J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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6.5.16 - Sunday Smatterings

Welcome, my dears, to another edition of Sunday Smatterings! I’m very happy it’s Sunday, because my right hand, the adorable Amy, has been on vacation this week, so I’ve been holding down the fort. I’ve missed her dreadfully, and can’t wait to welcome her back tomorrow. I promise to give her a soft reentry to the working world.

On to the links!


My buddy Meg Gardiner debunked several well-known writing myths including the old canard that you need just the right setting and time to write. Trust me, chickens, you don’t have to buy your Muse dinner and give it roses.

I’m sure you’re not surprised to hear I’m excited by this great news, Outlander has been renewed for Seasons 3 & 4! I’ve enjoyed the show so far, though as a connoisseur of the books (that’s a nice way of saying I know most my heart) I wish they’d let Jamie be a little more… Jamie. You know, Jamie Fraser, King of Men…


If you think you don’t know someone who’s struggling or struggled with fertility, you’re wrong. It’s a pervasive problem, and I was so struck this piece. This is exactly what it’s like. Exactly. And even better, it comes from the husband’s point of view. I wish them all the luck in the world.


Did you ever wonder when Americans lost their British accents? Mental Floss has the answers, and it’s fascinating.


Lastly, I think we all need to ask for this umbrella for our birthdays, yes???


And on the home front:


The pre-game has started for FIELD OF GRAVES! I did a fun interview with the awesome Alex Segura in The Big Thrill.


It was a HUGE week on the Tao, where I welcomed two incredible artists with whom I’m lucky enough to be friends: Singer/songwriter Alissa Moreno and musician and author Daniel Palmer. Daniel’s is in two parts: One and Two.


And from The Wine Vixen, Amy and I covered some remarkable wines we remember fondly.


 A last thought....

That’s all, folks! Have a great rest of your day!