J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings

I woke up Monday morning to the devastating news out of Las Vegas, and, like everyone, stayed glued to the television and internet for most of the day, searching for answers. The problem is, there are no answers to explain these kinds of violent attacks. Evil resides in this world. I spend a lot of time in my own world trying to suss out the motivations of evil people, to see the world through their eyes, to comprehend. It's a double slap in the face when it comes to life. I am so grateful for the heroes, so sad for the victims and their families and friends, and so happy to see some rational discussions about the flaws in the system finally taking place.

So this week I come to you from a place of sorrow, but hope. I'm sending peace and love out to you today, and I hope that it's a small balm on your soul. ❤️

Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

Spend more time alone. Because deep thinking aids in human flourishing.

Cover Reveal! SMALL TOWN TROUBLE. My bestie, Laura Benedict, is such a talented writer. Not only is she a killer suspense and Southern Gothic novelist—she's a heck of cozy mystery writer, too. This is the cover of her new cozy, and it's purrrrfect. I just pre-ordered mine!

Harry Potter wand-lore detailed in new book. In your weekly Harry Potter news, I bring you this.  A great gift for the serious Potterheads in your life.

Today, I'm brave – Curt Smith. I truly believe being authentic is the only way to live this life. I love this story so much. I sometimes lose my brave, and this made me find it again.

TANGLED MERCY, an Amazon Kindle bestseller. My talented author friends are doing all kinds of fun things this week. So many congrats to Joy Jordan-Lake, whose new novel A TANGLED MERCY is a literary fiction bestseller. The novel is available everywhere on November 1, but those of you with Kindles can get it right now for $4.99. And if you're a Prime member, it's a Kindle First! Such a beautiful read, y'all. Very healing, and very timely.

How exceptionally productive people end the word day. Y'all know I love productivity. This article is full of helpful tips for maximizing time and peace of mind.

Our home library. Dearest Anne Bogel, if you're reading this, would you mind coming over and designing a home library for me? Yours is ridiculously gorgeous. Thank you.

The shorter you sleep, the shorter your life. Excellent piece—I'm a big fan of plentiful sleep. Keeps my creative juices flowing. People ask me when I sleep—the reason I can do as much as I do is because I sleep SO MUCH! 

And closer to home:

Just in time for Halloween: DEAD ENDS. If you need some spooky binge-reading, pick up our new Two Tales Press anthology, DEAD ENDS! It's on sale for only $3.99 through 10/31, so grab yours before this offer disappears like the Snickers bars out of a trick-or-treat bag.


See this content in the original post

And I had to share this interview: I had a blast talking all things LIE TO ME with Vicki St. Clair, out of KKNW in Seattle. So much fun.


Speaking of LIE TO ME–there are signed copies at various Barnes and Noble stores across the country, specifically Seattle, Denver, and Nashville. Go forth and find them!


And one last fun thing, LIE TO ME has been chosen as an Amazon Kindle Select 25 for this week. Woot!!!

That's it from me. Bring your neighbors some pumpkin muffins, linger a bit on that last sip of tea in the morning, and we'll talk again soon.
