What The New York Times Missed In Their Article On Nashville

What The New York Times Missed In Their Article On Nashville

Nashville. It's an interesting place. If you've been here, you are familiar with the unique vibe that sets it apart from all other cities. We're southern, but not too much. We're cultured, but we remember our roots. We love music - all kinds, not just country. We love food so much that the explosion of restaurants recently got a write up in GQ.

So when the New York Times did a piece on the city Wednesday, I rejoiced. But when I started reading, I quickly got frowny. In all of the accolades, there was no mention of our incredible literary scene.

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The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

The Next Big Thing Blog Hop

What is a blog hop? It’s a virtual event that helps readers discover new authors. The first author tags five others whose work he or she admires, who each tag five more, who each tag five more, and so on. These memes float around the internet every few years, and this particular event has been so widespread, covering so many genres and amazing authors, that it was impossible to say no to participating.

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A New Taylor Jackson Novella is on Sale December 26

A New Taylor Jackson Novella is on Sale December 26

I was going to write y'all a Christmas poem this year, something along the lines of:

"On the day after Christmas, all through the lands, ereaders were fired up, hot in their hands..."

but I'm really not a very good poet, it seemed a bit too precious. So instead I will just tell you the good news sans rhyme - Taylor Jackson is back in a brand new e-novella called WHITEOUT. 

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