crime scene has been staged. What seems to be a clear case of murder/suicide—a crime of passion—is anything but. The discovery of toxic substances in hidden vials indicates that something much more sinister is at play… 

As Fletch and Sam try to understand what and who they are dealing with, they are summoned to a meeting at the State Department. High-level officials are interested in what they know and seem to be keeping secrets of their own. It's up to Sam and Fletch to uncover what lies behind the deception as the threat of bioterrorism is exposed, and her boyfriend, Xander Whitfield, may be in the line of fire.

Unsure who to trust, Sam and Fletch find themselves up against very powerful people at every stage in the investigation. No one is who they appear to be and with every minute that passes, the danger escalates. It's Sam's most complex case yet and the terrifying reality is beyond anything she could have imagined.

Sound good? I am stoked about this book. It’s ver intense, and Sam kicks some serious ass. And just wait until you see the cover! I’ll debut it for my newsletter readers first, so if you’re not a part of that awesome community, get thee signed up now!

WHAT LIES BEHIND releases May 26, 2015, in hardcover and digital. This is so exciting!