J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings

Happy Sunday! Football is back! Baseball is happening! Golf! Racing! For this little sports addict, this is the happiest time of year. My reading always goes up in the fall, because I like nothing better that to have a book in my lap and a game on the TV. My big problem this week is Titans and Broncos on Monday night. I mean... how am I supposed to choose?

And how to enjoy when the west is on fire, and COVID surging, and who knows what else lurking around the corner? This, I think, is a thought best explored long form, so I will expound in the newsletter, which I am also writing today. And I will posit my thoughts aloud to the minions, who are excellent sounding boards. 

Jameson and Jordan turned seven this week, which is mind-boggling to me. They’re the sweetest cats on the planet, a friend to all who dare enter their sanctum, lovey and silly, chasing their balls and mice, having their tails held while they eat. Randy always says they hit the kitty lottery, but I think we were the lucky ones. Tell me about your babies in the comments!

A new book is starting to form in my head. That’s not exactly true—three new books are forming in my head. Such is the way of things. I’m not complaining; with all the distractions, having any ideas right now feels like a blessing. My agent has weighed in on her choice, so now it’s time for me to settle in and start the thinking process. Wish me luck!

Lots of good stuff today—onward!


Adult Books for Fall 2020. What are you excited to read this fall? Any suggestions?

We Need Crime Fiction, Because the Real World Is a Dark and Dangerous Place. "I don’t need a fairytale experience to raise my spirits and fill me with hope: I want to challenge the worst of humanity and survive."

HER DARK LIES is now available for request on NetGalley! NetGalley is a site where book reviewers and other professional readers can read books before they are published, in digital galley form.

Normal People's Alice Birch Is Writing Your Favorite TV Shows. Great interview with a remarkable talent.

Jesmyn Ward on Her Husband’s Death and Grief During COVID-19. Stunning. My heart goes out to Jesmyn and her family.

What It’s Like to Be a Library Cat During the Pandemic. What cuties!

Donating Books During COVID-19. Helpful tips. I’m always looking for good places to donate.

Life is Too Short… “There is a good that you are designed to bring into this world. And there are people in your life that you can serve and love better than anyone else.”

Asana and Beyond: 16 of the Best Yoga Books for Beginners. Namaste!

Everything We Know So Far About Diana Gabaldon's New Outlander Book. Ooooooooooo……I can’t wait!

Speaking of… DRAGONFLY IN AMBER by Diana Gabaldon

Comfort food. With COVID and quarantine and Mars retrograde and the end of an epoch and my own personal life shifts, I need some comfort food. And I need some comfort reads. Diana is one of my go to authors when I need to self-soothe. I’ve read the OUTLANDER series a number of times, but I’ve never listened to them. Oh my gosh, y’all. To experience my favorite characters in a totally new way has been a total balm on my soul. And of course, minion Jordan enjoys mama slowing down for a bit, too. 

Tell me, what is your comfort read?

That’s it from me. Sending prayers to my western readers—hang in there. I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,