J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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8.23.15 - Sunday Smatterings

Hello, lovelies! How are you? I came home this week after an extended work/play trip—and boy, were my kitties glad to see me (and me, them!). My first morning back, I don’t think they budged for an hour, preferring to perch on top of Mama instead of beg for breakfast. Hey, there are worse things.

Here are some things that piqued my interest this week:

First of all, did you hear about the first two women who graduated from Army Ranger School?! Tough. As. Nails. Xander would be proud.  

You want to know about the She Reads Triangle. Combine equal parts food, friends, authors, and book discussions, and you’re going to have yourself one grand bookish weekend in North Carolina!

One of my favorite writing bloggers, Steven Pressfield, always hits it out of the park. But the advice he gave this week was so simple, yet so difficult for some to swallow: the artist’s most important skill. This one I actually do know, and follow. 

An artist always needs the right tools to get the job done. WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE?! 

And contests still abound, folks. Don’t forget about my publisher MIRA’s Bookclubbish Summer Reading Sweepstakes! And, of course, don’t forget about my August contest

That's all I've got, folks. Have a great final week of August!