J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings (The Kerr Edition)

Hi, friends! It's me, The Kerr. Did you have a good week? It was a bit crazy in our neck of the woods. Between the RITA® nomination for FIELD OF GRAVES and THE DEVIL'S TRIANGLE hitting #2 on both the New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller lists, there was much hoopla here in Nashville! Top that off with warmer spring weather, and I'd have to give this week a 10.

Without further ado, here are your links for the week:


What I'm Eating

This week, I'm all about quick, flavorful proteins. Lately, I've been on a roasted chicken thighs kick (because you can get a big pack of boneless/skinless thighs at Costco for very little dough). I preheat the oven to 400 degrees F, sprinkle them with a spice rub, and roast for 40 minutes. Pair it with a salad or green vegetable and boom: instant healthy meal!

Variety is the spice of life, and I like use different spice rubs on my chicken. This week I used Primal Palate BBQ Rub. And whoa!!! Talk about a flavor explosion!

I wouldn't say this chicken tastes like BBQ. In fact, I noticed this rub has 11 herbs and spices . . . if you catch my drift. 

BTW, Primal Palate spices are the bomb. I use the Adobo Seasoning on everything—it's especially good on sautéed veggies (and bonus: these make great gifts for the cook in your life). 

What I'm Playing

I love Lady Gaga, and I don't care who knows it. When I need to motivate myself to get up and get moving, I play "Just Dance." Because who can't dance when listening to Lady Gaga!?

What I'm Reading

Confession: I'm not into "diet books," but I am trying to be more conscious about what I'm put in my body. This week I'm reading Wired to Eat by Robb Wolf, and I'm finding it pretty fascinating.

Robb talks about why we humans eat and crave food the way we do, and how we can become more conscious eaters who consume foods that our bodies can not only handle, but benefit from.

I've just started it, but I like it so far!

What I'm Watching

If, like blood types, we could be categorized with Humor Types, mine would be Tina Fey. On any given lunch break, I am probably watching 30 Rock. Because I am a sucker for smart and goofy physical comedy.

Please go watch it. The end.

Dog of the Week

This week's award goes to my greyhound, Crockett, who loves the bed so much that he refuses to leave it . . . even after the bed is made. He is a goofball. 

That's it from me! Go forth and cook some chicken, pat a dog, stop to smell the roses, and we'll chat again soon.

The Kerr