2.7.16 - Sunday Smatterings
Hi, lovelies! Who are you cheering for tonight? I'll be decked out in my Broncos regalia, cheering on Peyton and the boys. I do hope they win for Peyton's sake, especially if it's his last game. Talk about going out on a high note, right?
Get ready: this is an extra-long Smatterings this week. But I know you can handle it!
Here's what happened around the Internets this week:
Okay, first things first: you need to read this book. I'm serious. Ariel Lawhon has written a captivating, immersive story full of intricate historical details, intrigue and romance—all aboard the Hindenburg's final journey. It's not a book you're not soon to forget.
Scientists may onto a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. So cool!
Also, LOOK at this pen! (What? I'm a sucker for cool writing instruments.)
I must say, this is an excellent theory: Harry Potter fan theory links Dursleys to the Deathly Hallows.
Aside from the first line of this interview (um, who hasn't heard of Nora Roberts, even in England?), this is an interesting read: Nora Roberts: The woman who rewrote the rules of romantic fiction.
Self-love is important. The end. Here's how to be nicer to yourself.
I love this Booksgiving experiment The Bloggess is running. (Also, if you haven't already, pick up a copy of her book FURIOUSLY HAPPY. I mean, I was crying with laughter!)
The history of the ampersand is more interesting than you'd think.
A fabulous rant on how we writers can get lazy with our craft: Why I'm Taking a Break From Contemporary Romance. (heads up: this is pretty NSFW)
For creatives, sometimes it's a bit too easy to compare your success with someone else, studying why they may have more than you do. Here's how you can combat that feeling.
This is how to ease yourself into great writing.
I'm pretty pumped for my pal, YA author Victoria Schwab, whose crazy-successful A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC is getting adapted for TV by Gerard Butler!
Ever wish you had a road map for your literary adventures?
One of my favorite bookstores, Seattle Mystery Bookshop, is turning 25! And they're celebrating with a giveaway!
PSA: have you added my new standalone, NO ONE KNOWS, to your Goodreads "Want to Read" list?
And closer to home:
If you're itching for some free books, I have TWO Goodreads giveaways going on right now: one for a copy of THE FINAL CUT, and one for an ARC of my Taylor Jackson prequel, FIELD OF GRAVES (coming your way this June!).
And I had a fabulous time with InD'Tale Magazine, and you can read our interview here! We covered the gamut: Jaws, the White House, true love, and more.
So I got to interview the brilliant Greg Iles about his latest book, NATCHEZ BURNING, for A Word on Words. The show aired this morning and will be on again Thursday night. He's just as cool as he is brilliant, which is saying something. I really enjoyed our conversation!
Don't forget: I've got three unconventional love stories on sale for $0.99 at Two Tales Press!
On The Wine Vixen, I dished about this Pinot Noir, which you should take to your next big social gathering (i.e. like a Super Bowl party tonight!), and Amy raved about this Pinot Grigio. We also liked this article that divulges where you can find the best value wines in the world.
That's all from me! I've got some news coming your way tomorrow, so pay attention to the social media feeds—you don't want to miss it!