Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - October 28.jpg

Hello, friends! Welcome to another Sunday. It’s a weekend of huge change around Casa Ellison. I’ve started the major renovation of my office. Five of the 6 bookshelves are in (we mis-measured and have to get a slightly smaller one, which will be installed next week.) I have a new rug, a new chair, and my new desk is being made. That won’t come until later in November, so I’m using Randy’s old drafting table as a desk in the meantime.

Change is hard for me. But once I decide I’m going to make a change, it’s full bore ahead. I’ve known I needed to do this in my office for several years, ever since I realized my “office” was pretty but unusable. I worked on the deck, the dining room, the kitchen, the living room. My “office” was scattered everywhere. When we did the redesign of the living room last year, I knew the office would have to be next. But I didn’t want to let go of my desk. Here’s a piece I did the last time I made a change to my office — moving from my very first desk to the set up I’m dismantling, desktop to laptop. Having a laptop does change things considerably. But I want to contain my creativity to the office again. To have a single place to go, so when I leave, I know that I’ve done my work and now it’s time to switch gears.

This will be my third desk during my career. I’m looking forward to it, and all the new things I’m going to create on it. I’ll post pics when it’s all finished.

Time for the latest and greatest links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week: 

The Snarling Girl. Incredible piece by Elisa Albert. Ambition is so fraught for many of us and this spoke to me deeply. I’ve shared it far and wide with writer friends this week. Some love it, some hate it. Some just curse me because it’s so long. 😆

5 Writing Tips: Barbara Kingsolver. Lessons from masters are always worth looking at.

How to Help People Affected by Hurricane Michael. It’s still bad down in Florida. With our current news cycles, it’s sometimes hard to imagine what these folks are going through.

A Unified Theory of Everything Wrong with the Internet. I have to admit, I have been considering a detox… it’s about time for a wee social media sabbatical. Besides, the Internet is such a distraction! When I’m drafting like this, I need to be totally focused.

Quick fashion tip: spend to your weakness. Superb advice from Anne Bogel. Also, if you’re not listening to Anne’s wonderful podcast, What Should I Read Next, you really should.

What Is Eustress? Yes, Stress Can Be A Good Thing. This is exactly my kind of stress -- it's a positive thing! I spoke at length about it in this month’s newsletter, too.

And closer to home:

Only one week to go until A THOUSAND DOORS is here! I absolutely can’t wait to get this book into your hands!

Looking at the graphic above… Which life would you choose???

The Bargains page keeps filling up! We added a few new deals this week but visit the page to make sure you’ve caught them all. I’ve been doing a fun sale on TTP titles through KOBO for Halloween. All prices are matched on Kindle, too…

I was totally blown away by the news that Kirkus included TEAR ME APART in their 9 Most Thrilling Page-Turners list! It was also one of Bookman Bookwoman's Best Reads for Fall 2018 on Nashville’s News Channel 5.

That's all for now! Organize your books, declutter a drawer or two, then have a nice, long, quiet afternoon, and I’ll see you next Sunday!

peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - October 21.jpg

Hello, friends! Happy Sunday to ye. It’s finally chilly in Nashville — we had our first fire this week. It was a fun week, kicked off in Charlotte, NC with the WNBA Bibliofeast. I met so many lovely, fun, engaging women who were all such enthusiastic readers. Definitely worth the trip.

Returned home Tuesday in time to collect my parents from the airport. Which means… I took a few days off this week! The past two visits I’ve had with my folks, our time has been eaten up with work, so I closed my laptop for the rest of the week. We saw two movies in the theater: A Star is Born (five enthusiastic thumbs up, Bradley Cooper was awesome and Gaga, well, Gaga is spectacular always) and First Man (a lesser film on all accounts.) Drove all over the mid-state, checking out neighborhoods and leafy trees. Had dinner downtown and watched some movies at home (Black Swan is still so groovy nuts!). It was a nice week. I hate that we don’t live closer.

Though I wasn’t typing, I was thinking. The new book, whose acronym is ROL, is… ahem… rolling along. A conversation with a friend last weekend sparked an idea, and I’ve actually sketched out the epilogue. And I know what the climax is, and the character’s motivations. There’s still a lot I don’t know, but I’m getting very, very excited to dive back in tomorrow.

Without further ado… let’s take a look at the latest and greatest links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week: 

How to Deal with Plotter's Block (Which Is Worse Than Writer's Block). “Writer’s block, as I see it, is when you have a story but the words aren’t flowing or behaving. Plotter’s block is when you’re itching to write, perhaps you’re already writing — except you have no story.”  Very interesting…

This drone video of what fall looks like in Utah is unreal.

A Dublin janitor wins the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature from the university she cleans. This is lovely! What an amazing accomplishment!

The Very Definition of Overwhelm. A state I exist in perpetually. But I am working on it. I hope this helps you, too.

Since we’re moving into Halloween… 10 villains ruined by way too much story.

New 'Chronicles of Narnia' Adaptation Is Coming to Netflix. And I will be waiting with bated breath — one of my favorite stories!

Imagining your future projects is holding you back. I have so many feels about this... I'm a planner, and I take this to heart.

7 Movies That Got Mental Illness (Mostly) Right. Speaking of watching Black Swan…

And closer to home: It’s Books, Books, and more Books!

We’re only two weeks away from the release of A THOUSAND DOORS! The response to the advance copies has been remarkable, and I absolutely can’t wait to get it into your hands!

Which life would you choose???

WHEN SHADOWS FALL, the third book in my Sam Owens series, has a new cover for the digital edition! I absolutely love it. For your enjoyment, this post delves inside the origins of the novel.

When I first started writing, I never could have imagined my name appearing next to these luminaries. The Suspense on the Edge of Romance Collection includes ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS, the first book in my Taylor Jackson series, FLAWLESS by Heather Graham, SAINT’S GATE by Carla Neggers, and THE SECRET SISTER by Brenda Novak. What an amazing deal!

You know there’s a Bargains page on the website, yes? No? Well, there is, and it is filling up with all sorts of great deals. There’s more coming your way over the next few weeks, so check back often! Here are a few things happening right now:

I had so much fun talking about TEAR ME APART this past weekend at Southern Festival of Books and at Bibliofeast. I hope you’ve had a chance to take a look. Let me know what you think!

That's all for now! Start planning your Halloween costume (I’ll be going as a writer on deadline, as always), clean out a few drawers, and I’ll see you next Sunday!

peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - October 14.jpg

Hello, friends!

As you read this, I am taping the last two (of six) A Word on Words shows of the weekend at Southern Festival of Books. We have a very aggressive festival schedule this year because there are so many cool authors in town! What’s Southern Festival of Books, you ask? Only the loveliest festival in Nashville. It’s chilly this weekend for the first time since last March, and we all congregated to talk story, books, and all things literary.

And tomorrow, I will be in Charlotte, North Carolina, at the Bibliofeast! I have heard such amazing things about this event. I can’t wait to talk about TEAR ME APART with everyone.

It’s been a busy week, and you all know how much I despise that term. Every day was filled with new challenges, but happily, I finally zeroed in on a title for the new book. I’ll share as soon as I’m allowed, but I love it — it totally encapsulates the story and the unique setting. The story is starting to come alive for me, too, which is an incredible feeling. Every time I start a book, I forget how to write a book. And every time I remember I forget how to write a book, I can breathe easier, and the story starts to reveal itself. But titles are important, and now I can really put my head down and plow on.

Since I need to go pack… time for the latest and greatest links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week: 

Speaking of forgetting how to write books, I give you the article I read this week that reminded me of this weird quirk of mine — and helped me relax and let the story start to shape itself. Lou Berney’s NOVEMBER ROAD is on everyone’s lips, and this interview shows you why.

Bouchercon Author Interview: Lisa Unger. Crime By The Book has a fabulous interview, this time with one of my faves! Lisa is the real deal.

Imagining your future projects is holding you back. Whoa...this gave me pause. Like, serious, major, rethink my life strategy pause.

A Discovery of Witches conjures its U.S. premiere date. Jan. 17, 2019 is only 95 days from now. Just sayin'. And maybe a little birdie has seen the first four episodes and is in LOVE!

Time management Monday: Reduce morning overwhelm. Good tips. I need to try some of these myself. Then again, I could just continue to skip mornings and start my day at noon…

BookPage Interviews: Rena Rossner. Great interview, and her book looks absolutely fascinating: The Sisters of the Winter Wood.

Star Trek Isn’t a Paperless Future. (video) I adored this. You can pry my notebooks from my cold, dead hands…

On everyone's lips at Digital Book World, NPR's very sexy Book Concierge. This is fabulous! If you want to have some wonderful curation for your TBR pile, give it a shot.

Recently Digitized Journals Grant Visitors Access to Leonardo da Vinci’s Detailed Engineering Schematics and Musings. OMG people. How incredible is this? da Vinci is astounding, and to have a peek into his mind… so cool!

And closer to home:

I’m telling you, publishing a book is a LOT of work. Every time I think I’m finished with the prep for A THOUSAND DOORS, another facets rears its head. Which makes me respect you indie writers even more, and makes me doubly thankful for my traditional publishers, who make it so easy for me to keep my head down and do my work.

Early reviews of A THOUSAND DOORS streaming in, and I have to say, I am beside myself with happiness at how the novel is being received. To celebrate, here’s a wee giveaway…

Goodreads is giving away 50 digital advanced reader copies of A THOUSAND DOORS! US only, sorry…. Head here to enter.

The day Mia Jensen died, she finally got to live.

We've all played the "what if" game. For Mia Jensen, "what if" is a fact of life. Dissatisfied with her choices, she often dreams about what could have been. Now she has the chance to know. But that knowledge is going to cost her dearly. Only through death can she fully realize the value of her life. 

Bringing Mia to life are the following amazing writers: Kimberly Belle, Laura Benedict, A.F. Brady, Paige Crutcher, Rebecca Drake, Heather Gudenkauf, Patti Callahan Henry, Joy Jordan-Lake, Alisha Klapheke, Ariel Lawhon, Kerry Lonsdale, Catherine McKenzie, Kate Moretti, Lisa Patton, and Kaira Rouda.

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THE SIXTH DAY, the fifth book in the Brit In The FBI series with Catherine Coulter, comes out in trade paperback on November 13! I love this new cover, it’s so evocative, and the colors are gorgeous. Plus, I love the story — falcons and drones and London — what could be more fun?

Preorder your copy:


Barnes & Noble




In this incredibly busy book fall, I still must say thank you to everyone who has bought and read and reviewed and talked about TEAR ME APART. If you haven’t given it a try, I think you’ll like it!

That's all for now! Send me some of your extra energy for the weekend, toast some marshmallows, leave out some kibble for the neighborhood cat, and I’ll see you next Sunday!

peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - October 7.jpg

Hello, friends!

I had a very interesting week. I attended Digital Book World, which has moved from New York to Nashville. You know me, I’m curious—about the industry, about bookselling in the digital age, about ways to connect with bookstores and readers, and how the digital revolution affects them long term.

I learned a lot. Like most everyone, I love books. I read digital, but I read as much or more physical, too. [[edit: I also listen to audiobooks, which is a relatively new thing for me, and I LOVE!]]

I love that the book market is no longer only about the front list, and that backlist rejuvenation is bringing many authors’s careers back to life. I love that discoverability is in the hands of the consumer, and I LOVE that I can walk into a bookstore and ask the bookseller for a personalized recommendation.

But there is no denying ours is a changing industry. I wish I could say I had a solid idea where we’re headed, but if anything, I’m even murkier about that. Some of the storytelling AI initiatives are astounding. Metadata is more than a buzzword; it’s a necessity to break out.

One thing is for certain — storytelling, in all its forms, isn’t going away. So I’m going to keep my head down, write my books, and see where things go.

Since I’m playing catch up, let’s take a look at the latest and greatest links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week: 

10 Story Collections by Women You Should Read Right Now. Oh, and you should probably throw A THOUSAND DOORS into this mix...

How to Build Routines That Conserve BrainPower For High-Level Thinking. I'm building a lot of routines this fall. I have had a rough 18 months and I’m ready for some habits.

V.E. Schwab: Exploring Philosophical and Moral Dilemmas. I liked this because I think villains are the unsung heroes of fiction. Without a good villain, stories fall short for me.

What Personality Tests Really Deliver. This is rather fascinating. I am an INTJ, and I embody those personality traits so intensely that the idea that they might not be real bothers me. I am also a Taurus, and I spent my teen years trying to divine the personalities of people around me using Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs. So science, or astrology, regardless, we are all unique in our ways.

How "comfort dogs" are improving behavior in New York City classrooms.  I loved this. We all know how great animals make us feel.

2018 Fall/Winter Reading List. So honored to see TEAR ME APART included on Deep South Magazine’s list, alongside some incredible other favorites, like PCH’s Becoming Mrs. Lewis!

Organized Chaos: An Interview with Jeff VanderMeer. Organized Chaos is pretty much the theme song for my life. Also, it’s a great band name.

12 Yin Yoga Poses to Awaken Dormant Energy and Recharge Your Practice. We can all use some yin today! There is nothing better than getting into that fascia and helping it open. Breathe, peeps. Namaste!

An Idyllic Artists’ Retreat that Invites Guests to Take in the View. Yes, please. I would ship off here in a heartbeat.

The Useless Days Will Add Up to Something. This is really good advice. Just keep plugging away. Even if your fingers aren’t on the pen or keyboard, you can be working.

Looking Back To Go Forward: Lafite-Rothschild 1868 – 2015. I love Vinous for learning about wine. A fabulous site for those of you interested in the divine grape.

And closer to home:

We’re gearing up for the release of A THOUSAND DOORS next month! Have you preordered it yet?

The day Mia Jensen died, she finally got to live.

We've all played the "what if" game. For Mia Jensen, "what if" is a fact of life. Dissatisfied with her choices, she often dreams about what could have been. Now she has the chance to know. But that knowledge is going to cost her dearly. Only through death can she fully realize the value of her life. 

Forty-year-old Mia Jensen is home after a terrible day, trying to figure out how she's come to this point in her life, when she hears a strange noise from the kitchen. She investigates, only to be brutally attacked and left for dead. As she dies, she experiences some of the lives that could have been hers had she only made a different choice.

Can one woman can find peace with the path she's chosen before it slips through her fingers forever?

Through the unique voices of New York Times bestsellers and rising stars in women's fiction, A THOUSAND DOORS examines how our smallest decisions can create lasting effects, and allows the thought–can we actually change our lives?

Bringing Mia to life are the following amazing writers: Kimberly Belle, Laura Benedict, A.F. Brady, Paige Crutcher, Rebecca Drake, Heather Gudenkauf, Patti Callahan Henry, Joy Jordan-Lake, Alisha Klapheke, Ariel Lawhon, Kerry Lonsdale, Catherine McKenzie, Kate Moretti, Lisa Patton, and Kaira Rouda.

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Two TEAR ME APART book tour events are right around the corner! I’ll be speaking at 10 am Saturday October 13 at the Southern Festival Of Books in the Nashville Public Library Banner Room. This is the best bookish event in Nashville and I’m thrilled to be a part of it again.

Then October 15 I’ll be at the 9th Annual Bibliofeast Book & Author Dinner hosted by the National Women’s Book Association-Charlotte, NC chapter. I would love to see you there!

That's all for now! Send me some of your good energy for the week ahead, because I have a ton on my plate. Then, kick some leaves, put out some fresh bird food, and I’ll see you next Sunday!

peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Smatterings - September 30.jpg

Hello, friends! What a week it’s been. I don’t know about you, but it’s going to be a major self-care weekend for me. Books, candles, baths, wine, even some closet cleaning, maybe a little golf… There’s been a LOT happening here (see the awesome news below) and I need a bit of a breather.

And of course, it’s time to turn my energies to my 2019 book. I’m in the VERY early stages, not even 100% what the story is, though I do have a theme that I’m very excited about, and a setting, and a main character. But not a title, not yet. That will come soon; I’m one of those thematic writers who really needs a title to make the story come to life.

But it’s a story that’s been nibbling on my psyche for five months, so it’s time to open the mental floodgates and let it in.

My first step for writing a new book is to clean my office of any and all detritus from the previous title. It may seem trite, but a clean slate is absolutely necessary for me. I’ve decided to go a step further than the new chair and redo everything, including a new desk, and floor to ceiling bookshelves. It’s time to move on from my intimate cubbyhole and design something that’s going to serve me better — AKA, more book space. It’s this pesky little problem that comes with writing a lot of books — they have a tendency to pile up!

With that, I’ll leave you. Time for the latest and greatest links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week: 

What she reads if she loves V.E. Schwab. I'm so excited to read VENGEFUL! Victoria is a marvel; her books just keep getting better and better.

14 Signs It's Time To Walk Away From That Book You Just Can't Seem To Finish. I hate to DNF a book, but sometimes it’s just not working for me. I have finally given up the guilt and say it’s not you, it’s me. Unless it is you. But that’s rare….

7 Easy Ways To Make Sure You Actually Get Writing Done On Your Next Trip. Good advice - especially setting specific time blocks. It’s hard to meet word counts on the road, but you can always find thirty minutes to touch the story.

25 of the New Words Merriam-Webster Is Adding to the Dictionary in 2018. I’m down for adorbs, marg, and guac. What are your new favorite additions?

French bookshops revolt after prize selects novel self-published on Amazon. “According to the French author Laurent Binet, it’s easy to understand why bookshops are up in arms. For booksellers, the issue was not so much that the book was self-published, he said, but that it was published through Amazon.” As an author who has a few indie titles, I have very mixed emotions on this. I understand the bookseller position, I really do, but I hate to see good work stifled, too.

23 Book Jokes You’re Gonna Laugh At Even If You Haven’t Read In A While. These are great!

And closer to home:

Speaking of indie titles… In case you missed my announcement Monday, I have a new book coming out!

The day Mia Jensen died, she finally got to live.


We've all played the "what if" game. For Mia Jensen, "what if" is a fact of life. Dissatisfied with her choices, she often dreams about what could have been. Now she has the chance to know. But that knowledge is going to cost her dearly. Only through death can she fully realize the value of her life. 

Forty-year-old Mia Jensen is home after a terrible day, trying to figure out how she's come to this point in her life, when she hears a strange noise from the kitchen. She investigates, only to be brutally attacked and left for dead. As she dies, she experiences some of the lives that could have been hers had she only made a different choice.

Can one woman can find peace with the path she's chosen before it slips through her fingers forever?

Through the unique voices of New York Times bestsellers and rising stars in women's fiction, A THOUSAND DOORS examines how our smallest decisions can create lasting effects, and allows the thought–can we actually change our lives?

Bringing Mia to life are the following amazing writers: Kimberly Belle, Laura Benedict, A.F. Brady, Paige Crutcher, Rebecca Drake, Heather Gudenkauf, Patti Callahan Henry, Joy Jordan-Lake, Alisha Klapheke, Ariel Lawhon, Kerry Lonsdale, Catherine McKenzie, Kate Moretti, Lisa Patton, and Kaira Rouda.

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My show A WORD ON WORDS was on national TV this week, thanks to The Great American Read! What Makes a Great Book included excerpts from our interviews with authors John Boyne, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Mohsin Hamid, as well as with poet Billy Collins. Authors and Their Hometowns included an excerpt from our interview with John Boyne. So cool!

Phenom skier, a terrible accident, murder, motherhood, mental illness, and so much more in this chilling tale of domestic suspense~JT Ellison on TEAR ME APART. I really enjoyed talking with Leslie Lindsay in this exclusive interview. I think you’ll like it, too!

That's all for now! Take care of yourself this week. Enjoy the cooler nights, build a fire, kick some leaves, and read a good book. I’ll see you next Sunday!

peace and hugs,

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.