J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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8.14.16 - Sunday Smatterings

Hello, chickens!

It's me, JT! How's your neck of the woods? I've been in Colorado this week, visiting my family and enjoying the big, blue sky out here (not to mention winning some golf money off of my dad's group—mwahaha!). Thanks to everyone who came to Tattered Cover for the signing this week—I always enjoy catching up with familiar faces and meeting new ones. You guys are the best.

Oh, and we're taking a family road trip this week. Yep, you read that right. Me, parents, and siblings are loading up to visit Mt. Rushmore.

Wish us luck.

And be on the lookout for photos on Facebook and Instagram!



Here's what happened on the Internets this week:

I am a book nerd, and I love tea. Therefore, I love adorable book & tea accessories. BookBub compiled a list of 17 kitschy items that'd be great stocking stuffers for anyone on your list who loves to lose themselves in a great story while sipping a warm beverage.


I know y'all like finding new recipes as much as I do. This week Amy discovered (and loved!) this apple cider vinegar coleslaw recipe. Light and refreshing, this is the slaw to serve to your mayo-averse friends and goes great with bbq chicken.


It's no secret that I adore the brilliant Margaret Atwood—I even got to interview her for my TV show, A Word on Words! I was delighted to connect with her over our shared childhoods growing up in the wild—she in Eastern Canada, and me in the Colorado. The Wall Street Journal went a bit deeper into Atwood's childhood, and I grew even more fascinated. *Note: a WSJ login is needed to access the full article.


"This is why you shouldn't check email outside of work"—YES. I loved from The Daily Mail. Seriously, let's all agree to shut off our email at 6 p.m., shall we?


"To a writer, a body of work is a taunt." An interesting assertion in the New York Times Book Review. Fellow writers, do you agree?


And closer to home:

Darlings. The NO ONE KNOWS paperback is available for pre-order (!!!), and I've got to tell you, I love this gorgeous cover. Take note, paperback lovers: this will be in stores November 1. 

That's it from me! Y'all have a good week, hug your kitties, wear your sunscreen, and we'll talk again soon!
