J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings

Hello, my dears. A quick Smatterings from me today, as I’m rolling hard on the book and don’t want to take too much time away from it. It’s been a busy week. The April Newsletter went out, with an incredible au gratin potato recipe and a list of the things that are making me happy right now. If you didn’t get it in your inbox, please check your promotions folder, or even, (EGADS) the junk folder.

The big upshot of the quarantine for me has been improved communication with some of my favorite writer friends. I had an amazing chat with my friend Victoria Schwab yesterday, and I will link to it as soon as the link is live, so come back and look for it. And I get to chat with another amazing friend tomorrow, Lisa Unger. Will also swing back here with links when it’s ready.

One conversation I’m having with my friends and family is this. As we start talking about reopening the world, I admit to some genuine worry about leaving home. I’ve decided I’m going to stay in isolation for an extra few weeks. Just in case. Because the minute I finish this book, we’ll be doing edits, and I have a secret project, and a short story due, and I have to start fleshing out the 2022 book, so I don’t have time to get sick. No one ever has time to get sick, obviously. But I’m not sold that the danger is past, so you won’t see me out in the world any time soon. Let me know what you've decided!

As always, onward…


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I interviewed Mary Kubica in the latest episode of A WORD ON WORDS. #KeepReading

Online Bookstore for Indies Reaches a New Milestone. Best of all, Bookshop is so easy to use! I have a small storefront on there for my current recommendations, my books, and my favorite writing books. Check it out!

5 common triggers for highly sensitive people, and 5 antidotes to help them survive social distancing. Such a helpful post from my friend Anne Bogel.

Movies About Writers: 20 You Can Watch At Home Right Now. Great list! Which are your favorites?

What To Wear On Video Conference Calls. Unlike our favorite Wall Street Journal article about authors working from home ($6,000 earrings, anyone?), I humbly submit my lovely stylist, Katie Preston, from Effortless Style Nashville, with her fabulous tips for how to look like a pro on your daily Zoom.

Little Free Libraries Turning Into Little Free Pantries Amid COVID-19. This is great to see.

10 Fictional Characters Based On Real People. I don’t do this myself but it’s fun to see who did!

How I, the Parson of a Humble English Murder Village, Am Practicing Safe Social Distancing. This made me chuckle.

‘Couple-Spreading’ Is Making Lockdown Walking a Nightmare. Here Is the Solution to Street Selfishness. Having this issue in the burbs, too. And for future thought... how will this affect the way we exist together?

How amazing is this book stack?! An embarrassment of riches: THIS IS HOW I LIED by Heather Gudenkauf, THE LOOK-ALIKE by Erica Spindler, THE FIRST TO LIE by Hank Phillippi Ryan, and WHEN YOU SEE ME by Lisa Gardner. What are you reading?

That’s it from me. Keep close to home, read a great book, do some jumping jacks, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,