On Release Day Silliness

So I was running around on release day (what release, you say? Ahem. THE FINAL CUT, of course!) and got caught in a massive traffic jam. But it was a pretty day, and I was in a rather fabulous mood, so I opened the top, turned up the radio, and prepared to jam out. And trust me, seeing a rapidly-pushing middle age blonde rocking it out to Alice in Chains seemed to improve the mood of most everyone around me, as I realized when I came up for air after a rocking drum solo to see the guy behind me and to the left laughing their asses off. 


I didn't let that stop me. And over what ended up being a lovely hour stuck in traffic, the radio spit out song after song after song that fit the day to perfection.  So I started keeping track of the songs on Shazam. There were so many I decided to share them with you - my THE FINAL CUT Release Day Playlist! Enjoy! 


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

On Celebrating Your Creative Past

On Celebrating Your Creative Past

From 2011

Shame isn’t something I’m generally accustomed to feeling. Not long ago, though, entirely by accident, one of my dear friends shamed me. It sounds rather silly, to be honest, but it’s true.

I was reading her blog (a worthwhile past time on any day, but especially those when you need to be uplifted) and she had done an interview about her brand new novel that’s about to come out.

As is typical in these interviews, they asked about her background. Now, I know this particular friend has written her whole life. But there was one line that truly blew my mind.

Between the ages of eight and twenty-five, I was a poet.
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On Finding That Delicious Next Book

On Finding That Delicious Next Book

Do you remember the not so long go good old days where if you wanted to find out what books were coming out from our favorite authors, you had to drive to the bookstore and look on their big board above the cash register for the release dates?  

I used to love that moment when I saw one of my favorite author's books on that placard. The ones I absolutely must buy, I'd pre-order. It took me a while to realize the new books arrived on Tuesdays, but when I did, I started putting a quick bookstore stop (it was a Waldenbooks back then) on my calendar.

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On A Writer's Journey As It Corresponds To The Monomythic Structure Of The Hero's Journey - JT Style

Ordinary World

 = Derp. Derp. Derp. I love to read. One day I might write a book. Derp. Derp. Squirrels!

Call to Adventure = OMG I have the best idea. I should write a book. (Concurrent with) OMG - I have the perfect story idea for that big commercial high-concept novel my agent wants me to write

Refusal of the Call = That's crazy. Why would anyone ever want to read something you've written? (Concurrent with) So my agent loved the proposal. Now I just need to spend the next year doing my research and outlining this book.

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