
Are you a scrapbooker? Good at collecting all those little mementos: ticket stubs and photos and pieces that define your life?

I'm not. I'm actully terrible at it. Having digital photos, and online photo albums was possible the single best invention of my life, because I can finally have some semblance of rhyme and reason to my pictures.

When I first started out in publishing, I saved EVERTHING. If it had my name on it, I saved it. But I never organized any of it, so it simply grew into yet another unmanageable pile of magazines and newspapers and photos and clippings that ultimately got stashed in a storage footstool.

In the back of my mind, I told myself I'd sit down one day, cut everything out, put it in a scrapbook, and have it as a keepsake.

And the pile grew larger. Years passed. I couldn't put the top on the footstool anymore, so I started offloading into plastic bins. THAT'S when I knew I needed to do something. But my time is short enough right now. I couldn't do it myself.

I needed a professional.

I told Randy that I wanted to hire a professional scrapbooker, and he had a solution. He'd seen Project Girl on Facebook, and suggested I give her a call.

I did just that. Project Girl came to the house, saw the mess that was my stuff, showed huge enthusiasm for the project, set me a task of culling the piles into 6, one for each book. I followed her instructions, she retrieved said stuff, and with a whip of her hair and what I think must be a magic wand, she produced three incredible scrapbooks.

She brought them by Wednesday. Here is a small sample of what they look like - but let me assure you, the pictures don't do them justice. It made me cry, actually, seeing all of these moments in one place. When I'm old and gray, I'll be able to flip open those pages and be transported back in time to the beginning of my writing career. Trust me, that is a Good Thing.

Do you need some help? Project Girl can handle most anything you need, from scrapbooks to decorating to moving to home repair to landscaping. She is a Jill of all trades. Get in touch with her here, and tell her JT sent you!


I have not been writing.

God, I hate to admit that.

But it's true.

And it's becoming readily apparent to the folks around me, because I've been getting grumpy.

It's the two weeks leading up to the book launch, and as such there are many things to do. Blogs to write, newsletters to send, speeches to give. Hair to color, nails to get manicured, outfits to plan. Appearances and television and radio and signings and a conference - all in the span of two weeks. I'm already sick of myself, and I've been at it for exactly 24 hours.

It's crazy making, especially for introverts like me who get very run down being on, on, on. Sparkle! Author Girl is in da house! I adore it while I'm doing it, but when I'm done, I literally collapse.

And in all that, I sometimes lose sight of the end game. The only real responsibility I have is planting my butt in the chair, opening the manuscript, and writing.

I took the opening chapters of the sandwich book to my critique group last night. They loved it. Loved it so much that all I wanted to do was run home and dive into the pages and create, create, create!

But right now, my time is not my own. For the next few weeks, my time belongs to you - you lovely creatures!

I had my first major event yesterday - I spoke at Ingram - and a more wonderful group of people you can't ever hope to meet. They were fabulous - laughed in all the right places, made me feel like I sort of knew what I was talking about. I signed a ton of books and felt like maybe I could pull this off after all.

Because truly, if you're an introvert writer like me, you have a tendency to worry that you'll say or do something idiotic at just the wrong time. Hmm, is that introversion, or just being a geek?

The first time I talk about a book in public is terrifying. Terrifying. But it went really well. I was bummed that I didn't remember my very funny making anecdote until today.... but at least I'll have it for the rest of my talks. 

I'm off to create the newsletter, in which we will have a contest, and a prize, a simple one this time, but a prize nonetheless, and put together the photo slideshow, and... and... and....

And maybe, just maybe, I can sneak in some actual writing time this weekend. : )

Anything y'all are particularly interested in hearing about related to WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE? Ask away!


These are the kind of emails that make you tear up and give you throat lumpies. From Goodreads... me and all of my favorites in one spot. Jeez.

Here are this month's new releases from authors on your shelves and your favorite genres. Enjoy!


by Laura Lippman

Release Date: September 1

Some secrets can’t be kept. . . . Years ago, they were all the best of friends. But as time passed and circumstances changed, they grew apart, became adults with families of their own, and began to fo...more

by Harlan Coben

Release Date: September 6

A young adult debut from internationally bestselling author Harlan Coben

Mickey Bolitar's year can't get much worse. After witnessing his father's death and sending his mom to rehab, he's forced to liv...more

by Lee Child

Release Date: September 29

by John Connolly

Release Date: September 1

Randall Haight has a secret: when he was a teenager, he and his friend killed a 14-year-old girl.

Randall did his time and built a new life in the small Maine town of Pastor's Bay, but some...more

by J.T. Ellison

Release Date: September 20

In her showdown with the murderous Pretender, a bullet taken at close range severed the connection between Taylor’s thoughts and speech. Effectively mute, there’s no telling if her voice will ever com...more

Upcoming Events

I have a number of upcoming events in support of WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE I thought I'd share with you. Hope to see you on the road!

September 13, 2011 2 pm
Live Radio Sirius/XM Channel 80
with Kim Alexander

September 15-18, 2011
Bouchercon 2011
Spirits of St. Louis

September 15, 2011 1-2 pm

September 16, 2011 2:30-3:30 pm

September 17, 2011 3-4 pm
MURDER IN THE STACKS: St. Charles City County Library Mystery Event
Middendorf-Kredell Library
2750 Highway K, O'Fallon, MO

September 20, 2011
Where All the Dead Lie on sale

September 22, 2011 5-7 pm
Literary Libations
(Every 4th Thursday)
Union Station Hotel Bar, Nashville TN

September 24, 2011 2-4 pm
Launch Party
Mysteries & More
Lenox Village

6965 Sunnywood Drive, Nashville, TN

September 27, 2011 7-8 pm
Reading and Signing
Barnes & Noble Cool Springs
Cool Springs, 17101 Mallory Lane
Brentwood, TN

September 30, 2011 7-8 pm
Reading and Signing
Reading Rock Books
122 N Main St, Dickson, TN

October 14-16, 2011
Southern Festival of Books

October 22, 2011
Books by the Banks
Duke Energy Center
525 Elm Street, Cincinnati, OH

October 27, 2011 5-7 pm
Literary Libations
(Every 4th Thursday)
Union Station Hotel Bar, Nashville TN

November 17, 2011 6-7pm
Evening with an Author
University Club of Nashville
2402 Garland Avenue
Nashville TN
Please RSVP to:

November 24, 2011 5-7 pm
Literary Libations
(Every 4th Thursday)
Union Station Hotel Bar, Nashville TN

January 14, 2012 10-4 pm
Coffee County Manchester Public Library
1005 Hillsboro Boulevard
Manchester, TN

April 12-16, 2012
Romantic Times

June 4-8, 2012