Dancing With Myself

I'm so thrilled to have been included in Nigel Bird's fascinating series of interviews, Dancing with Myself, on his fabulous blog Sea Minor. The concept is simple - the author interviews themselves. Anything goes, but Nigel suggested that we work with questions not often asked, if ever, by readers and fans. There's an amazing list of authors who have participated, so give the site a look see once you're done with me. Cool folks!

Here's my self-indulgence. Enjoy!

The Immortals On Sale Today!

Happy Birthday to my fifth baby!

If you're in Nashville, join us tonight at Davis Kidd to celebrate the release with some wine and prizes. I'll be at Reading Rock Books in Dickson tomorrow night at 7. Check here for the rest of the tour scedule.

Here's a round up of reviews, interviews and guest blogs across the Interwebs.  

I'll be updating links as the pieces run.


Publishers Weekly (Starred Review): "Outstanding..."

Fresh Fiction: "Get ready for one of the most deliciously twisted, scary and murderous rides you've ever taken!"

The Reading Frenzy (B&N Bookclub): "A chilling tale of murder and mayhem and things that go bump in the night... Ellison is one of the most masterful storytellers I have ever had the privilege of reading."

Alethea Kontis: "The Immortals is not paranormal fiction, but is it?"

Romantic Times: 4 Stars!  "This dark thriller has nonstop action."

Romance Reviews Today: "The action never stops from start to finish."

Book Goggles: "With a storyline that is new reader friendly & a wonderfully macabre murder investigation, this book kept me reading at such a fast pace that I finished it within a day."

Larry Chavis: "...a fast-paced thriller that keeps the reader hanging on edge..."

Suspense Magazine: "Delving into an unexpected sub-culture—the occult—Ellison ratchets up the fear with each spine-tingling page..."



ITW The Big Thrill

Kay Elam

The Writers' Project



Harlequin Paranormal - Mythology and Secrets


Romantic Times

The Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers - On Research

Variance Publishing - Writing Advice

Janice Gable Bashman - Picking Favorites


JT Featured on Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN TV)

As a part of the Oprah Winfrey Network's LIFE IS NOT A STRAIGHT LINE series, OWN came to Tennessee to delve into the 90 degree turn my life took when I decided to leave the world of politics and aerospace marketing behind and become a thriller writer.

Click here to see the very cool short movie they put together - and check out my gorgeous town.