J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings

Happy Sunday, and Happy Father’s Day to all the awesome dads out there, of people and pets, especially my exceptionally cool daddy. I am blessed with a best friend in my father. From golf to books to movies to space, we are two peas in a pod. Love you, Daddy!

It’s been such a cool week! I got to announce the best news — a new three-book deal with my longtime publisher MIRA books, edited by my awesome longtime editor Nicole Brebner. I waxed poetic on Facebook about this, but truly, you — the readers — you are the reason this happens. Your continued support, buying the books, sharing the books, talking about and reviewing the books, is keeping me in a job, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it! And I really appreciate everyone at Mira for the huge vote of confidence. These folks have stood by me through thick and thin over the years, and never gave up, even when sales weren’t superb. So hurrah for all!

I also started PT on my knee. I got the stitches out Friday and got to see some seriously cool photos of what they found when they got in there. The good news is they cleaned everything up. The bad news is, there’s more extensive damage than anticipated, so I heard the dreaded word replacement. That’s down the road, so I’m not too fussed. By the time I need to do it, they’ll have it down to an easy surgery that’s no big deal. (She says, praying.)

I really have underestimated how much this would take out of me, though. I’m genuinely tired, genuinely sore, and genuinely sick of being tired and sore. It’s affecting my linguistic skills terribly, too. I’m working, but things aren’t going the way I want. I keep reminding myself I had surgery, with full anesthesia, so that’s playing a role. And I always forget how to write a book when I start one, which is a true writer phenomenon. Things are starting to click a little bit, so hopefully next week, I’ll see some progress and be able to start writing a proposal.

The proposals I do are sort of an outline, sort of a narrative structure, sort of a guide for where the story is going. It’s for my editor to see what I’m thinking. Characters are revealed, motivations explored, some overarching plot details fleshed out. Right now, I have a working title, a log line, an a X meets Y, and some characters. Now I need to make them all dance, and while I’d prefer a smooth tango or an en pointe ballet, I wouldn’t say no to a decent little shiggy.

One thing I don't want is too much detail. GOOD GIRLS LIE had an ending early on. It was one of the hardest books I’ve ever written because I knew the ending before I really knew the whole story. I am determined never to do that again. So no endings! I have a super vague sense of where this is headed, but I refuse to even let myself think in terms of the end. I don’t even know what the twists are yet. I’ll get there. Maybe.

On a totally different note—THE WINE VIXEN is back up and running! New posts go up at 5 p.m. Wednesdays. So if you’re into some cool wine suggestions, take a gander! It’s a 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 suggestion this week, too.

With all that behind us, it time for the links!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

40 New Thrillers Out This Summer That Make The Perfect Vacation Reads. Every. Book. On. This. List. WOW! The talent pool just keeps growing!

Best Gardening Books for Lazy Gardeners. It's like you see me.

Please, Let Me Be Alone With My Thoughts. Gotta say, the “nothing box” sounds so appealing. And might save some relationships...

10 romance novels that are perfect for summer reading. Nice list! See my latest romance read below…

What is Success? [insert laughing/sobbing] — Wendy Heard asks a tough question, and I couldn’t help but jump in and try to answer it. 

Ian Fleming Explains How to Write a Thriller. Superb advice and insights on how to write. Full stop.

Parker Posey Buys $1.49 Million One-Bedroom Chelsea Apartment. Lovely! I could do with a 1 bedroom in Chelsea. Just saying…

7 Book Promotion Trends & Tips from BookExpo 2019. Check out these marketing takeaways from #BookExpo #BookExpo19 — interesting info on debut promotion, working with indie bookstores, and packaging ARCs! 

The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet. A deep philosophical thought for you today.

Step inside 'Leninka,' Russia's largest and oldest library. Beautiful and such an interesting history! 

What I’m Reading:


I know you’ve heard about this book and it is worth the hype. Absolutely adorable, sharp and funny and self-aware, this is the book for anyone who likes romantic comedies, who likes stories about hope, who needs some cheer in their lives. A quick and satisfying read. And now I need to go watch You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, and While You Were Sleeping for the umpteenth time.

What are you reading?

That’s all for now. Watch your favorite rom com, get on your bike and get some movement in those knees, eat a Tootsie Pop, and I’ll see you next week!

peace and hugs,