Dancing With Myself

I'm so thrilled to have been included in Nigel Bird's fascinating series of interviews, Dancing with Myself, on his fabulous blog Sea Minor. The concept is simple - the author interviews themselves. Anything goes, but Nigel suggested that we work with questions not often asked, if ever, by readers and fans. There's an amazing list of authors who have participated, so give the site a look see once you're done with me. Cool folks!

Here's my self-indulgence. Enjoy!

If You're in Germany or Austria...

Get ready for Poesie des Todes, the debut thriller form J.T. Ellison, translated by Ivonne Senn.

"Oh, all die hübschen Mädchen ... nun sind sie tot."

Der Southern Strangler zieht seine blutige Spur durch den Südosten der USA. An jedem Leichenfundort lässt er ein grauenhaftes Souvenir zurück: die abgetrennte Hand des vorherigen Opfers.

Was für Lieutenant Taylor Jackson zu einer Mördersuche wird, die sie in die tiefsten menschlichen Abgründe führt, bedeutet für die Fernsehreporterin Whitney Connolly das Ticket in die große, weite Welt. Denn sie hat Informationen, die den Fall lösen könnten - der Mörder schickt ihr Gedichte per E-Mail! Diese Nachrichten bringen die Polizei auf die Spur des Killers, und bald schon können sie ihn verhaften. Da geht auf Whitneys Computer ein weiteres Gedicht ein.

"Eine großartige Heldin, großartige Spannung, großartige Wendungen ... kurz, ein komplett überzeugendes Debüt." Lee Child, New York Times-Bestsellerautor

"Alles, was man von einem spannenden Thriller erwartet." Allison Brennan, Autorin von "Fear No Evil - Rache wird dich treffen"

Click here for more information...

At Long Last: Contest Winners!

Congratulations to all the winners of the No Tricks, Just Treats Halloween contest!


Without further ado:

Grand Prize: Barnes and Noble Nook & a gift card to add THE IMMORTALS to your new e-reader

DeeDee Wright

1st Prize: 3 Signed copies of THE IMMORTALS

Debra Cimorelli
Sharon Knight
Pat Wilson

2nd Prize: 1 set of signed backlist Taylor Jackson books

Marsha Jones

3rd Prize: Signed copy of Killer Year: Stories to Die For, edited by Lee Child

Catalina Khalaj

Your books and Nooks are in the mail. Thanks so much to everyone who entered.


Talent borrows. Genius steals.
Evil delegates.

It's a hideous echo of a violent past. Across America, murders are being committed with all the twisted hallmarks of the Boston Strangler, the Zodiac Killer and Son of Sam. The media frenzy explodes and Nashville homicide lieutenant Taylor Jackson knows instantly that The Pretender is back...and he's got helpers.

As The Pretender's disciples perpetrate their sick homages – stretching police and FBI dangerously thin – Taylor tries desperately to prepare for their inevitable showdown. And she must do it alone. To be close to her is to be in mortal danger, and she won't risk losing anyone she loves. But the isolation, the self-doubt and the rising body count are taking their toll: she's tripwire-tense and ready to snap.

The brilliant psychopath who both adores and despises her is drawing close. Close enough to touch....

Coming March 1, 2011

The 6th book in the Taylor Jackson series is available for pre-order now from your favorite bookseller.


I Voted. Did You?

It's a special day in the Ellison house - ELECTION DAY! This is one of my all time favorite days of the year.

We'll be glued to the television tonight, drinking some good scotch and waiting to see what happens.

Regardless of party, race or creed, voting--free elections done in peace, with no threat of intimidation, or personal harm--is the most glorious part of being an American. I hope you exercised your right to be heard today.

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” 
                                                                         ~ John Quincy Adams