J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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9.27.15 - Sunday Smatterings

Happy Sunday, chickens! How was your week? I spent mine finishing up copyedits for my new standalone NO ONE KNOWS, and ramped up writing on Nicholas Drummond #4. No rest for the weary, I’ll tell ya.

I love writing for you guys, and I especially enjoy getting feedback from my readers. One of my favorite things is when you tell me you've liked something (think of it as a Sally Field-type reaction!). And clearly, by THE END GAME'S placements on three New York Times Best Seller lists, (and keeping THE LOST KEY on the paperback list at #6 for the fourth week running) you've sent the message loud and clear that you like Nick and Mike!! I'm so grateful to you for making that happen! Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading along. Y'all are the best.

And now, to our regularly scheduled programing—what I found on the Internets this week:

If you don’t read Laura Benedict, you should. My BFF has written such a lovely essay on the Romantic Imperative blog about her muse. If you like this essay, then check out Laura's books—trust me on this one! 

Aspiring indie authors, listen up! Here are 9 lessons to be learned in self-publishing, and the founder Reedsy (a self-publishing start-up) discusses how we should create and publish books in the 21st century. Good stuff to keep in mind if you're kicking around writing that book (And what are you waiting for!? Carpe diem, baby!).

How many of you dread waking up in the morning, knowing that bleary-eyed, just-five-more-minutes feeling is waiting for you all over again? Let's kick zombie mornings to the curb. This Navy SEAL revisualizes your morning routine in 6 steps that'll help you stay focused and feel great all day.

With so many things vying for my attention, I needed this essay (and I suspect I'm not the only one): "I'm Returning to Single-Tasking."

And back at base, I hosted my buddy Lee Mossel on another edition of 7 Minutes. And I also updated my Events page—I've got a lot of stuff going on this fall I want you to join me for (book fests, signings, Q&A's and more), and I'd love to say hi!

And don’t forget to stop by my new venture, The Wine Vixen, for delectable vino recommendations (most of it is under $20, people), and follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Alright, peeps, that's all I've got this week. I leave with you the immortal words of one of my muses, J.K. Rowling. Be good!
