J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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7.18.14 - On A Mid-Year Gut Check

Wrote 747 today - worked at the coffee house this morning with some delightful writer friends, got a facial, then couldn’t get back into it. Did a little, but not much. I was distracted by prep for RWA next week, and trying to get everything in order. Clothes are set out for the most part, shoe decisions have been made. I did get the itineraries printed, so that’s all set. I’m scheduled from here to eternity with breakfasts and lunches and dinners and cocktails and workshops and signings. The week will go by very, very fast. I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and making new, and hanging with Catherine - who, by the way, is #2 on the New York Times list this week with her new Savich and Sherlock - POWER PLAY! I am so excited for her!

So since the fiction wasn't flowing, here I am. I decided to do a mid-year gut check on my writing goals. As of today, July 18th, I’ve written 161,725 words, averaging 813 a day. We have 166 days left, so if this average continues, I’m on track for another 135,000, which would put me at  296,000, plus or minus. Which would be 196,000 OVER my goal for the year. 

Last year I wrote 270,000 fiction words, and felt stressed throughout the year. I’m no less stressed, especially at the moment, with the looming deadline and a book that’s only halfway to where it should be by now, but the pace isn’t feeling as strained and desperate as last year. Which means I’m more organic — in other words, inspired — and that’s a good thing.

I had one of my favorites on the blog yesterday - check out my 7 Minutes With... interview with Jeff Abbott here. And have a lovely, fun-filled, good book weekend! Think of me toiling away whilst you play. Snif.