J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Sunday Smatterings

Happy Sunday, friends! How are you this fine day?

I’ve been looking at the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year, curious to see how I’ve done meeting, exceeding, or failing to launch. Obviously, many plans have gone awry thanks to the pandemic, but I’ve still accomplished most of what I set out to do. I’ve written 150,000 words so far, with a goal of 200k. I’ve read 50 out of my 80 books. I’ve definitely pulled back on my social media time. My move streak is at 140 days, so I’m getting more exercise and fresh air. I’ve kept up with my Smatterings, and I’ve made strides into reclaiming my work/life balance. 

2020 was dedicated to the word ENOUGH. When I wrote my annual review, I was saying ENOUGH OF THIS

Now, I’m saying it slightly differently. “Enough” means it’s time to make changes. 

And with change comes loss.

This—with change comes loss—has become  my 2020 mantra. I have changed a lot about my life, both professionally and personally. I have changed dramatically this year. Things that used to bother me to the point of distraction are now totally irrelevant. Shallow concerns have been replaced with much more serious actions to ensure our bodily safety. We even went so far as to take advantage of an opportunity to move so we would be safer, and more secure.

As we forge ahead into an uncertain fall and winter, I take the habits I’ve built over the past several months into my new office. I sit at my desk with my steaming hot cup of tea and start to write as the morning sun spills into the room. It feels good, this new day, this new view, this new perspective. 

I suspect this is the same for most of us, considering. When is a pandemic a blessing in disguise?

And with that, I say, onward!


8 of the Best YA Books About Witchcraft for Halloween. I love books with witches! One of my besties has a book coming out next year that will fit this list perfectly.

The Pandemic Proves That Society Was Wrong About How to Live Life. As I was saying…

Mother-of-four 'mortified' to discover toddler sent picture of her bare bum to all her contacts. This is hands down my favorite story of the week…

Five Thrillers That Explore “Mean Girl” Culture. So cool to see GOOD GIRLS LIE included here!

Climactic Moments in Literature Rescheduled as Zoom Meetings. That would definitely change things.

Just Write: Outstanding Literary Pencils. The grammar pencils might be my favorite.

9 Micro-Habits That Will Completely Change Your Life in a Year. Small changes do make a big difference.

The Book Behind Netflix's Rebecca Is the Perfect Halloween Read. One of my all-time favorite novels, and I’ve enjoyed the movie this week. Armie Hammer FTW.

17 Crime Fiction Series That Use Real Historical Figures As Sleuths. See any favorites here?

All The Shakespeare Mugs. Great gift idea! But don’t send me one. I am DROWNING in tea mugs… LOL!

That’s it from me. Look at your goals for the year, give the kids and furkids a hug, HYDRATE, and I’ll see you next week!

Peace and hugs,