J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Stop Trying To Make "Fetch" Happen

I must admit, this is one of the best lines in a movie ever (and a great movie, to boot.) And I employed it against myself this week—in a much more loving way, of course. 

I was telling Randy I wanted to start a movement with the “Fridays-only social media for creatives” and laughed at myself for the sheer hubris of such an endeavor. Do I think there’s a need for creatives to step away from social media? Yes. Yes I do. I think we could ALL use a sabbatical, whether we realize it or not. Do I think people will listen to me and jump on the bandwagon? Nope. Not a chance. But that isn’t going to stop me from trying to gather up at least a few creatives to join the cause.

Remember how fun it was to go to a party and see all your friends? The evening began with such anticipation--curling irons and miniskirts, phone calls back and forth, a perpetual stream of questions lobbed from group to group--Who will come? Who will they bring? Who might you meet? Who’s sneaking in the booze? Who wasn’t invited, and who is going to crash?

The party itself is cool for a couple of hours, then people inevitably have too much to drink and things begin to devolve. All the best parties had about a max four-hour window. After that, someone was always puking over a railing, the cops showed up, and your significant other was in the bathroom making out with someone decidedly not you. 

Social media has hit hour five of a rager. It’s inevitable that the party grows stale if it never ends. It’s exhausting, really, to be in that mode of expectation and anticipation 24/7. I am so much happier after three weeks of just checking in, saying hi, and then shuffling off. Highly recommended. 

Anyway, if you’re an author or reader interested in going to a one-day-only social schedule, sound off here, and I will help promote the hell out of your decision and drive as many folks to your weekly socials as I can. There is power in knowledge, and there is power in the collective. My God, think about how many more books and stories will be written!

Speaking of, I have the deadline in my sights on Taylor #9, and my next standalone has a title! I can’t share until we are 100% locked in but I dig it. I also wrote a kooky little short story this week about a grim reaper who falls in love…if only for a moment. It needs some work but it feels good to have it down on paper.

📚 Friday Reads

I just finished a great book by a lovely author named Alicia Bessette, SMILE BEACH MURDER. I’m a temperamental cozy fan, because some are too cute for their own good, but this one was fabulous. Out next May, you can pre-order now. 

I also watched A Castle for Christmas on Netflix, and it is everything you’d expect from a cheery little holiday movie, but set against a GORGEOUS Scottish castle. I wish there’s been a bit more chemistry between the leads, who seemed to be going through the motions at times, but the story itself was charming, and Cary Elwes in jeans instead of a black mask and an over-the-top Scottish brogue worked on lots of levels. Brook Shields plays a writer who’s just pissed off her fans with a shock death of a beloved character, and “that” rang true. Lots of fun.

What are you reading/watching this weekend?