J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings

Happy Sunday! Astounding that April starts tomorrow. Everyone remember to say “bunny rabbits” first thing — it brings good luck for the month. I’ve been known to stay up until midnight to get my lucky charm in… I don’t know about you but my allergies are wicked this year. Itchy eyes, vertigo, sneezes…even the cats are sniffly. Granted, Jordan gets allergy shots, but Jameson has seemed immune until now. Though it’s so darn pretty outside!

Here’s some Goode news: GOOD GIRLS LIE is off for its initial copyedit. I plowed through the revision this week, adding a few small threads, cleaning up some more tiny typos from the POV shift, and otherwise tightening and strengthening. As is always the case, it is a better book for the input it’s received. I also tossed in a brief author’s note, detailing some of the similarities and differences in the book to my own tenure at boarding school — mine was college, not high school. But what fun it’s been to resurrect some of my fondest memories and layer them into the story. I can’t wait for y’all to read this one. A true gothic thriller.

And, of course, now that it’s done, I have to start thinking about what’s next. As I shared last week on the Literati, I have the spark of an idea and have opened a new Scrivener file, but I’m not working on it just yet. I have the massive secret project I need to work on first. Trust me when I say y’all are going to be thrilled.

And it was release week for THE LAST SECOND! It’s always so nerve-wracking putting a new book out there, but so far, so good, everyone who’s read and written reviews (THANK YOU!) seem to love it. It’s a fun, crazy journey for Mike and Nicholas, that’s for sure.

I’m really looking forward to a nice, quiet month ahead. I’ve conquered my inbox, my closet is clean, the house doesn’t need repairs or improvements, there’s no sword of Damocles deadline swinging above my neck. I get to settle in, read, write, and chill. Bliss.

In case you missed it… THE LAST SECOND launched this past Tuesday! Thank you to everyone for your excitement over the latest Brit in the FBI book. It means the world to me! And look—even the AP loved it!

See this content in the original post

And there’s now a mass market paperback for THE SIXTH DAY!

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

This week Mary Laura interviewed Kate DiCamilo in That Hopeful Broken Part Of Yourself for A WORD ON WORDS. What a great match up. Keep Reading!

People who read live longer than those who don’t, Yale researchers say. Not that I needed an excuse but…duly noted. It has to be a brain thing, right? Constantly exercising our most valuable muscle has its benefits!

This $2.95M Home Used to Be a Library and, Wow, I’ve Never Wanted Anything More. Incredible! When can I move in?

7 Thrillers Set in Psychiatric Hospitals and Asylums. Alex Michaelides’s THE SILENT PATIENT will thrill you, too. More on that below! There is something truly fascinating about this topic. I tackled it in TEAR ME APART, too.

20 Unsolved Television Mysteries That Still Haunt Fans To This Day. Which one haunts you the most?

The Oldest American Picture Book Still in Print is Obviously About Cats. But of course.

Q&A: Emily Carpenter, Author of UNTIL THE DAY I DIE. So looking forward to this book! Emily is a wonderful author, you need to check her out.

The Lesser Known Life Behind ‘The Yellow Wallpaper. Great piece by fellow tall girl Greer Macallister. This is one of my favorite short stories and a true manifesto that should be taught in all literature classes.

Physicists Reverse Time for Tiny Particles Inside a Quantum Computer. If I could turn back time... Actually, if I could, would I do anything different’y? Not if it alters anything about my current life, that’s for sure.

What I’m Reading:

THE SILENT PATIENT by Alex Michaelides

THE SILENT PATIENT is absolutely superb. An incredible story, that lives up to all the hype, and that’s saying something. And honestly, to say much more will ruin it completely. I expect great things from Alex going forward...  What are you reading?

That’s it for now. Find a forgotten short story to enjoy, add some pussy willows to your spring decor, meditate for a few minutes today, I’ll see you next week!

peace and hugs,