J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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9.13.15 - Sunday Smatterings

Hi there! Assistant Amy here once again, filling in for JT as she (tearfully, I'm sure) bids goodbye to Europe. 

How was your week? Is it cooling off in your neck of the woods. I think fall is peeking around the corner here in Nashville--the high was a glorious 69 yesterday. I can feel the crisp breezes, boots, and warm mugs of tea calling my name!

I found a bunch of fun bookish (and not-so-bookish) things this week that I think you might like:

Of course, we first have to talk about JT (hey, boss, your ears burnin' yet?). I am having all kinds of food envy while she's in Italy, and have been coveting everything on her Instagram feed. If any part of your soul loves pizza, avert your eyes, lest you be consumed with jealousy

Nerd alert: Game of Thrones fans, we may be in luck! The next installment of A Song of Ice and Fire, THE WINDS OF WINTER, may be due out next year—barring a meteorite crash. Sidenote: is George R. R. Martin’s brain insured by Lloyd’s of London? Because it should be. 

The Morris Book Shop in Lexington, Kentucky, has combined two of my favorite things—books and food—into one delightful experience: The Pen to Plate Dinner! Chefs cook bookshop patrons a dinner based on a book. Heaven. You should check it out if you’re closeby. 

In more book news, Barnes & Noble has just released a new Samsung Galaxy Nook. Do you think this will help Nook sales? I’m skeptical. But it’s pretty, though. 

In the midst of a crazy work/life day, how many times have you thought I’m just going to move to an island and be done with it? This guy actually did it. 

I am a sucker for a good cartoon, and Kate Beaton’s wit in Hark! A Vagrant strips have made me laugh for years. Beaton’s got a knack for satirizing your favorite characters from history and literature, and she’s dipped her toe into children’s books for the first time. I really enjoyed her Q&A with Publisher's Weekly.

Who loves to ask their friends what they’re reading? *raises hand* This map takes that question to a nationwide level—and shows the most popular library books by state.  

Why do humans do the things they do? My favorite weekly segment on NPR, Hidden Brain, explores why we make the choices we do, and the consequences of individual actions on larger society. You can imagine my excitement when I learned Hidden Brain is becoming a podcast! Like the Serial and Invisibilia podcasts before it, it’s sure not to disappoint. 

That’s all I’ve got this week, folks. JT will (finally) be back next Sunday, so I’m sure she’ll regale you on all her European-filled activities. It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you.

I leave you with this Faulkner quote, which I'm making my creativity mantra for life.

See you soon!
Assistant Amy