J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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7.30.15 - 7 Minutes With... Kim Law

So happy to have my buddy Kim Law on the blog today! Kim is a Nashville romance writer who astounds me with her productivity, amuses me with great stories of writers writing pantless (come on, we all do it, but Kim's stories turn it into a high art!), and always finds time to smile. She's a sharp cookie who knows exactly which heartstrings to pluck with her stories. I love giving away her books because she's just so lovely, and the books are so lovey! Meet Kim, y'all!


Set your music to shuffle and hit play. What’s the first song that comes up?

Something soft and probably boring. (My taste in music disgusts my husband. :) )

Now that we’ve set the mood, what are you working on today?

Today I’m finishing up edits for my third Turtle Island book. ON THE ROCKS is set to come out January 12, and was (strangely) an “easy” book for me to write.

 What’s your latest book about?

My latest book, MONTANA CHERRIES, is about a daughter who’s devoted her adult life to helping raise her five brothers and is finally getting her chance to chase her own dreams. But before she can depart from her family cherry orchard, she learns secrets about her family, uncovers buried memories that leave a lasting scar, and finds herself caring more than she expected to for old friend (with sexy green eyes). All of it leads her to question her motives for leaving Montana, and makes her take a close look at her own life.

Where do you write, and what tools do you use?

I write in several places, but the thing that’s working the best for me right now is to get out of bed and sit in the glider in my bedroom corner, laptop open, and blinds drawn. If I can do that before leaving the bedroom and “starting my day,” then I can get in two – three hours of new words. Editing is done at my desk in my office (with the door closed), and occasionally I can be found on the sectional on my covered desk—when it’s not too muggy and there aren’t too many mosquitoes out!

What was your favorite book as a child?

Would it be sad to say THE THREE BEARS? :) That was my first favorite book! My grandmother used to read it to me all the time (before I could read), until I could recite it word for word. 

What’s your secret talent?

Hmm . . . I’m not sure I have a secret talent. I’d love to have one, though. I’d love to be able to read people’s thoughts on command. I think it would help with getting thoughts and feelings right in my books. Plus . . . I’d just like to know what they’re thinking from time to time. ;)

What book are you reading now?

I’m reading three books right now: 1) Marie Force’s ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE, 2) A debut novel . . . DIAMOND LEGACY, by Monica McCabe, and 3) I’m listening to BIG LITTLE LIES by Liane Moriarty. (And I used to say that I could only read one book at a time!)

Who is your writing idol? Have you met him/her? If so, did you completely nerd out or keep your cool?

Nora Roberts is my writing idol. (And Stephen King, but since I write romances, I’ll say Nora.) I have met Nora at a book signing, and I was brought to tears. It was embarrassing. Especially when she looked at me as if I’d grown a second head. And I’ve seen Stephen King’s house but, sadly, not him.

What’s your favorite bit of writing advice?

Accept that it isn’t easy. Writing good books is very hard work, yet extremely rewarding. Suck it up and keep diving in until you get it right. Then sit back and be proud as heck when you’re finished! Until you start the next one . . .

What do you do if the words aren’t flowing?

Whine, eat something bad for me, and take a nap. But usually if the words aren’t flowing, something is wrong with the story. I need to step away (though I should really lay off of the sugar), and just ignore it for a bit. Often when I lay down and close my eyes, the answer (or problem) easily reveals itself.

Are you creatively satisfied?

Yes, only . . . I want more. I love writing so much, but the more I write, the more stories that come to me. So it’s frustrating that I can’t write fast enough to get them all out.

What would you like to be remembered for?

Mostly for being a good, caring person. But also, for writing exceptional books. :) 

Alright, now for the really important questions:
•    Beach or mountains? Beach—though I love mountains, too!
•    Coffee or tea? Neither. Detest the taste of both.
•    Skydive or bungee jump? Haven’t done either yet, but would love to skydive.
    Chocolate or vanilla? Boring. But if I have to choose, then chocolate.
•    Winter or summer? Fall ☺
•    Cake or pie? Cake!
•    Cats or dogs? Cats. They understand that I want to be left as alone as they do.
•    Pens or pencils? Pens
•    Truth or dare? Hmmm . . . I think truth. I’ll share anything, but dare me to eat something nasty and we’ll have to end our friendship.
•    Print or ebook? Ebook.


As a child, award-winning author Kim Law cultivated a love for chocolate, anything purple, and creative writing. She penned her debut work, “The Gigantic Talking Raisin,” in the sixth grade and got hooked on the delights of creating stories. Before settling into the writing life, however, she earned a college degree in mathematics and then worked as a computer programmer. Now she’s living out her lifelong dream of writing romance novels. She’s won the Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart Award, has been a finalist for the prestigious RWA RITA® Award, and has served in varied positions for her local RWA chapter. A native of Kentucky, Kim lives with her husband and an assortment of animals in Middle Tennessee.

You can connect with Kim online at:






And here's a little more about Kim's latest book, MONTANA CHERRIES!

After her mother’s tragic death, Dani Wilde had no choice but to abandon her dreams. She left Columbia University and returned to her family’s Montana cherry farm, intent on being a maternal figure to her brothers. Now the kids are grown, and it’s finally her time to fly. Her sights are on New York City, and nothing will stop her—not even an old flame with gorgeous green eyes.

Celebrity photographer Ben Denton hasn’t seen Montana in years—and hasn’t spoken to Dani since “that night” so long ago. When he discovers he’s a dad to a four-year-old—and the child’s mother refuses to care for her—Montana and the Wilde farm spring to mind. The orchard is the only place that’s ever felt like home, but will the warmth of the Wilde family be enough to help Ben figure out how to be a father? 

As the Wilde family gathers for the yearly cherry harvest and Dani struggles to figure out what she really wants in life, she discovers the shocking truth about her own mother—and learns that following her heart may lead her to her dreams after all.

MONTANA CHERRIES is available in paperback at Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and Powell's Books, and is also available as a Kindle Book.