J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings

Happy Sunday, all! Second week of sabbatical, and I trust that all is well. I don’t know. I’m not here!

It’s these moments when I am so happy to have over a decade of blog posts to look back on to share. it’s like the greatest hits of my writing life. I’ve been blogging regularly since 2005. That’s a lot of words — I think my non-fiction word count probably outstrips my fiction 10 to 1. I found that writing about writing engendered my fiction, a happy by-product of my weekly schedule.

One of my all-time favorite blog posts was in response to having a little too much nitrous at a dentist appointment. I was listening to the Star Trek soundtrack and I had a truly transcendental experience… (ha!)

Enjoy this flashback into the grand abyss of my mind, and then it’s on to the links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

B&N’s fate rests in hands of a British indie bookstore owner. "His turnaround strategy is centered on a simple premise: In a world where Amazon offers unbeatable convenience and prices, big book chains will only survive if they act more like independents."

Consider the Airport Thriller - It's time to reimagine the novels we read on airplanes. So great to see TEAR ME APART included in this list!

How to Live Intentionally in the 21st Century: An Experiment. I’ve read hundreds of articles in this vein. This is by far the best conceptually that I’ve seen. From a psychology student...

7 amazing, mouth-watering new food memoirs for summer reading (and cookout inspiration.)

SHAPE OF NIGHT gets a starred review from Publishers Weekly! Because Tess Gerritsen is the master of suspense. Can’t wait for this one!

500 Queries In 6 Years. “Write so much that it becomes less sacred.” This is some of the best writing advice ever, people. Well said, Wendy.

Books and Ink: The Literary Tattoos of NYPL Staff. I love a good literary tattoo.

Why the Pronunciation of GIF Really Can Go Either Way. Which way do you say it?

21 Must-Have Summer Reading Accessories from Amazon.

Wine of the Week at The Wine Vixen!

What I’m Reading:

LABYRINTH by Catherine Coulter

When a Savich and Sherlock book comes out, people drop everything to read it. So clear your schedule for the weekend, friends! Labryinth is out and it's amazing. What are you reading?

That’s all for now. I’ll see you next week!

peace and hugs,