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7 Minutes With... Brett Battles

Welcome my good friend Brett Battles to the blog today! Brett was one of the very first people I met in publishing. We were in the same debut class, talking online about how we were going to make a roar with our debut novels, and ended up co-founding (with Jason Pinter and Sandra Ruttan) a marketing group called Killer Year, which has now morphed into the ITW Debut Authors program. He was also long-time member of Murderati. He makes me feel like quite a slacker, as he's written 20 novels to my 15, and he's become one of the most successful indie published authors out there. His Jonathan Quinn series is one of my favorites, and I'm so excited to have him here today. Without further ado....


Set your music to shuffle and hit play. What’s the first song that comes up?

 “La Soledad” performed by Pink Martini

 Now that we’ve set the mood, what are you working on today?

Relaxing! It’s Sunday…tomorrow I dive back into the next book in my Project Eden series.

 What’s your latest book about?

 REWINDER concerns the consequences of one’s actions, and the choices one makes in a reality where time travel is possible.

 Where do you write, and what tools do you use?

Believe it or not I write in my kitchen (which is not large), on my iMac which sits on a rolling, butcher block topped cabinet. I wheel it into the center, sit on a stool, and work. This way I have views out both the kitchen windows and those in the living room.

 What was your favorite book as a child?

 Hmmm….I had many. I remember loving A WRINKLE IN TIME. I also couldn’t get enough of the Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigator series. Wait, the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov was also a huge favorite, and…okay, I’ll stop.

 What’s your favorite bit of writing advice?

 If you wait for inspiration to strike before you write, you’ll never get anything done.

What do you do if the words aren’t flowing?

Keep trying until I can’t go on, then give myself the rest of the day off. Sometimes you just need a day away.

What would you like to be remembered for?

Being a good dad and friend.


More About REWINDER (Available Now)

You will never read Denny Younger’s name in any history book, will never know what he's done.

But even if you did, you’d never believe it.

The world as you know it wouldn't be the same without him.

Denny was born into one of the lowest rungs of society, but his bleak fortunes abruptly change when the mysterious Upjohn Institute recruits him to be a Rewinder, a verifier of personal histories. The job at first sounds like it involves researching old books and records, but Denny soon learns it's far from it.

A Rewinder's job is to observe history.

In person.

Embracing his new life with enthusiasm, Denny witnesses things he could never even imagine before. But as exciting a life as this is, there are dangers, too. For even the smallest error can have consequences.

Life-altering consequences.

Time, after all, is merely a reference point.


Brett Battles is a Barry Award-winning author of over twenty novels, including the Jonathan Quinn series, the Logan Harper series, and the Project Eden series. He’s also the coauthor, with Robert Gregory Browne, of the Alexandra Poe series. You can learn more at his website: brettbattles.com


Kindle: http://amzn.to/1sU1zfK / Trade Paperback: http://amzn.to/1q6ZEnO