Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings 2.26.17

Howdy, folks. It's been a rough week at Chez Ellison. Jameson and Jordan lost their cousins Miraj (on Saturday) and Jamocha (on Wednesday) so we've all been quite sad. There's nothing harder than saying goodbye to your beloveds. And strangely, our fifth anniversary of losing Jade was last Sunday. So there have been a lot of tears, and candles burnt, and donations to animal shelters made. Isn't it amazing how a creature who can't actually talk can become such a bosom buddy? I don't know that we're ever the same after such a loss. 

And then Mr. Ellison and I were felled by the flu. I don't know that I've have the real flu since my U.K. tour in 2010, and we picked up swine flu on the train to London. That was bad. This is about the same. I am a wreck. I am on Tamiflu, and Sudafed, and cough syrup with codeine, and hot toddys, and I'm still wrecked. (As you can tell, I do sick well. Wah!)

Suffice it to say, with all the grief and illness and other unmentionable insanities this week, there wasn't a lot of work done. But... Lent starts Wednesday, and that means I'll be sneaking off on my annual social media sabbatical. I even have a full-fledged writing retreat scheduled during this time, and I fully expect to report back April 13 that I have a finished manuscript. That's the goal, anyway.

So. Even sadly, we march ever onward. It's the only way we can function, yes? 

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

Y'all know I'm a sucker for productivity tips. In honor of Presidents' Day, Lifehacker ran a special article with productivity tips from leaders who have sat in the Oval Office.

In "I'll take 'Sobering Thoughts' for $600, Alex": using the time you spend on social media each year, you could read 200 books instead. 😳

Watching HBO's adaptation of BIG LITTLE LIES? Maybe you're not into TV, just the actual novel (I get that). At any rate, here are 16 novels you'll love if you enjoyed/are enjoying BIG LITTLE LIES. (spoiler alert: along with some books from kickass writers like Megan Abbott and Clare Mackintosh, NO ONE KNOWS is on this list! 🙌🏻)

And speaking of adaptations: these are 10 things you'll relate to if you prefer the book to the movie.

And closer to home:

If you got the BookBub email this morning, you may already know this, but... THE FINAL CUT ebook is on sale for only $1.99! Get it while it's hot, y'all—this is the best time to start reading A Brit in the FBI if you haven't already, since #4 is coming out in a couple of weeks.

Newsflash: a wine-distributing purse exists, and it's amazing. We at The Wine Vixen aren't telling you how to use it or anything, but... it may help out during your next family reunion.

And if you're looking to expand your vino-horizons this year, here are four ways to make 2017 your best year of wine ever.

You like thrillers. I like thrillers. Here's a giveaway with 50+ thrillers up for grabs! Say hello to your next binge read... or fifty.

That's it from me. Y'all enjoy the first days of March (in like a lion, you know), hug your furry friends, and we'll talk again soon.


J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Well hello, chickens! Having a good weekend, I hope? There's been lots of sunshine here in Middle Tennessee this week. Our daffodils are almost bloomed out, the trees I have no name for are all budded, but there's no forsythia (they seem to have the edge when it comes to getting overly anxious and blooming too early--slow and steady, the forsythia) so I doubt it will last. Have you ever heard of Blackberry Winter? $10 it's coming...

This week I looked up and realized I was more than halfway done with my next standalone novel! 🎉 Considering it kicked my tush from one end of the house to the other for a few months, I'm heartened. There's nothing better than feeling a story quicken under your fingers, the characters coming to life on the page. It means there's hope the story has a chance of being what I want it to be. You never know though. Sometimes, books have minds of their own. 

Now on to the links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

One of my favorite reasons to travel? I get to catch up on my TBR list! But what happens when you're not feeling anything on the pile? Buzzfeed has compiled their 27 books to read while you travel. What say you, reader—do you concur? What's been your favorite travel read?

This quote from George Bernard Shaw will make you think deeply on how you live your life, and how much of it has changed in the 21st century. (spoiler alert: it's about how we communicate)

Does your schedule feel packed to the gills, even though you still have goals you'd like to achieve? More reading, more moving, more volunteering? Here's a thought: altering your morning and evening routines can help you achieve those seemingly impossible goals. All it takes is a few minute a day. 

Merriam-Webster recently added 1,000 new words to their dictionary. These are a few fun ones.

Do you like Romantic Suspense? Join this giveaway, where you could win 50+ novels! Countless hours of steamy thrillers, y'all. Just sayin'.


And closer to home:

Last week, I talked about how I'm trying to untether myself from technology a bit in 2017. This week, I continued the series, and discussed how and why I'm systematically turning of my retweets.

If you love food and happen to hit the lottery someday, The Wine Vixen has found the perfect foodie road trip for you!

I'm so pleased to share that Season Two of the EMMY-Award-winning TV show I cohost, A Word on Words, is now airing! This week, brilliant novelist and bookstore owner Ann Patchett talked with my divine cohost Mary Laura Philpott about Ann's new novel, Commonwealth. Ann has done such a great thing for this city, giving us Parnassus Books as our literary hub, and it was lovely to kick off our new season with her.

P.S. Catherine and I got our finished copies of THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE in the mail this week and OH MY are they BEAUTIFUL!!! A thick, fat book with a gorgeous cover (that should've been on Maria's favorite things list, huh?). Barnes & Noble still has a few signed copies left, and it's the cheapest I've seen it yet. Go get one for you and a friend!

That's it from me. Talk a walk or two outside, be kind to restaurant servers, hug your fur babies, and I'll talk to you soon.


Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings 2.12.17.png

Hello, lovely readers, happy Sunday! How's the weather in your neck of the woods?

I traveled to Florida this week to see family. My mom turned 80, my brothers and daddy and I threw her a lovely small party, and a good time was had by all. I have to be honest, I haven't gotten a ton of work done, but family is a very important part of my life, and I was excited to spend time with all of us under one roof. Something that doesn't happen often. And... the weather's been pretty fabulous. With all things green and sunny, I can't wait for spring to come back to Nashville. We're this close, I think; surely Punxsutawney Phil missed the mark this year—the South is seeing green things returning three weeks early.

A girl can dream...

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

This week I found an app I would've loved as a kid. For only $4.99/month, Epic! gives subscribers unlimited access to 20,000 children's ebooks. Kids can read the books as many times as they want, whenever they want. Can you imagine having The. Whole. Library. at your fingertips when you were a kid? Bliss.

And when you feed the mind of a child, you feed her creativity. Kids are less inclined to have inhibitions (a lesson we can re-learn), so they can create some of the most fantastic art. Here is what a few children's book authors and artists created when they were young.

Have you found yourself scrolling through social feeds lately, only to click away with a sigh and a heavy heart? It's a strange time we're living in. We writers don't have a typical means of dealing with hard times in the zeitgeist. Most of us consider words our means of change, though I'd wager most of us want to help our fellow humans in a more tangible way. Leave it to the wise Kris Rusch to tell us how to write in the most difficult times, when it feels like your world is on fire. (Spoiler alert: your work isn't trivial, and there are things you can do to help.)

This is a nerdy publishing industry post, but! If you're in the business, here's what I and a few other publishing peeps think you should do to reach your readers this year.


And closer to home:

Y'all know I am a minimalist. I strive to live simply, to cut out the clutter in my home and my work. But I noticed a habit of mine was clouding my brain and stealing my attention, so I've decided to change it. It takes zero time to do, but adds hours to my day. I think you might find it handy, too.

The Wine Vixen ponders a very important question—stemless wine glasses: yea or nay?

Don't forget: there's still time to enter the Harlequin Secret Valentine giveaway on Goodreads! I'm offering a paperback copy of FIELD OF GRAVES, along with my favorite romance novel of all time...which will only be revealed to the winners. Go put your hat in the ring! 💕


That's it from me! This week, show somebody you love them, send some homemade Valentines, sip hot chocolate in front of a fire, and we'll talk again soon.


P.S. I LOVE YOU!!!!!

maybe you just need one person.

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

Sunday Smatterings

Hello, gentle readers! How's your Sunday going? Ready for the Super Bowl? Have you started your tailgate yet? 'Tis the season to make the perfect nachos. If you come up with a recipe, do send it this way, won't you? I don't have a dog in the hunt this year, so I'll be watching for the commercials. Sound off on your favorites!

There was so. much. writing. at Chez Ellison this week. Looming travel plans have a way of speeding up progress toward my goals, and I was off to the races this week, had some very productive days, even found a fresh twist or two in the new standalone. That always makes this writer happy. 


Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

"Crime fiction all boils down to this question..." said Ian Rankin in The Lit Hub. I think he's right, too. Crime fiction matters, more than you might realize.

You've probably stood in the aisle of your local bookstore, poring over titles, trying to find something oddly specific, like a book set in a holiday other than Christmas. I get it—I've been there, too. We all know the impulse to read All the Things comes from a good place, from being a curious reader who wants to learn more about the world. But you know what? Sometimes these arbitrary goals we set... they're just too much. My friend, fellow author Ariel Lawhon, decided she isn't going to participate in a reading challenge this year. And I have to applaud her.

One of my favorite writer/bloggers, Dean Wesley Smith, recently had a good, somewhat paradoxical (to some) thought: in order to be a better storyteller, you need to... write faster.

Audiobooks are all the rage these days. How could they not be? They're super portable with a fantastic price, perfect for travel or workouts or household chores. If you're new to the wide world of audiobooks, let Modern Mrs. Darcy take you by the hand—she explains all things Audible and will have you listening to good stuff in no time. Rosamund Pike reading PRIDE AND PREJUDICE is perfection.

And closer to home:

Time for a giveaway! Head over to Goodreads and enter to win a copy of FIELD OF GRAVES, plus my favorite romance novel (which will only be revealed to the winners... 💕).

February is a lovely month for the gluten eaters—because it's the return of Girl Scout Cookie Month! And what better way to end the day than a Girl Scout cookie and the perfect wine pairing? The Wine Vixen has the scoop.

Assistant Amy began her new monthly blog series, "Words from The Kerr," this week. Ever wondered what Amy does for me? She gave the scoop on a few of her activities.

That's it from me! Call your mom and tell her hi, go get your nails done, play some golf (even if it's cold), and we'll talk again soon.


Sunday Smatterings

Sunday Smatterings 1.29.17


Hello, dear readers. How's your Sunday? I hope you're getting some well-deserved R&R, or at least reading a good book or two.

This week? Not such a good writing week, y'all. I'm not really sure why, other than feeling very distracted, and all those little things added up to a lack of deep work. I'm still coming off last week's EMMY high, I suppose, and had a few things to take care of in the house. A few technical business issues to address, too (You'll notice a new system for getting this blog through email toward the end of today's Smatterings, for example.)

Que sera, sera, some weeks are just like this. I did get back in the groove Friday, thank heavens. The upcoming week will be calmer, more settled, and I'm looking forward to taking a deep breath and kicking it back into high gear.

Now that I've got that off my chest...

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

Despite the changes happening in our country as of late, I think we book people can agree on a few things: we love our books, and we're passionate about supporting the people who dedicate their lives to their craft. Which is why you may be particularly interested in this piece from Book Riot on why the NEA and NEH should not be defunded

I was so sad to hear we lost an icon in Mary Tyler Moore. The New York Times did a particularly poignant piece on her groundbreaking career, a new kind of strong, capable, funny, and complex female character she made normal on the social landscape. She was a pioneer who will most certainly be missed.

Interested in winning a copy of Taylor #7, WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE, and 40 other paranormal romances? I bet you are.

Trying to find something to write about, but feeling uninspired? These 11 writing prompts from famous authors might get the wheels moving again.

A quiz for serious book nerds only: can you identify the author by just reading one paragraph?

Last but not least, Chapter 16 gathered the details of all the lovely awards and honors for Tennessee book folks last week. And there were quite a few. Nashville represents!


And closer to home:

If you've been locked in a closet or hibernating this past week, you may have missed that yours truly won an EMMY last week!!!!! 🎉😭 I'm still speechless about it, but I managed to say a few things about it on the Tao.*

Speaking of the Tao, did you know that you can get it delivered straight into your inbox? It's true! If you never want to miss a blog post from me, sign up to receive them via email, now in beautiful mobile form!

A few years ago, I co-wrote two novellas with my friends Erica Spindler and Alex Kava. They're three-part stories, each one featuring our landmark characters (i.e. mine have Taylor in them—BLOOD SUGAR BABY and WHITEOUT). I'm so pleased to announce that for the first time these novellas are available in PRINT! Click each cover to learn more (and don't worry, Kindle lovers: they're still available via ebook, too). 


That's it from me, chickens! Enjoy your week, watch some football (who are you pulling for, Patriots or Falcons? Or are you only watching for the commercials?) and we'll talk again soon.


*PS: We had a wee snafu sending the blog by email on Thursday. Apologies! The email gremlins have been summarily punished and vow not to screw things up again. 

J.T. Ellison

J.T. Ellison is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than 25 novels, and the EMMY® award winning co-host of thJoss Walkere literary TV show A WORD ON WORDS. She also writes urban fantasy under the pen name Joss Walker.

With millions of books in print, her work has won critical acclaim and prestigious awards. Her titles have been optioned for television and published in twenty-eight countries.

J.T. lives with her husband and twin kittens in Nashville, where she is hard at work on her next novel.