Free E-Book & Chance to Win A Kindle


Order your copy of SO CLOSE THE HAND OF DEATH by March 15, 2011 at 11:59pm EST and email your receipt to, or mail it to PO Box 218453 Nashville, TN 37221 to receive a free copy of SWEET LITTLE LIES! Please specify Kindle, Nook or PDF as your preferred method of delivery.

You'll also be entered into a drawing for a brand new Kindle. On March 16, we'll draw one name from the receipts to win.

Good luck, and thanks for reading!

SO CLOSE THE HAND OF DEATH is available at these fine stores:


Barnes & Noble





And your favorite independent bookstore!

Soundtrack! Excerpt! Giveaway!

Every book has its own rhythm. Mine are driven by music: songs that inspired me, rocked me, and took me to new worlds while I was writing. These songs kept me on track, informed the story, and as you can see, helped with the theme. We're all Pretenders, in a way. Aren't we?

Here's the soundtrack for Taylor Jackson #6 - So Close the Hand of Death.


Angel -  Sarah McLachlan      

All My Life  -  Foo Fighters  

Blood Makes Noise -  Suzanne Vega           

The Pretender -  Jackson Browne        

Smile - Dalton Grant 

The Great Pretender  - The Platters  

Superman (It's Not Easy)  -  Five for Fighting       

Everywhere -  Michelle Branch       

Little Lies -  Fleetwood Mac         

The Pretender  -  Foo Fighters  

Kill Me Carolyne -  The Whigs     

Bittersweet Symphony -  The Verve     


And if you're interested in a teaser, click here for an excerpt.

So Close the Hand of Death officially goes on sale March 1, 2011 (though you'll be able to buy it in stores starting February 22....)

In the meantime, leave a comment here and you'll be entered in a little contest. The prize? A galley of So Close, of course! (who says I don't love you?)

I'll do the drawing Sunday January 23.

Live Chat Today!

From Harlequin:

Bestselling author, J.T. Ellison will be stopping by Harlequin’s Facebook page on Tuesday, January 18th, at 3:00pm ET for a LIVE chat with her fans!

In J.T. Ellison's latest book, SO CLOSE THE HAND OF DEATH, The Pretender is back...and he's got helpers.

As The Pretender's disciples perpetrate their sick homages – stretching police and FBI dangerously thin – Taylor tries desperately to prepare for their inevitable showdown. And she must do it alone. To be close to her is to be in mortal danger, and she won't risk losing anyone she loves. But the isolation, the self-doubt and the rising body count are taking their toll: she's tripwire-tense and ready to snap.

The brilliant psychopath who both adores and despises her is drawing close. Close enough to touch....

SO CLOSE THE HAND OF DEATH will be released March 1, 2011 and we have a sneak preview, so be sure to stop by and join the conversation. JT is also offering 5 signed copies to participants chosen at random during the chat!

Don't forget, the live chat will take place here

Find JT Ellison's books here

Become a fan of JT Ellison on Facebook here:

Note: If you're unsure what time the event takes place in your region, please consult this World Time Zone Map:

See you there!
