Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - September 6.png

A cold front pushed through Nashville this weekend, and Friday, at dusk, the geese started south en masse. It’s not a sad sound, exactly, but it is poignant. A harbinger of change, and very fitting for our lives. Maybe this moment in time portends positive change ahead.

I’m having a quiet morning, the first in what feels like weeks. Finally sorting a couple of months of email (bad J.T.), managing my To Do list, and reading a few magazines I’ve been saving. I’m a full three weeks behind on my non-fiction pleasure reading, (aka the WSJ Grapevine, Lithub, CrimeReads, Apple+), and let’s not even talk about the books that are piling up. I’ve had exactly enough time to read about a paragraph or watch 15 minutes of a show or movie before I fall asleep in my chair. I’m still in a fiction slump, but right now it’s due to time constraints, not apathy. I’ve got October 1 as my goal date to have all this external work behind me so I can settle back into my routine. 

And wow, do I miss my routine. It’s so vital for a creative to have some sort of pattern to their days. It helps the mind settle when you habitually sit down at the same time every day to do your work. Without mine, I get fratchetty.

On another topic...Since my trip to Colorado, in a point of great personal pride, I haven’t been as nervous about getting back into the real world. I spent January to March pretty well obsessed with the virus, freaking out because no one else was freaking out. Then we shut down and everyone finally freaked out, which was such a huge relief. It made me calm and focused. I stayed home, finished my book, wiped down my groceries and my mail, and lived the hermit life. I stayed home through the first round of reopenings, and the second, and the surge that followed. 

But flying to Colorado shifted things for me. Being in a state that wasn’t in the midst of a terrible outbreak, seeing people wearing their masks but living their lives, really, really helped. As a result, I’ve started to reengage with my Nashville world. The fear that has been thrumming through my veins and drummed into me since January has shifted to wary acceptance. I’m still taking precautions, but it’s time to start living again. I know most of you have been already, sending kids back to school and working hard, and for that, I salute you! I am firmly convinced masks work—and with that, life can be lived/enjoyed again.

And maybe, in a couple of weeks, things will be even more back to normal in my world. I sure hope so. Onward!


Mark your calendar for this Thursday September 10 at 11:30 ET: GOOD GIRLS LIE will be featured on First Chapter Fun! Tune-in LIVE as Hannah Mary McKinnon & Hank Phillippi Ryan read the first chapter of GOOD GIRLS LIE. More details here.

Your Fall 2020 Book Preview. My TBR just got bigger! So many amazing titles coming out.

Related: 12 Books You Should Read in September. Are any of these on your radar?

The Inside Story of the 25-Year, $8 Million Heist From the Carnegie Library. This story is wild!

A stash of beer and gum that dates back to the 1980s was discovered hidden behind the shelves of a Washington library. Beer, gum, and, if you look closely at the background of the photo, you’ll see THE FINAL CUT.

How to write a novel, according to 8 bestselling authors. Lots of stellar advice here.

A Look at New Bookstores. More bookstores to support!

10 California Crime Novels That Aren’t Set in Los Angeles or San Francisco. Because there’s more to California than those two cities!

Habit Tune-Up: Productivity System Indecision, Embracing Boredom, and Craving Depth in a Shallow Job. Every creative who wants to be better needs to listen to this podcast.

When COVID closed the library: staff call every member of Victorian library to say hello. Above and beyond.

Bookish Stationery for Your Quarantine Pen Pals. It’s a good time to send a card or letter and remind people you care.

That’s it from me. I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - August 30.png

Hello hello hello, and happy Sunday, friends. We’re about to enter my absolute favorite time of year. Crisp nights, cheery fires, lots of early evenings to read and chill.

Of course, it’s 2020, so as I write this, I’m on the edge of a tornado warning (Thanks Hurricane Laura). The trees are whipping and bending in the face of the shrieking winds and sideways rain. This year has been so weird, so unexpected, that I’ve given up trying to anticipate what might come next. 

I’ve been spending a lot of time listening to podcasts while working on some physical projects. Cal Newport has become my all-time fave. You all know how much I love the combination of philosophy and productivity methods. I latched onto Merlin Mann’s Inbox Zero many moons ago, and still use the practice. I do a modified version of Ryder Carroll’s Bullet Journal. And I am an evangelist for Cal Newport’s Deep Work

This week’s podcast touched on something called deliberate practice theory. To sum it as simply as I can—it’s how you level up in your work. 

Now this is something I’m always interested in. I equate “leveling up” to a sense of true creative satisfaction. It’s happened to me four times in my writing career: JUDAS KISS, A DEEPER DARKNESS, THE LOST KEY, and LIE TO ME. Upon completion of each of these four titles, I had a sense of satisfaction, knew that I could not have done better, that I’d given the story every ounce of my being. And each of these titles rewarded me with a leap forward in my career. Interesting, right? I should clarify, these are my own feelings about these books and my career, not anyone else’s. Publishers and writers sometimes have different metrics when measuring these things.

Obviously, I try to achieve this state every single time, every single book, but it doesn’t always fall into place how I want. I have never been able to understand what, exactly, was different about these particular books, until I heard the podcast where Cal discusses DPT

I can look back in time at what I was doing and how I wrote each of these books, mostly because I keep copious notes—book journals—on my process for each book. But off the top of my head, what each of them has in common is a major change in theme. In JUDAS KISS, I put Taylor Jackson in a very gray situation, forcing her to acknowledge her morality wasn’t as black and white as she (I) thought. A DEEPER DARKNESS was the first spin-off book with Dr. Samantha Owens. THE LOST KEY was my first attempt at a historical. And in LIE TO ME, I broke every rule I’d been taught and wrote about writers and dead babies.

The equation is simple on its surface: Editorial Pivot = Level Up. So that’s what I’m thinking about this week as I start planning the next book.

And with that… onward! It’s time for a cover reveal and some book buying info.


My new novel HER DARK LIES comes out March 9, 2021 and this week I got to share the gorgeous cover first in my Facebook group, the Literati, and then on social media and the newsletter.

It’s been a heart and soul project for the past 14 months and counting and I can’t wait for you to read it.

Preorder your copy!

 Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million Bookshop | Target | Indigo
Apple Books | Google Play | Kobo

 Add to Goodreads

About the book:

At the wedding of the year, a killer needs no invitation

Jutting from sparkling turquoise waters off the Italian coast, Isle Isola is an idyllic setting for a wedding. In the majestic cliff-top villa owned by the wealthy Compton family, up-and-coming artist Claire Hunter will marry handsome, charming Jack Compton, surrounded by close family, intimate friends…and a host of dark secrets.

From the moment Claire sets foot on the island, something seems amiss. Skeletal remains have just been found. There are other, newer disturbances, too. Menacing texts. A ruined wedding dress. And one troubling shadow hanging over Claire’s otherwise blissful relationship—the strange mystery surrounding Jack’s first wife.

Then a raging storm descends, the power goes out—and the real terror begins…

Fast-paced and brilliantly unpredictable, J.T. Ellison’s breathtaking new novel invites you to a wedding none will forget—and some won’t survive.


March 9 will be here before we know it. In the meantime, have you read GOOD GIRLS LIE yet? It’s now available in mass market paperback max. Get your copy today!



Heartbroken, with everyone, at the tragic loss of Chadwick Boseman. Rest in Power, King T’Challa.

Elizabeth Debicki to Star in World War II-Set Limited Series For Vendôme, Anonymous Content (EXCLUSIVE). Ariel Lawhon’s CODE NAME HÉLÈNE is going to be a TV show and I just can’t even!

10 of the Best Small-Town Thrillers to Read This Summer. Have you read any of these?

The dangers of doomscrolling. Limiting your media consumption is more healthy than you know.

The Book of V.E. Schwab's Heart. If y’all aren’t paying attention to V.E. Schwab yet, it’s time to get with the program. She’s hands-down one of the most brilliant writers I know.

Clever Images Made Out of Perfectly Arranged Pencils. Amazing!

How to Calm Morning Anxiety by Mindfully Drinking Tea. A wonderful way to start the day. Do you have a morning habit?

16 Literary Throw Pillows for your Reading Nook. So many cute options.

Get Happier by Rereading Your Favorite Books From Childhood. What was your favorite book as a child?

Twin Sisters Who Married Twin Brothers Announce Pregnancies. One of those storylines you pitch and your editor and agent give you major side eye...

25 Animations of Great Literary Works: From Plato, Dostoevsky & Dickinson, to Kafka, Hemingway & Bradbury. Very cool.

THE ORDER by Daniel Silva

I’ve been a Silva fan forever and a day. I look forward to his books in the way of all rabid fans. He never, ever disappoints, and that is an incredible track record for an author. This new Gabriel Allon adventure is the perfect escape. I’ve been reading slowly because I don’t want to wait another year for more! 😭 Highly recommended. What are you reading?

That’s it from me. Do some deep work this week, think about what you want from your life, hydrate, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - August 23.png

Hello hello hello, and happy Sunday, friends. I hope you’re doing well this week.

How are you? Hanging in there? Gearing up for Fall? Kids back in school? We were on the porch last night and there was actually a hint of coolness in the air. Soon enough we’ll be voting and having fires and staying inside. Normally I’d be thrilled by this prospect, but I admit to being a wee bit concerned about heading into the cold and flu and election season with a pandemic at hand. But after flying this week, and feeling relatively safe, I’ve committed to getting back into the world. With my mask, and my spray, and my gels, of course.

What this really means is I’m going to get a haircut, and schedule a dentist appointment, and I had a huge treat today—a Sonic diet cherry limeade. (It’s the little things.)

Now that GOOD GIRLS LIE max is out in the world (see the little video below), it’s about time to start sharing the cover and story for HER DARK LIES. I have a final cover, and I have final copy, and I promise I will reveal both shortly. The Literati on Facebook get to see it first, (so you might want to join us there) and it will be in next month’s newsletter. By the way, when you open the newsletter you get entered into a giveaway for a $30 gift card to the bookstore of your choice, so if you’re signed up and don’t see it in your inbox, check your promotions or (egads) junk folders. I’ve been having some deliverability issues with my current service, and I promise to work on that shortly.

The (next) new book is starting to speak, as well. I’ve been trying to tell it to hold on, because I have a VERY big September ahead and I don’t want to start until October 1, but I heard a song today that embodied the story, and that was it, my main character started talking. What are you gonna do? 

I’m committed—committed—to outlining this new book. I’m using THE ANATOMY OF STORY by John Truby, whom my brilliant friend and fellow author Ariel Lawhon has been trying to help me conquer for years. Did I mention I am committed, friends? After the craziness of the past 14 months, I’m ready for a nice, smooth writing process. Since I’ve been a committed pantser forever, it should be a very interesting few months. Would love to hear from some of my writer friends—have you ever used Truby? What do you think?

And with that… onward!

GOOD GIRLS LIE got max’d!

GOOD GIRLS LIE is now available in mass market paperback max! Get your copy today.


I recorded a video to show you what the new edition of GOOD GIRLS LIE looks like, talk about my inspiration for the book, and also give you a glimpse of where I grew up in Colorado. And deer!


Listen Up: The Benefits of Audiobooks for Your Heart and Mind. This is great. I am a fan. What’s the best audiobook you’ve listened to lately?

10 New Thrillers That Will Keep You Awake During Hot August Nights. Hank Phillippi Ryan’s THE FIRST TO LIE was excellent and I’m looking forward to Amber Garza’s WHEN I WAS YOU. Have you read any of these yet?

4 of the Best Campus Novels to Get in the Spirit of the Fall Academic Year. Thrilled to see GOOD GIRLS LIE included on this awesome Book Riot list!

These 3 Practices by Bill Gates Will Change How You Read. "It’s about what and how you read that will improve your life’s quality and enhance your mind."

This Twitter Account Rates Zoom Backgrounds, and It Hates Your Color-Coordinated Books. Uh oh. Fie, I say. Fie!

More Fascinating and Free Things From the Library of Congress Website. Very cool.

The Joys of Mystery Fiction's Most Enduring Tropes. Tropes serve a purpose. Do you have a favorite?

If you haven’t read WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE from my Taylor Jackson series, you can enter to win it in this Lethal Attraction: Romance Suspense giveaway!

That’s it from me. The minions send their best and say take a walk, buy some new kitchen towels, dust your bookshelves, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - August 16.png

Happy Sunday, friends. Greetings from the western command, aka my hometown in Colorado! 

Yes, I bit the bullet and made the trek to see my parents. My dad’s birthday is today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY!), and I decided not to miss it. Hey, 86 revolutions around the sun is something to celebrate. We’ve had a great, quiet, socially-distanced, antibacterial-laden few days. Plus... THE NEW BOOK IS DONE! I turned in the final draft, and now the book is going to galleys and out for review. (GULP) We still have to do a proper copyedit and final page passes, but it’s time for me to look forward to what’s next.

And maybe get back to reading. I’ve struggled with my reading all year. COVID and deadlines have conspired against me. I’ve found some amazing books that I really connected with, but there has been a surprising number that I’ve started, then abandoned. Even titles from some of my all-time favorite writers are failing to keep me engaged. It’s not them, it’s me, without a doubt. I’ve even slowed on my movie and TV consumption. There has been so much upheaval this year, with more to come, for sure. (More on that next week 🙂)  I hope that in the weeks ahead, I’ll find the connection again. Do you ever have dry spells like this? 

That said, we watched one of my favorite movies last night—DAVE—one of those perfectly idealistic views of what Washington, DC and the presidency could look like, littered with the reporters and pundits and politicians of my youth in cameo appearances. If you haven’t seen it, I highly encourage you to try. It’s sweet and one of the better interior White House settings (though the presser at the end breaks with the real press briefing room.) Hollywood rarely gets the interiors right—take West Wing, for example. Nope. Not even close. Welcome to my random weird pet peeve. 

Big week ahead, with the release of GOOD GIRLS LIE in mass market Max (buy links below). I LOVE the new size and shape. It sits well in the hand and falls open in the way of a beloved, well-read book. What’s also cool is there is a monster of a secret surprise in it—so grab your copy and get in on the secret!


Book News

GOOD GIRLS LIE comes out in mass market paperback max on Tuesday! I got my copies and I absolutely love this new format. So easy to hold! Make sure you preorder your copy—you’ll enjoy a nice surprise in the back.


Only one day left to get LIE TO ME for $2.99!

If you haven’t read WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE from my Taylor Jackson series, you can enter to win it in this Lethal Attraction: Romance Suspense giveaway! Plus 50+ exciting Romantic Suspense novels from a great collection of authors and more.


Rebecca Movie First Look Images Show Off Netflix’s Hitchcock Adaptation. October 21 can’t come soon enough!!! I’m so, so excited about Armie Hammer as Max.

How to Start a Long-Running Mystery Series From Scratch. Great advice! I’m curious, do you prefer standalones or series?

It's Time to Radically Rethink Online Book Events. What have you liked about the virtual book events you’ve attended?

To Live Alone in the Woods and Write. The dream, right? Or is it… our reality???

It's Time to Demystify the Serial Killer. Great piece from wonderful writer Catherine Ryan Howard.

8 Thrillers Told From Multiple Points of View. Great list! Do you prefer multiple POVs? I can’t seem to write without them.

How Many Books is Too Many? Ask the World's 10 Biggest Libraries. Jaw-dropping numbers, but really, such a rhetorical question.

Joan Didion’s Favorite Books of All Time, in a Handwritten Reading List. I love this kind of thing.

Hemingway’s Advice on Writing, Ambition, the Art of Revision, and His Reading List of Essential Books for Aspiring Writers. So much inspiration here.

Meg Tucker Talks With Author J.T. Ellison. Loved this book club chat with my pal Meg!

August 2020 TBR.jpeg

Speaking of reading… Here's how my TBR is shaping up for August! So many amazing books. Which one should I read next? I’ve already conquered CONFESSIONS ON THE 7:45, which was one of the books that really landed with me.

What are you reading?

That’s it from me. Wish my dad a happy birthday, reminisce about your hometown, wish me luck on the big week ahead, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - August 9.png

Happy Sunday, friends.

I was up late last night, unable to sleep for unfathomable reasons, emailing with a friend who was also unable to sleep (though she’d had a cup of coffee at 9, so at least she had an excuse.) In the quiet darkness, the cats snuggled in my legs, my husband sound asleep beside me, my brain decided to kick into gear and gave me three scenes for a story I’m working on. I am nothing if not respectful of my muse, so I broke off the conversation and sent myself notes. And then I laid there, remembering the night I dreamed the entire plot of ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS. I woke from this crazy nightmare, went to my office, filled thirteen pages in a spiral topped reporter’s notebook, then went back to sleep. There’s only one difference in the final book from that initial swath of fevered, mid-night thought: a character I wrote out because things were getting too complicated. I think he came back to life in a later story, but I’d have to check.

After 14 months of pushing hard on a book that didn’t want to do what I wanted it to do, this moment of flow feels like such a blessing. Even though it came in the middle of the night, even though I lost several hours of sleep before and after and I have a headache and the yawns now, it tells me my brain is finally, finally healing from the double surgeries last year.  When I first started out, middle of the night ideas were my life’s blood. They haven’t been happening as often lately. Hell, they haven’t been happening at all. So I’ve taken as much advantage of the quarantine as humanely possible in order to give myself grace and space. I have leaned in. I have taken advantage of my natural introversion to create a cocoon of creativity and small joys.

And I have paid close attention to how people I respect are handling themselves. One friend is getting up at 5:30 am to work. Another is on a major daily yoga kick before she writes. Another is writing whilst schooling multiple teenagers, and yet another editing whilst managing both toddlers and a move out of state. Another has a full-time job and is writing and handling a family. Another hasn’t changed schedules at all, writing in the morning, exercising in the afternoon. Another committed to, and has stuck with, writing 500 words a day.

There is one thing they all have in common. They are working. They are writing through this. Nora Roberts once said to surround yourself with people you respect, who you can trust, who are aligned with your ethos and work ethic. I took that to heart. Now, when times have gotten so incredibly hard for us all, the residents of my virtual Montparnasse are plugging away. So are a lot of writers of my acquaintance. When I first started out in publishing, it wasn’t unusual for top writers to have multiple books a year. I think that time is upon us again. Being able to write in the time of COVID is going to be lucrative. 

Don’t think I’m ragging on writers who aren’t writing now. See above: I just spent 14 months on my last book; drafting a novel usually takes me 4 months. The new dynamic of having children at home, the sheer stress of the massive uncertainties about the Fall, the quicksand we’re trying to navigate — the election, the virus, schools, social upheaval — this is a terrible environment for creative thought. 

What I’m saying is, find your people. Find and surround yourself with creatives who will try to stick to habits and work times, who will email with you in the middle of the night, who will lean in with you, hold you together when you need to fall apart. Find the ones who will cheer your successes, not tear them down. 

And find your habit. If you’re struggling, set aside twenty minutes today to dedicate to your work. Twenty minutes. That’s all. Twenty minutes today. Twenty minutes tomorrow. Start slowly, and build yourself up. You’ve got this!


Book News

Here’s some good news for your weekend: LIE TO ME is on sale for $2.99!

And for the audiobook listeners around here, Apple Books included TEAR ME APART in their Mysteries and Thrillers Audiobooks under $5 sale.

We’re still counting down to GOOD GIRLS LIE releasing in mass market paperback max August 18! Make sure you preorder your copy!

(August is going to see a LOT of sales, so be prepared…)


17 New YA Thrillers And Mysteries To Die For. Great list! I love YA - do you read the genre, or share the books with your kids?

Face masks can help curb the spread of the coronavirus, the CDC says. Researchers recommend a multi-layered mask. Seriously, my darlings, wear your mask. I know they’re horribly annoying, but they are helping flatten the curve again.

This ‘Bookworm’ Tiny Cabin’s Purpose Is To Give You a Peaceful Place to Read. What a cozy retreat! I’d love to have a tiny reading house…

How to Write A Powerful, Enticing, Intriguing, Amazing Opening Line For Your Novel. I was incredibly honored to have the opening of GOOD GIRLS LIE included in this amazing piece.

When Mums Go Bad: How Fiction Became Obsessed With The Dark Side Of Motherhood. “These new mums we are getting to know are human; flawed, not unlike the ones we know in our own lives. Barring – hopefully – the murdering and the stalking.” What do you think of this trend?

7 Audiobooks Narrated by the Original Hamilton Cast. And I bet they’re amazing. I will never not love the hell out of Hamilton and Lin Manuel-Miranda’s brain.

Meg Cabot Had A Front Row Seat To A Real Life Pandemic Rom-Com. This is such a sweet story!

That Time I Chauffeured Jorge Luis Borges Around Scotland. Oh, I adored this story. Sometimes we don’t realize what a special moment we’re having.

More Bookish and Literary Masks for Your Pandemic Life. There are so many great options! What mask have you chosen?

Q&A With New York Times Bestselling Author J.T. Ellison on GOOD GIRLS LIE. I so enjoyed my conversation with Judith Collins!

THE FIRST TO LIE by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Intricate, complex, and devilishly clever, THE FIRST TO LIE is like reading a burning stick of dynamite. Once the fuse is lit you will not be able to look away until the explosive end. Hank Phillippi Ryan is the modern queen of the cat and mouse tale, and this is another brilliant work from a master storyteller that will keep you guessing right to the last page.

What are you reading?

That’s it from me. Give yourself twenty minutes, pick up a new mask, have some fruit, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.