On Changes Afoot

You will be so proud.

Those of you who know me know I am a world-class control freak. World. Class. I am also a Taurus, which means I don't do well with change. But of late, I'm spending much too much time on the business of being a writer instead of the writing part of being a writer.

This is in part my inability to allow others to help me, a trait I've exhibited since I was a young child, one that isn't necessarily a good thing, and in part the sad reality that I started programming computers in the 7th grade, and have always been comfortable with code. You know how we all have special, idiosyncratic little talents? One of mine, probably as high up the food chain as my innate ability to spill tea on my research materials, is the bizarre ability to spot discrepancies in large chunks of seemingly indecipherable code. I probably could have gotten work with the NSA. Can't balance a checkbook or tell time, but give me a 17 digit number for my library card and I'll have it down pat after a few reads. What's worse, I know my credit card numbers. Dangerous, that.*

This isn't a strong ability, but one that drives me to Figure Things Out. As such, I tend to be able to teach myself computer stuff without a problem. Which means, of course, that I've been running my own website, newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, etc., from the beginning. It hasn't made sense to give over to someone else - in the time it would take me to compose the email asking for a change, I can just do it myself.

That's not to say I'm good at it. On the contrary, just because I can doesn't mean I should. Because it isn't my main focus, I don't necessarily know all the tricks, so it takes me ten times as long as it would an expert. Plus I'm a perfectionist. I'll do something ten times over that's probably just fine the first time.

And so. I've decided to hire an expert. Content will still come from my brain, but the techy aspects will be controlled by others.

I only have a few hives. I trust they will get better by the end of the day.

A few changes will be quickly apparent. A monthly contest will be instituted, as will a monthly newsletter. The content therein will have more of an "insider" bent than what you're currently seeing, so be sure to sign up. I've killed the Twitter feed to my personal Facebook page, I hope you understand. The two mediums are simple not congruent. But I will post the blog there, with links I think are worthwhile included.

Also, more housekeeping details: Comments have been turned back on. It came to my attention that not everyone uses Facebook and Twitter (GASP. Say it isn't so!)** and emailing me comments is a pain. You have been heard. Forgive me using Captcha, but it at least arrests some of the spammers.

And now is the time. Seize the day! If there's anything you'd like to see - changes you think need made to the site, to the blog, things I'm missing, topics you'd like me to write about, etc., leave a comment.

I'm off to immerse myself back in my research. For your reading pleasure in the meantime, please see the following blogs of writers I admire:

Laura Benedict

Deanna Raybourn

Greg Rucka

Laura Lippman

Dani Shapiro

Louise Penny

Murder She Writes

Stephen Pressfield


Doug Richardson

Jeanne Veillette Bowerman

Happy Wednesday to you all!

* Yes, all of this is probably undiagnosed Aspergers, but quirky is just a nicer term, don't you think?

** Kidding. I actually greatly admire folks who can manage without being sucked down the rabbit hole.

On A Little Tease of Samantha's Next Adventure...


A little birdie (Thanks, Lori!) let me know that EDGE OF BLACK, the second installment in the Dr. Samantha Owens series, is up for pre-order on Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Since both pages have the back cover copy, I thought I'd go ahead and share it with you too. I do have the cover, but it's much, much too soon to debut - goodness, we're only just wrapping up the tour for A DEEPER DARKNESS. But trust me, the cover is a sight to behold. I love it. So... since I don't want to let the retailers steal all my glory... I give you Sam #2.


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides 

Dr. Samantha Owens is starting over: new city, new job, new man, new life. She's trying to put some distance between herself and the devastating loss of her husband and children-but old hurts leave scars. 

Before she's even unpacked her office at Georgetown University's forensic pathology department, she's called to consult on a case that's rocked the capital and the country. An unknown pathogen released into the Washington Metro has caused nationwide panic. Three people died - just three.  

A miracle and a puzzle... 

Amid the media frenzy and Homeland Security alarm bells, Sam painstakingly dissects the lives of those three victims and makes an unsettling conclusion. This is no textbook terrorist causing mayhem with broad strokes, but an artist wielding a much finer, more pointed instrument of destruction. An assassin, whose motive is deeply personal and far from understandable. 

Xander Whitfield, a former Army Ranger and Sam's new boyfriend, knows about seeing the world in shades of gray. About feeling compelled to do the wrong thing for the right reasons. Only his disturbing kinship with a killer can lead Sam to the truth...and once more into the line of fire.

EDGE OF BLACK will be on shelves and ereaders on 12.1.2012

Available for Pre-Order Now

Barnes & Noble

PS: Be careful when looking for images to compliment the term tease... Oy, my eyes...

On Great News: More Samantha Books Coming!

Whoo-hoo! As reported in today's Publishers Marketplace, I am so excited to announce that Harlequin Mira and I have contracted for three more Samantha Owens thrillers! 

Fiction: Mystery/Crime   

JT Ellison's next three untitled novels, continuing the story of medical examiner Dr. Samantha Owens, to Miranda Indrigo at Mira, in a good deal, by Scott Miller at Trident Media Group.

Miranda is my new editor, and she's the absolute bomb. Just wait until December 1, when EDGE OF BLACK comes out, you'll see even more of her steady hand at work. She tweets @7thfloorwindow, you should follow. She is très amusant.

Thanks to all my fantastic readers and the lovely booksellers and librarians and book bloggers, et al, who've thrown in their lot with Samantha and Xander and Fletcher. We, and they, are most grateful to you all.

And as always, my awesome agent Scott Miller (@litagentmiller) made the magic happen, so I raise a glass to him. Never, ever underestimate the value of an excellent agent.

I know many of you are wondering where Taylor is. I felt like it was in her best interest to let her take a vacation for a while. Don't worry, I'll go back to her and Baldwin's story, and yes, I know what happens to them. But for the moment, let's allow the poor girl some time to recuperate, and get a killer tan. 

So with that, I say thusly, unto thees: Laissez les bons temps rouler!

On Ebooks and Smatterings


The digital version of A DEEPER DARKNESS is on sale today! 

Please consider ordering through your local independent, who can get you both a good deal and a version for just about every ereader out there.

And if you prefer books of the more tactile variety, there are signed copies of A DEEPER DARKNESS at both Reading Rock Books and Parnassus Books

Audio, as always, read by Joyce Bean, available as well.

We've had a bit of a perfect storm of publicity in the past couple of days, so instead of inundating you with link after link, I thought I'd pull them all together in one place for you to peruse at your leisure, should you be so inclined.

If you're in Nashville, I'm appearing on WSMV More at Midday today at 11am 

From LitStack - a featured author interview 

From Bookreporter - a hella good review and contest

From the Harlequin Blog - How I took Samantha Owens from supporting character to protagonist 

Reading a poem for the 5-2

AuthorLink Interview with Paige Crutcher

From ITW, a Between the Lines interview with Brett King

On what I'm currently reading

The Page 69 Test

Q&A on The Reading Frenzy with Debbie Haupt

And my favorite -  My Book, The Movie is now showing


Phew! Let the games begin. 

On All Things Short (Stories, That Is)

Most of you know I play around with short stories. Last year I put them all in a collection called SWEET LITTLE LIES, and now I've broken out some of the individual shorts, the ones that have been anthologized (Prodigal Me, Gray Lady, Lady Gray, Killing Carol Ann, Chimera) and a couple of my early favorites (X, Where's You Get That Red Dress)

The stories are a cool .99 and are now live on both Kindle and Nook. I hope you enjoy them! 


Prodigal Me

First Appeared in KILLER YEAR: Stories to Die For (January 2008)
Edited by Lee Child (St. Martin's Minotaur)

When a relationship goes south, a young woman must come to grips with her new reality.




First Appeared in Demolition Magazine and Nashville Lifestyles (February 2009 Issue)

What lurks in the woods behind your house?




First Appeared in SURREAL SOUTH '09 (October 2009)
Edited by Pinckney Benedict and Laura Benedict (Press 53)

Have you ever wondered what might happen if you sold your soul to the devil?



Killing Carol Ann

First Appeared in FIRST THRILLS (June 2010)
Edited by Lee Child  (Tor)

We've all had that friend who liked to do bad things. What happens when a young girl is pushed too far?


 Gray Lady, Lady Gray

First Appeared in SURREAL SOUTH '11 (October 2011)

Edited by Laura Benedict and Pinckney Benedict (Press 53)

It lives in the attics of a remote Scottish Castle. It needs the blood of a bride. And there's a wedding scheduled for today... 


Where'd You Get That Red Dress

The title says it all - where did she get that red dress?

 Inspired by the song Red Dress by James McMurtry