The 5-2 Crime Poetry Weekly Celebrates National Poetry Month

Happy Friday the 13th!

My friend Gerald So runs an amazing poetry site that features original and unique works by many artists - with the lovely added touch of an audio recording of the week's poem. I highly recommend the site. Gerald has asked a few of us to pick our favorite poem from the 5-2, and share it with you.

Since I am so drawn to works about stalkers, this evocative poem by Nyla Alisia completely caught my eye. Look at how the words mingle love and lust. Look at the masterful presentation of the question: Is this wrong? Or is it right? Love allows for all sorts of peccadilloes. If this is a lover, these unknown caresses may be welcome.

But... if this is a stranger, consider the violation, the fear, the very hair-raising quality of these innocuous words, words often used in a very specific context: closer, touching, kiss. It shoots ice water into your veins, doesn't it? It is masterful use of confusion. You cringe, you want more. You fear for the subject's life, you wonder if she allows this behavior.

Good poetry creates questions, as well as guidance. It pulls your emotions every which way. With so many things to consider here, I'll leave you with a simple declarative statement. I love it!


Dark glasses at night,
disguise the unblinking white,
hide well my lover's stare,
that follows you, everywhere.
Your lips move beyond my hearing,
but not for long,
I know it's me you're simply daring,
to just come ...closer,
like when I bend over,
while watching you sleeping.
Some call it peeping,
but what do they know of this?
Over and over,
breath sucked in from an almost kiss,
held inside me
as I stand in the shadows
like this,
and this,
and this.
All night,
till early hours turn late,
the second hand races around the clock
as I wait,
watching till just moments before;
silver handled scissors snip
another lock of your hair,
another night's souvenir.
Then, out the window,
as your alarm clock rings,
I disappear
with only seconds to spare.

NYLA ALISIA is an award-winning poet, performance poetry artist and talk-radio personality. Her poem The Secret Of Me is nominated for the 2011 Pushcart Prize. Nyla is the founder and host of three international poetry radio programs, The SpeakEasy Cafe open-mic poetry radio show, Re-verse and The Inkwell. She teaches Writer's-Block Is Just An Urban Legend and Stop Pissing Off Your Muse, workshops for writers.


The 5-2 Crime Poetry Weekly is edited by Gerald So. A member of the Academy of American Poets, his poems have appeared in Nerve Cowboy, Barbaric Yawp, Defenestration, Cherry Bleeds, Yellow Mama, Gutter Eloquence Magazine and other provocatively-named venues. He has served as Short Mystery Fiction Society president (2008-'10) and Thrilling Detective fiction editor (2001-'09). After learning how to preserve The Lineup's poetry in ebook form, he published an ebook of his own poetry, We Might Have.

On the RITA® Nominations

I am floored. Speechless. Flabbergasted. Tickled pink. 

All I can say is thank you. From the bottom of my heart! And many kudos to my fellow nominees - I am honored to be in such august company. Just LOOK at this list, will you? 

2012 RITA® Finalists for Romantic Suspense

Hidden Away by Maya Banks (Berkley Publishing Group Sensation; Cindy Hwang, editor)

Hot Zone by Catherine Mann (Sourcebooks Casablanca; Deb Werksman, editor)

Hush by Cherry Adair (Pocket Star; Lauren McKenna, editor)

New York to Dallas by J.D. Robb (Penguin Putnam; Leslie Gelbman, editor)

Secrets of Bella Terra by Christina Dodd (New American Library; Kerry Donovan, editor)

True Colors by Joyce Lamb (Berkley Publishing Group Sensation; Wendy McCurdy, editor)

True Shot by Joyce Lamb (Berkley Publishing Group Sensation; Wendy McCurdy, editor)

Where All the Dead Lie by J.T. Ellison (Harlequin MIRA; Adam Wilson and Miranda Indrigo, editors)


Anaheim, here we come! : )

Publishers Weekly calls A DEEPER DARKNESS Scintillating!

Thanks for the awesome review, PW! I am now officially overwhelmed. What a day!
A Deeper Darkness
J.T. Ellison. Mira, $14.95 trade paper (384p) ISBN 978-0-7783-1320-5


Thriller Award–winner Ellison (Where All the Dead Lie) introduces Dr. Samantha Owens, Tennessee’s head medical examiner, in this scintillating first in a new forensic series. Sam, still reeling from the loss of her husband and young children in a flood two years earlier, receives a desperate phone call from Eleanor Donovan, the mother of a boy she dated at medical school in Georgetown, security consultant Eddie Donovan. Eddie, a former Army Ranger who served in Afghanistan, was shot dead in an apparent carjacking, but Eleanor, convinced her son wasn’t a random victim, implores Sam to come to Washington, D.C., to conduct a second autopsy. Once in D.C., obsessive-compulsive Sam must face the demons of Eddie’s memory and his widow’s resentment. Meanwhile, other former members of Eddie’s Ranger unit start turning up dead. The suspenseful plot takes many a twist and turn before reaching its startling conclusion. Agent: Scott Miller, Trident Media. (May)

Introducing a new literary magazine: 2nd and Church

Dear writers:

2nd and Church went live on the Web today!

From the website:

“Welcome to 2nd & Church, a literary journal by, for, and about writers and readers throughout Tennessee. Our goal is to be inclusive of many different types of writers and writing: creative nonfiction, technical writing, literary fiction, poetry, translation, commercial fiction.”

You can buy paper copies from the website.

Once on the site, click on the MagCloud link. If you buy a paper copy, you get a free digital copy as a PDF. 

And even if you don't buy a paper copy, you can download a free digital version!

2nd and Church will be launching tonight at Literary Libations at Union Station Hotel. We're meeting in the bar under the portrait of Jack Nicholson from 5:30-7:30 - Literacy Libations (#litlib) is free, casual and congenial, and there is valet parking at the hotel for $3.

On a more personal note, I am honored to be a cover feature along with my dear friend and fellow author River Jordan. Paige Crutcher interviewed me and I interviewed River, so this first issue is a wee bit incestuous, but in a good way. Plus there are tons of features and stories, so it is well worth checking out.

I am so excited about 2nd and Church, and not just because we're featured, but because it is a testament to the literary renaissance Nashville is undergoing. Roy Burkhead, editor of 2nd and Church, has worked tirelessly for months to put this together. His vision is astounding, and all Tennessee writers will benefit from his hard work. 

So thank you, Roy. From all of us to you - Bravo!

A little about Roy Burkhead, editor of 2nd and Church and founder of The Writer's Loft, here.