If You're in Germany or Austria...

Get ready for Poesie des Todes, the debut thriller form J.T. Ellison, translated by Ivonne Senn.

"Oh, all die hübschen Mädchen ... nun sind sie tot."

Der Southern Strangler zieht seine blutige Spur durch den Südosten der USA. An jedem Leichenfundort lässt er ein grauenhaftes Souvenir zurück: die abgetrennte Hand des vorherigen Opfers.

Was für Lieutenant Taylor Jackson zu einer Mördersuche wird, die sie in die tiefsten menschlichen Abgründe führt, bedeutet für die Fernsehreporterin Whitney Connolly das Ticket in die große, weite Welt. Denn sie hat Informationen, die den Fall lösen könnten - der Mörder schickt ihr Gedichte per E-Mail! Diese Nachrichten bringen die Polizei auf die Spur des Killers, und bald schon können sie ihn verhaften. Da geht auf Whitneys Computer ein weiteres Gedicht ein.

"Eine großartige Heldin, großartige Spannung, großartige Wendungen ... kurz, ein komplett überzeugendes Debüt." Lee Child, New York Times-Bestsellerautor

"Alles, was man von einem spannenden Thriller erwartet." Allison Brennan, Autorin von "Fear No Evil - Rache wird dich treffen"

Click here for more information...


Talent borrows. Genius steals.
Evil delegates.

It's a hideous echo of a violent past. Across America, murders are being committed with all the twisted hallmarks of the Boston Strangler, the Zodiac Killer and Son of Sam. The media frenzy explodes and Nashville homicide lieutenant Taylor Jackson knows instantly that The Pretender is back...and he's got helpers.

As The Pretender's disciples perpetrate their sick homages – stretching police and FBI dangerously thin – Taylor tries desperately to prepare for their inevitable showdown. And she must do it alone. To be close to her is to be in mortal danger, and she won't risk losing anyone she loves. But the isolation, the self-doubt and the rising body count are taking their toll: she's tripwire-tense and ready to snap.

The brilliant psychopath who both adores and despises her is drawing close. Close enough to touch....

Coming March 1, 2011

The 6th book in the Taylor Jackson series is available for pre-order now from your favorite bookseller.


New Short Story!

Featuring a new short story, HAVE YOU SEEN ME?, this ultra cool collection of stories set in big box discount stores is on sale now! It will be available across all e-formats for every kind of reader within days. So check it our here, and take a look at the amazing lineup of talent. I mean, really, WOW. This is a veritable who's who of crime fiction excellence. I'm humbled and honored to be included. Click here to get your copy today!

For Kindle click here.


If you thought standing in line at your local warehouse store was murder, then you haven't been to Megamart. These flash fiction tales of superstore madness and mayhem will make you think twice the next time you hear "clean up on aisle 13."

This anthology contains works by: Patricia Abbott, Sophie Littlefield, Kieran Shea, Chad Eagleton, Ed Gorman, Cormac Brown, Fleur Bradley, Alan Griffiths, Laura Benedict, Garnett Elliot, Eric Beetner, Jack Bates, Bill Crider, Loren Eaton, John DuMond, John McFetridge, Toni McGee Causey, Jeff Vande Zande, James Reasoner, Kyle Minor, Randy Rohn, Todd Mason, Byron Quertermous, Sandra Scoppettone, Stephen D. Rogers, Steve Weddle, Evan Lewis, Daniel B. O'Shea, Sandra Seamans, Albert Tucher, Donna Moore, John Weagly, Keith Rawson, Gerald So, Dave Zeltserman, Dorte Hummelshoj Jakobsen, Jay Stringer, Anne Frasier, Kathleen A. Ryan, Eric Peterson, Chris Grabenstein and J.T. Ellison.

Southern Festival of Books Nashville

Every October, Nashville has a stellar literary party, a weekend of major authors, lots of readers and a ton of books. And the best part? It's FREE!

The Southern Festival of Books, sponsored by Humanities Tennessee, is my favorite weekend of the year. All the Nashville authors get to strut their stuff (and trust me, there's a lot of us) but there's also major authors from around the world who attend. Two favorites of mine are going to be here this weekend, Audrey Niffenegger (I'm reading THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE and loving it) and Robert Goolrick, plus my dear friend Erica Spindler who is coming in Friday. I see a lot of good wine and girl time ahead. 

So come one, come all! I've got a panel on Saturday at 1:30 in the Old Supreme Court building with Erica and Libby Fisher Hellman, moderated by Gail Kerr, who has a lovely write up on the festival in THE TENNESSEAN this morning. I'll be wandering around the grounds, enjoying the amazing weather we have in store - 80 degrees, sunny and not a cloud in our cerulean October skies.

See the scheduled lineup here - and be sure to come by and say hi!