J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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8.25.15 - THE LOST KEY, now out in paperback for $9.99!

One of the most devastating parts of summer is, bar none, the TV hiatus. 

Oh sure. As an artist, I understand the benefits of taking time away from your craft to recharge your batteries. Heck, when I'm under deadline, I read like the dickens to refill my well, so I can keep my creative juices flowing. You guys know this.

But selfishly . . . I want all the TV. All the time.

And when it's finally time to sit down and watch my favorite show (RIP, Mad Men), for the life of me, if there isn't a "Previously on Mad Men!" highlight reel at the beginning, I'm slightly lost. And a little confused. And a little ashamed, because how could I be a true fan if I forget those nitty-gritty details?!

The same holds true with books. I can't tell how how many times I've skimmed the previous book in a series to refresh my brain on storylines, so I can nerd out in the best way possible when I get my hands on the coveted new addition to the series! 

TV. Books. A nerd in one arena, and chances are, you'll be a nerd in (several) others.

And so, my chickens and Nicholas Drummond fans, THE LOST KEY goes on sale in paperback today for only $9.99 (and cheaper, at some retailers!). It's a fantastic way for you to catch up on all the action before the next book in the A Brit in the FBI series, THE END GAME, releases September 15. Pre-order your copy of THE END GAME now, so you can start on the fun as soon as retailers put it on the shelves.

Because being a nerd is hard work, y'all.