J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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8.16.15 - Sunday Smatterings

Hello, darlings! How’s your week been? Is back-to-school time kickstarting your routine again? Or are you still in the throes of summer? For me, it’s completely the latter, and will be for quite some time.

I’ve spent this week with the lovely Catherine Coulter in Sausalito, dreaming up new adventures for Nicholas Drummond and Mike Caine all while basking in the gorgeous San Francisco Bay views from her house. Seriously, I could really get used to having that vantage point (especially with the fog! #pluviophile). 

With my head in Book Land, I didn’t spend as much time on the Internets as usual this week. But I did manage to unearth some interesting tidbits:

Those of you with an eye toward reaching an audience might find this article from Buffer on why you should try to keep your existing customers quite interesting.

Hey wordsmiths, listen up: the incomparable Jane Friedman had a very insightful guest post on “3 Qualities of Masterful Word Choice” from author Barbara Baig’s new book, Spellbinding Sentences. Some really good nuggets in this one. 

In book news, the reviews have started rolling in for THE END GAME, and I’m so pleased by the positive feedback! Particularly, the fine people at Publisher’s Weekly had some nice things to say in their starred review.

And on the home front, InD’tale publisher T.J. Mackay stopped by for a 7 Minutes chat, and she was just awesome. Smart, savvy, and so much fun! 

Oh, and don’t forget about my August contest, still ripe for entering!  Free books, people!

And here’s a little carpe diem for your week: “Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” –Farrah Gray (which is my philosophy on life—that and, you know, “It's never too late!”)