Media Release: JT To Be Featured on A Word on Words


The Show Will Air on Sunday, April 5, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. on WNPT-TV 8

JUDAS KISS Spends 4 Weeks on DAVIS–KIDD Bookstores’ Bestseller List

NASHVILLE, TN—March 31, 2009—J.T. Ellison, Nashville resident and Bestselling, Acclaimed Author, will be the featured author on NPT’s A Word On Words, on Sunday, April 5, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. CST on local TV channel 8, WNPT. A Word on Words is hosted by Nashville's renowned editor and First Amendment advocate, John Seigenthaler who interviews the authors on their writing styles, ideas, philosophies as well as their published works.

Seigenthaler on the NPT website, states that "Through A Word on Words, I hope to be able to 'get to' authors and to afford them a larger opportunity to 'get to' us." A Word on Words, one of NPT's signature programs, has been celebrating authors, literature and ideas for close to three decades.

After the airing, the interview will be available for download and/or podcast on

In a recent review of JUDAS KISS, The Strand Magazine’s Steven Steinbock states “With a heartbreaking opening and a heart-stopping conclusion, J.T. Ellison's third novel is at times disturbing, at times titillating, and from start to finish a fast-paced pleasure to read.”

In addition, as of Sunday, March 29, 2009, JUDAS KISS has spent four (4) weeks on the Davis-Kidd Bookstores’ Bestseller list. JUDAS KISS is the third novel in the critically acclaimed Taylor Jackson series that includes ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS, 14, and the forthcoming EDGE OF BLACK.

For book tour dates and locations, please visit

All of the books are also available for download at In addition, ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS and 14 have been translated and released in France as well as released in Australia and New Zealand.

MEDIA CONTACT: Kim Dettwiller, Team Strategies, 615-321-4073,

The Strand Magazine Review of JUDAS KISS

by Steven Steinbock

With a heartbreaking opening and a heart-stopping conclusion, J.T. Ellison's third novel is at times disturbing, at times titillating, and from start to finish a fast-paced pleasure to read. Like her previous two novels-All the Pretty Girls (2007) and 14 (2008)-Judas Kiss features Nashville homicide lieutenant Taylor Jackson and her lover, FBI profiler John Baldwin.

The main plot of the novel centers around the murder of Corinne Wolff, a pretty young housewife with an eighteen-month old daughter and another child on the way. Corinne's sister arrives at the suburban home to pick up her sister for a tennis date and finds her beaten to death with her toddler crawling through the blood. The victim's husband is the first suspect. Despite claims of being out of town at the time, his story doesn't seem to hold up. Soon an intricate web of deceit, distrust, and pornography rises to the surface.

The novel is as much about the heroine, Taylor Jackson, as it is about her case. In fact, there are almost too many sub-plots to keep track of. Taylor's lover, agent Baldwin, is involved in an operation that brings sadistic revenge home to Nashville; someone is stalking and threatening Taylor; a video of Taylor with a prior lover appears on the Internet; someone is making sex-videos using hidden cameras; and, possibly unrelated, the dead Corinne Wolff and /or her husband have a pornography studio in their basement.

Specializing in contemporary new voices like Alex Kava, Debbie Macomber, Michelle Gagnon, Heather Graham, and Kate Wilhelm, Mira Books promotes itself as the publisher of "the brightest stars in women's fiction." And Ellison's writing does have the qualities that will appeal to lovers of romantic suspense. She is effective at dimming the lights to create plenty of steamy romance between Taylor and Baldwin, yet her writing is never tawdry and will appeal to thriller-readers of either gender.

The multiple subplots don't stop Ellison from weaving a tight and powerful story. Judas Kiss moves at a rapid-fire rate, its four hundred pages rushing like adrenalin through the bloodstream. As the novel comes to a close, nearly all the subplots are neatly tied up. Ellison leaves a few elements unresolved, giving readers something to look forward to in Edge of Black, the fourth book in the series, due out in September 2009.

Reading and Watching

Hi there!

Just home from a mini-vacation that afforded me some time to read some excellent debut novels that I must recommend and watch a couple of great movies. It was a lovely week, though scattered with work that I just couldn't get away from. Alas and alack.


WEIGHT OF SILENCE - Heather Gudenkauf

A brilliant, nuanced examination of a small town - Jodi Picoult, eat your heart out. Gudenkauf has a lyrical voice, shifting effortlessly through first person narrative from a variety of characters, including the focus of the novel, a little girl named Callie who is a selective mute. I met Heather a couple of months ago, and she described the book to me thusly: "Two girls go into the woods, and only one comes out. And she can't talk." I can't rave enough about this book - it's just fantastic. It will be published August 1, 2009. I recommend pre-ordering right now!

EVEN - Andrew Grant

Another incredibly well done debut, Grant's main character, David Trevellyan, has been billed as the James Bond of our time. Those are big shoes to fill, and Trevellyan pulls it off - sharp, smart-ass, devious and honorable, he's a new hero for us all. Fans of Lee Child (Grant is his younger brother) will LOVE this book.


Willig has a delightful series of books that starts with THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE PINK CARNATION. This is the second in the series, and Willig has such a comfortable style that it's easy to fall right in. Here's the jacket description:

"Harvard grad student Eloise Kelly achieved the academic coup of the century when she unmasked the spy who saved England from Napoleon. But now she has a million questions about the Pink Carnation's deadly French nemesis, the Black Tulip. And she's pretty sure that her handsome onagain, off-again crush, Colin Selwick, has the answers somewhere in his archives. But what she discovers in an old codebook is something juicier than she ever imagined."



Bangkok Dangerous
I'm a big Nicholas Cage fan, and he doesn't disappoint in this wild thriller. I was a bit put off by the ending, it seemed much too convenient, but some great fight scenes.

Charlie Bartlett
Very silly, cute movie about a kid doing anything he can to fit in. Teen angst at it's capitalist best.

Definitely worth the price of admission. I've never read the graphic novel, but loved the character development.


I thought it might be time for a few changes, so I'm going to start using this space to add in some of my own thoughts, what I'm reading, contest announcements, and the like. I'll post my blogs from Murderati, but I'll also fill in with thoughts and musings as they come. I'm looking into a discussion board so you can have a place to go chat about the books, and will be redesigning the website accordingly. Besides, it's almost time to debut the cover art for EDGE OF BLACK, which means a new look is needed.

What I'm Reading...

I've been devouring the Diana Gabaldon OUTLANDER series as I put the finishing touches on THE IMMORTALS, book five in the Taylor Jackson series. I'm nearly finished with THE FIERY CROSS - full disclosure, I've read these books numerous times, so many that my copy of DRUMS OF AUTUMN completely disintegrated on me, and hubby had to run to the store for a new copy before I completely disintegrated. They are my comfort reads, along with the Harry Potter books and my favorite writer of all time, John Connolly.

What I'm Watching...

The Wire (Season Three) I've been entranced with this show from the beginning, but it lost me a bit during Season Two when they moved to the docks. I was happy to see them get back to Stringer Bell. If you haven't seen THE WIRE, you're missing out.

Virtual Sitdown with J.T. Ellison (PopSyndicate)

Taylor Jackson is back in print - and this time the Nashville lieutenant is dodging in-house politics while matching wits with a highly-skilled killer. This latest case takes fans on a wild ride - one that they continue to rave about on their blogs and book buying sites. Today, the talented creator of the Jackson series, J.T. Ellison, drops by to chat about the latest in the series with Book Addict Editor Angela Wilson.

Tell us about your latest Taylor Jackson novel, Judas Kiss.

Judas Kiss is a bit of a departure for me, it’s not a serial killer novel like the first two Taylor Jackson books. The plot centers on a single murder - a young, pregnant suburban mother named Corinne Wolff, bludgeoned to death in her home in an upper middle class Nashville neighborhood. The crime stories that seem to capture our interest as a society are the ones that take place where we feel the safest, and the majority of homicides take place in our homes. And we all know how much the media loves a good suburban murder, especially in my fictional Nashville. There’s a sense of the fantastic surrounding the case, an “it could have happened to me” mentality couple with the media frenzy – satellite trucks parks on quiet streets, reporters camped on the lawns, every moment chronicled. It doesn’t happen that way in the Section 8 housing. The drug and vendetta killings don’t make the news very much. So in a sense, I’m capitalizing on what does capture our attention. 

And in another departure, this book was right from the heart. Twisted as I am, my imagination usually guides the stories. I made an exception for Judas Kiss. The murder of Corinne Wolf was based on a real case. In 2006, I saw an article from a North Carolina newspaper about a young pregnant mother named Michelle Young found murdered by her sister. Her death was violent, and her child had been alone in the house with her mother’s corpse. The media reported a number of salient details, including the bloody footprints the child had left through the house. I watched the case, hoping there would be a resolution. Unfortunately, Michelle Young’s murder still isn’t solved. Her husband is the prime suspect. That became the opening of Judas Kiss, but the rest of the story is an utter fabrication.

The leading cause of death for pregnant women is homicide. It breaks my heart, and I wanted to share that with my readers.

You have received critical acclaim for the Jackson novels and were named Best Mystery/Thriller Writer of 2008 by Nashville Scene. Tell us, is this a tough standard to live up to?

Certainly. The honor of being singled out as the best of anything is overwhelming. As an author, my foremost goal is to improve my craft, to make each book better, stronger and sleeker than the last. I’m constantly evolving as a writer, learning more about the craft, working to find efficiencies in my writing. Hopefully this constant worrying will allow me to keep getting better. And maybe I’ll be a best of again someday.

You worked in D.C. at the White House and Department of Commerce before you moved into marketing and financial analysis in the private sector. What did you take from your experiences in D.C. that works into your novels? Does it help with scenarios? Character development?

Working in D.C., especially in politics, is a Ph.D. course in human nature. I haven’t written a political thriller yet, but I certainly have one buzzing around in my head. To be honest, I left Washington and politics because I was much too idealistic. Fiction allows me to live in the world I wish existed, rather than the rancorous realities of Washington’s elite. But for the writing, my adopted hometown of Nashville has been much more influential. I moved here over ten years ago and have been seduced by the dichotomies – class wars, serious crime, the beauty of the city and the strong southern style that permeates every molecule of air here. It’s a great town, one I’m proud to write about.

How did a woman who worked D.C. and marketing end up researching forensics and crime?

I’ve asked myself that question before. I attribute it to the early days dating my husband, and our quiet date nights at home, studying for our graduate school classes, with our favorite shows Profiler and Millennium playing in the background. They sparked an interest in law enforcement that I didn’t know existed, and it grew from there. If I were ten years younger, I would have gone to the FBI to work, without a doubt. The cultural phenomenon that is forensics would have reached me sooner, and I would have been drawn in before my career path was set in a different direction.

What fascinates you about forensics and crime?

I love to figure out what motivates people to do things. I studied psychology, actually thought about a path in psychiatry for a brief moment (the whole med school cadaver thing was too much for my delicate constitution to handle.) Then I got caught up in the thrill of politics and veered away from that path. Finding it again through writing has been one of my greatest joys. I like to listen to people, to see what’s behind the words, the façade. Everyone has a secret, a shame, a motivation for their public persona. The same goes for a criminal. How do they decide that taking the easy way out is their purpose in life? What catalyst drives their break from good to evil? Where in their psyche does it say that cheating and stealing and murdering is good, and right? When do they proceed to choose that path? Choices… for me it’s all about the choices people make.

In your research with law enforcement agencies, what was a key point you discovered that you never realized - and probably never would have if you weren’t sitting with the officers, listening to their war stories?

image That it takes a very specific personality type to make it as a cop, especially a homicide detective. The horror and depravity that they see every day . . .  anything I write pales against the realities they live with day to day. There is endless capacity for evil in people. It’s such an honor to write their stories, and I strive to make the non-law enforcement world understand the people who keep them safe.

Is there one case that ever creeped you out so much, you couldn’t even think of writing about something similar?

Sure. I fictionalized a local rapist in my first novel, before he was caught. Not bright. I actually almost did a true crime book on him, because he’s fascinating, but got too scared to do it. I didn’t want my name attached to his in perpetuity. No thanks. And my new book, Edge of Black, has a scene that I wrote on a Thursday that freaked me out so much that I couldn’t even open the manuscript until the following Monday. But I figure if I’m scaring myself, I’m scaring my reader, and that’s what it’s all about.

How did your move to Nashville impact your writing?

It was my personal catalyst. I can honestly say I don’t know if I would be a writer if I hadn’t. I’ve always loved to write, but had a professor in college discourage me, so I went the politics route. When we moved, my expertise was in presidential politics and aerospace marketing, neither of which is to be found in abundance in Nashville. So in a fit of desperation spawned by boredom so deep my brain was turning to mush, I took a job at a vet’s office. I thought it would be fun to work the front desk, greeting the people and their animals… well, the vet decided I should be a tech instead. After three days looking at the back ends of the fluffy creatures I so love, I decided it wasn’t for me. But just as I made the decision to quit, I clumsily picked up a large golden retriever and ruptured a disk in my back. It needed surgical repair, and I was down for the count recovering for a year. I read for pleasure, something I hadn’t done in many years. Crime fiction became my favorite, and I discovered John Sandford. The light bulb went on midway through the Prey series – I want to write a book. And the rest is history.

I see in your bio that you are owned by a poorly trained cat. I know my cats are extremely helpful with writing. They like to leave hairball gifts on my keyboard, or claw my legs until I let them have the nice, comfy office chair. How does your cat aid your writing time?

Hmmm… I’ve just realized that instead of Sandford, I should be crediting my cat with getting me writing. Jade was a rescue, a 5-week-old abandoned kitten with a cold. They were going to put her down; they can’t keep sick cats around. I took one look at her, fell in love, and said do what it takes to get her healthy. The vet who made her better? Yep, that’s the one I worked for.

Jade also knows how to sit quietly and listen when I need to read my work aloud, and she’s especially helpful when I have a particularly sticky scene that isn’t working. Talking it out helps me coalesce my thoughts, and she’s very patient. Though she does tend to fight with my laptop for lap space, and manages to sit on each page of my manuscripts.

What does your husband think of all the blood, guts and forensic research you do for your novels? Does he sleep with one eye open?

He tells everyone that if he dies suspiciously, I should be the first suspect. In all seriousness, he’s been brilliant. He puts up with a lot – me getting excited about my research, doing ride-alongs that take me into harm’s way. He doesn’t blink when I come home from the bookstore with armloads of research books. I’m working on a book now that involves Wicca and vampirism, so he’s been very patient while I explore these new worlds (ie: tell him spells over dinner.) He listens when I need to vent, reads my work, travels with me, and is an all-around fabulous guy. I honestly couldn’t do it without him. 

Who are you reading?

I’ve looked right and left – to my right is The Fugitive Poets: Modern Southern Poetry in Perspective, by William Pratt, an anthology and treatment of the fascinating southern group known as The Fugitives, and Cause of Death: A Writer’s Guide to Death, Murder and Forensic Medicine. To the left is Deadly Doses: A Writer’s Guide to Poisons, and The Masque of the Black Tulip, by Lauren Willig. I’m also reading (for the millionth time) Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. I find that her stories transport me and help me focus on my own work. They’re comfort reads. And I just finished The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer. Brilliant book. My book club is reading The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan, so I need to sandwich that in this week too. I do usually have four or five books going at once, all in different spots in the house. Oh, and I’ve been reading Anthem, by Ayn Rand, on my iPhone, testing out that technology.  It just doesn’t replace the feel, the tangible sense that paper gives, but it’s okay.

Where can we find you on the Web?

My website is On the Author’s Spot page, there are links to my blog,, my Facebook and MySpace pages, RedRoom and Publisher’s Marketplace. My News page has all the latest info, and of course you can Google me - that will give you infinite places to look.

Thanks so much for having me, Angela! This has been wonderful!