Media Release: JT To Be Featured on A Word on Words


The Show Will Air on Sunday, April 5, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. on WNPT-TV 8

JUDAS KISS Spends 4 Weeks on DAVIS–KIDD Bookstores’ Bestseller List

NASHVILLE, TN—March 31, 2009—J.T. Ellison, Nashville resident and Bestselling, Acclaimed Author, will be the featured author on NPT’s A Word On Words, on Sunday, April 5, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. CST on local TV channel 8, WNPT. A Word on Words is hosted by Nashville's renowned editor and First Amendment advocate, John Seigenthaler who interviews the authors on their writing styles, ideas, philosophies as well as their published works.

Seigenthaler on the NPT website, states that "Through A Word on Words, I hope to be able to 'get to' authors and to afford them a larger opportunity to 'get to' us." A Word on Words, one of NPT's signature programs, has been celebrating authors, literature and ideas for close to three decades.

After the airing, the interview will be available for download and/or podcast on

In a recent review of JUDAS KISS, The Strand Magazine’s Steven Steinbock states “With a heartbreaking opening and a heart-stopping conclusion, J.T. Ellison's third novel is at times disturbing, at times titillating, and from start to finish a fast-paced pleasure to read.”

In addition, as of Sunday, March 29, 2009, JUDAS KISS has spent four (4) weeks on the Davis-Kidd Bookstores’ Bestseller list. JUDAS KISS is the third novel in the critically acclaimed Taylor Jackson series that includes ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS, 14, and the forthcoming EDGE OF BLACK.

For book tour dates and locations, please visit

All of the books are also available for download at In addition, ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS and 14 have been translated and released in France as well as released in Australia and New Zealand.

MEDIA CONTACT: Kim Dettwiller, Team Strategies, 615-321-4073,


I thought it might be time for a few changes, so I'm going to start using this space to add in some of my own thoughts, what I'm reading, contest announcements, and the like. I'll post my blogs from Murderati, but I'll also fill in with thoughts and musings as they come. I'm looking into a discussion board so you can have a place to go chat about the books, and will be redesigning the website accordingly. Besides, it's almost time to debut the cover art for EDGE OF BLACK, which means a new look is needed.

What I'm Reading...

I've been devouring the Diana Gabaldon OUTLANDER series as I put the finishing touches on THE IMMORTALS, book five in the Taylor Jackson series. I'm nearly finished with THE FIERY CROSS - full disclosure, I've read these books numerous times, so many that my copy of DRUMS OF AUTUMN completely disintegrated on me, and hubby had to run to the store for a new copy before I completely disintegrated. They are my comfort reads, along with the Harry Potter books and my favorite writer of all time, John Connolly.

What I'm Watching...

The Wire (Season Three) I've been entranced with this show from the beginning, but it lost me a bit during Season Two when they moved to the docks. I was happy to see them get back to Stringer Bell. If you haven't seen THE WIRE, you're missing out.


NASHVILLE, TN—January 20, 2009—J.T. Ellison, Nashville resident and Acclaimed Author, recently released the mystery/thriller, JUDAS KISS in January 2009. JUDAS KISS is the third novel in the critically acclaimed Taylor Jackson series, which includes ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS, 14, and the forthcoming EDGE OF BLACK.

After only two weeks on the shelves, Ellison placed #3 the first week, and then #1 the second week on the Davis-Kidd Bookstore Best Seller lists.

Local events on Ellison’s book tour include: Evening With An Author at Martha's at the Belle Meade Plantation, 5025 Harding Road, Nashville, TN: Thursday, January 22, 6:00 PM
and Smyrna Public Library Winter Reading Program at 400 Enon Springs Road W. Smyrna, Tennessee 37167: Saturday, January 24, 1:00 PM

For additional book tour dates and locations, please visit

All of the books are also available for download at In addition, ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS and 14 have been translated into French.

For more information, please visit,

Kim Dettwiller, Team Strategies, 615-321-4073 or 615-330-5656,

JUDAS KISS takes the Page 99 Test

by Marshal Zeringue

This weekend's feature at the Page 99 Test: Judas Kiss by J.T. Ellison.

Page 99 of Judas Kiss is an internal monologue from homicide lieutenant Taylor Jackson as she drives to Forensic Medical for the autopsy of pregnant mother Corinne Wolff. It covers a lot of ground – her father who’s in jail, problems with her city, but most importantly, it shows a crack in Taylor’s code. This is the first time in the series that Taylor thinks about doing something that breaks the rules. Granted, it would be to save one of her team, Lincoln Ross, but it’s a seminal moment in the development of her character. This is a woman who arrested her own father, and she’s wondering what she can do to cover up Lincoln’s transgression. It’s subtle, just a fleeting thought, really, but isn’t that how the slippery slope begins for us all? I hope readers will see that this marks a shift in her core, and wonder what is going to happen. Judas Kiss is all about Taylor being pushed into gray areas, and this particular page sets that up nicely.

She’d been inside Riverbend’s death row cells, with their blue doors and creamy concrete walls. She never wanted to return. The overwhelming sense of malevolence coupled with dread was too much to take. She’d sent more than one of the men housed in that unit to death row and hadn’t lost a moment’s sleep over them, but she didn’t want to experience their last moments firsthand.

Her dad, well, his prison environs were a damn sight cushier than a state penitentiary. The feds were kind to their white collar criminals.

The Interstate 24 split came, and she passed the exit, driving a few more miles to the Dickerson Road access ramp. Off the highway now, into the run down streets. This was a sad part of town. A crack whore strolled by, arms swinging wildly as she walked, a timid black man in his forties following some fifty feet behind. Had they made the deal already? They must have, the hooker had the bright, insistent glow in her eyes of a junkie who knows she’s about to get a fix.

Taylor shook her head. There seemed to be no legal measures that could stop the pervasive sex trades on the back streets of Nashville. For the pros, a night in jail meant either safety or withdrawal, neither an inducement to break free from the life. For the johns, it was just an embarrassment.

She turned on Gass and passed the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations offices on the right. The TBI taskforce would be furious if they knew Lincoln had broken the rules. Even though he had done something that was life preserving, they would still punish him. He’d be kicked off the taskforce at the very least. She wondered if she could keep the situation quiet, then forced the thought from her mind. She was a master at keeping each aspect separate, tackling one thorny issue at a time. It was the only way she could get through the day.

Learn more about the book and author at J.T. Ellison's website and MySpace page.

The Page 69 Test
: All the Pretty Girls.

The Page 99 Test: 14.

The Page 69 Test: 14.

The Page 99 Test
: Judas Kiss.