J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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6.26.14 - On Moving Right Along

2043 today, moving right along. Still need a major day, but it’s coming. I need to use the principals behind the Rachel Aaron's 10K a Day method, map a few things out and just go balls to the wall.

The fun of not outlining is things happen that you don’t expect, but it also means things go slower. Now that I’m over 1/3 of the way home, I can start looking at exactly what needs to happen to make the story sing, both in the earlier pages, and in what’s to come.

Tonight is Literary Libations, where Nashville’s Literati come to have a drink and see each other IRL - in real life. So I need to boogie so I can make it downtown in time. Hope to see some of you there!

One last thing: Jeff Abbott's new book, INSIDE MAN, is releasing Tuesday, and there are several pre-order specials going on. You don't want to miss this awesome thriller!

B&N: http://bit.ly/BNInsideMan
Books-A-Million: http://bit.ly/BAMInsideMan
Indiebound: http://bit.ly/INDInsideMan
Apple: http://bit.ly/AppleInsideMan
Kobo: http://bit.ly/1iDp38k
Google: http://bit.ly/GoogleInsideMan

Go get you some thrilling goodness!